1)Inquiry[英][in'kwai?ri][美][?n'kwa?ri, '?n,kwa?ri, '?nkw?ri, '??-]询价

1.Inquiry is divided into two phases, preliminary inquiry and bookbuilding.询价分为初步询价和累计投标询价
2.We addressed our inquiry to the firm.我们已向该公司提出询价(询盘)。
3.We is look forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date.盼早日收到贵方询价
4.We hope to receive your esteemed inquiry.企盼接到您的询价
5.Anything particular you want to inquire?具体想询价哪项商品?
6.If you inquire specificly,如果你有具体询价
7.Many thanks for the inquiry .非常感谢您的询价
8.Here's our inquiry list.这是我们的询价单。
9.1.An expression of thanks for the inquiry;1.对询价表示感谢;
10.we have an inquiry for steel tubes.我们有一份钢管询价单。
11.We are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet.随函寄上询价单一份
12.We enclose herewith an inquiry sheet.兹随函附上询价单一份。
13.We thank you for your inquiry of... for...感谢贵方...月...日对...询价
14.Optimal auction strategy and net underpricing in IPO book-building systemIPO询价中的最优报价策略与净抑价
15.The price of this offering is fixed through accumulated bidding enquiry to the allotment subjects within the range of enquiry.本次发行价格通过在询价区间内向配售对象累计投标询价确定。
16.We are In receipt of your enquiry of yesterday. and offer you the following: -昨日收到贵公司的询价函,现报价如下:
17.We have pleasure In enclose our Inquiry no. 18 against which you are request to make us an offer of fob basis .随函附上第18号询价单,请报FOB价。
18.We duly receive and thank you for your inquiry of the1st june and have pleasure in quoting you as follows:感谢6月1日来函询价,现报价如下:

4)inquiry[英][in'kwai?ri][美][?n'kwa?ri, '?n,kwa?ri, '?nkw?ri, '??-]询价,询问
5)inquiry;enquiry ---------------询盘(询价)
6)quoted price and inquiry报价询价

询价交易方式 OTC方式与撮合方式的差异 OTC方式与撮合方式的差异主要表现在:  一是信用基础不同,OTC方式以交易双方的信用为基础,由交易双方自行承担信用风险,需要建立双边授信后才可进行交易,而撮合方式中各交易主体均以中国外汇交易中心为交易对手方,交易中心集中承担了市场交易者的信用风险;  二是价格形成机制不同,OTC方式由交易双方协商确定价格,而撮合方式通过计算机撮合成交形成交易价格;  三是清算安排不同,OTC方式由交易双方自行安排资金清算,而撮合方式由中国外汇交易中心负责集中清算。