1.Treasury Department of China issued the new standard of investment property,which embodied a progress of our internationalization and which arose some feedback in the stock market of China.随着我国经济的发展及与国际经济接轨的步伐不断加快,房地产业飞速发展,现行的有关投资性房地产的会计准则已不能适应地产经济发展的需要,中国财政部于2006年2月15日颁布了投资性房地产的正式准则,这是我国会计准则在制定上趋于国际化的一种体现。
2.The paper discussed the importance,main contents and characteristics of issue of “Construction Engineering Quality Control Rules”,proposed relative measures.论述了《建设工程质量管理条例》颁布实施的重要意义、主要内容及特点 ,提出了几条贯彻、落实措

1.issue or demand by decree.通过颁布发布或要求。
2.Congress reenacted the law.议会再颁布了那个法律。
3.someone who makes or enacts laws.制定或颁布法律的人。
4.To issue orders or commands.命令颁布命令或指令
5.Generally, these permits are issued by the states, not by EPA.总的来讲,这些许可是由各州颁布的,不是由环境保护局颁布
6.The speaker declaimed against the government's new law.演说者攻击政府颁布的新法令。
7.Edicts were issued against engrossing the market.当时颁布过若干禁止囤积居奇的法令。
8.The U.S. Congress has exclusive authority to enact federal legislation.美国国会是唯一有权颁布联邦法律的。
9.The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews.国王颁布了犹太人的迫害和驱逐。
10.What environment-related laws the government will enact next?政府不久将颁布哪些环境法规呢?
11.A piece of enacted legislation.法律条文一部颁布实施的法律
12.The city council will bring down the new spending plans on Monday.星期一市议会将颁布新的经费计划。
13.The municipality promulgated new regulations last week市政府上星期颁布了新的规定。
14.The government has impeded an import ban unarm .政府对武器进口颁布禁令。
15.The new constitution probably will soon be promulgated新宪法可能不久就要颁布
16.a decree issued by a sovereign ruler.至高无上的统治者颁布的法令。
17.The Democrats hope to roll back his tax cuts.民主党人希望撤回他颁布的减税政策。
18.I agree that King Peter should make a suitable declaration.我同意彼得国王应该颁布适当的公告。

3)issuing standard颁布标准
4)Issuing and Carying Out颁布实施
5)to promulgate a law颁布法律
6)decree an amnesty颁布大赦
