1.Tax planning of personal income tax for college faculty salary;高校教职工工资薪金个人所得税税务筹划
2.Analysis on the Difference of Salary Incentive: Salary and Stock Options;薪酬激励差异分析:工资薪金与股票期权

1.Analysis on the Difference of Salary Incentive: Salary and Stock Options;薪酬激励差异分析:工资薪金与股票期权
2.What is the tax rate for salary income?工资薪金收入的税率是多少?
3.A Reflection on Improving Our Individual Salary Income Tax;改进我国个人工资薪金所得税的思考
4.Tax planning of personal income tax for college faculty salary;高校教职工工资薪金个人所得税税务筹划
5.What is the deduction standard for foreigners' salary income?外籍人员的工资薪金收入扣除标准是多少?
6.Tax Planning of Personal Income Tax from Wages and Salaries in Oil and Gas Industries;油气行业工资薪金个人所得税纳税筹划
7.The day on which employees'salaries or wages are paid.发薪日发放雇员的薪金或工资的日子
8.pay research and salary survey薪资研究和薪金调查
9.Money given in return for work done;salary;wages.酬金,工资做工作而获得的报酬;工资;周薪
10.Basic pay or basic salary or basic wage基本报酬或基本薪金或基本工资
11.A person in charge of paying wages and salaries.出纳员负责支付薪金和工资的人
12.A list of employees receiving wages or salaries, with the amounts due to each.薪金名册领工资或薪金的雇员名单,带有每个人应付数额
13.A check issued to an employee in payment of salary or wages.付薪金用的支票发给雇员的支付工资或薪金的支票
14.basic wages [salary]基本工资 [薪俸],底薪
15.The total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.薪金总额在指定时间付给工人的工资总额
16.The amount of payable tax calculated in accordance with the stipulations of China's Tax Laws on the income earned from wages and salaries:工资、薪金所得按我国税法规定计算的应纳税额:
17.The Best Critical Point of the Salary Income Tax Planning and its Application;工资、薪金所得税务筹划最佳临界点及其应用
18.On Tax Payment Plan of Individual Income from Salary;工资、薪金所得应纳个人所得税的纳税筹划

wages and salaries工资,薪金
4)wages and salaries工资和薪金
5)Salaries and Wages薪金和工资
6)salary income tax工资薪金所得税
1.Individual salary income tax is the main body of our individual income tax.个人工资薪金所得税是我国个人所得税的主体。

军人工资(见军人薪金)军人工资(见军人薪金)servicemen wages lunren gongZI军人工资(servieemen wages)见军人薪金。