1.Dependence: The Constraint of Economic Integration in East Asia;非独立性——东亚区域经济合作的制约
2.Ever since the independence,the Indian government has strived to eliminate poverty in its rural areas and to realize society equity.受传统观念的影响,印度性别歧视一直存在,左右着政治、经济及思想领域,使农村妇女处于政治上的边缘、经济上的依附和婚姻家庭上的从属地位,印度农村妇女这种非独立性地位对反贫困进程起着弱化作用。

1.Dependence: The Constraint of Economic Integration in East Asia;非独立性——东亚区域经济合作的制约
2.The Impact of the Dependence of Rural Woman in India on Anti-poverty;印度农村妇女的非独立性对反贫困进程的影响
3.A Study on the Relationship between Non-audit Services and Auditor Independence;非审计服务与审计独立性关系之研究
4.Influence of Non-sudit Services to Auditing Independence;浅析非审计服务对审计独立性的影响
5.Empirical Research on the Influence of Non-audit Service on Audit Independence非审计服务对审计独立性的实证研究
6.Blind separation of non-independent images using complexity pursuit基于复杂性寻踪的非独立图像盲分离
7.Character Calculation of Dependent and Independent Suspension of Tricar非独立悬架和独立悬架三轮汽车特性计算与比较
8.Uniao Nacional Africana de Mocambique Independente莫桑比克独立非洲民族联盟(独立联盟)
9.The results of test are encouraging.经非独立和独立检验,结果令人满意。
10.Realistic Non-independent Options for the Independent Laborer;论“独立劳动者”非独立化的现实选择
11.A broad definition of NGO is any non-profit group that is independent of government.对NGO的广义解释是独立于政府的非盈利性组织。
12.He did not grant independent existence to the non-Euclidean geometries.他不承认非欧几里德几何的独立存在性。
13.Non-Auditing Service and CPA Independence-Consideration of Sarbanes-Oxley Act非审计服务与会计师独立性—沙氏法案之思考
14.Empirical Research on the Influence of Non-audit Service on Audit-independence;非审计服务对审计独立性影响的实证研究
15.Simple Analyses of Relationship between Independent Audit and Non-audit Service;浅析审计的独立性与非审计服务的关系
16.On National Self-determination--Taking into the Consideration of Illicit of Independence by Legal Theory of Taiwan;浅论民族自决权——兼评“台湾法理独立”之非法性
17.New conception on independence of tour guide s work--Take the interpretation of non-foreign-related tour guides for example;导游工作独立性新解——以非涉外导游讲解为例
18.The Independence of Non-audit Business and Countermeasures非审计服务对独立性的影响及对策研究

nonindependent claim非独立性请求权
1.In the light of theories and foreign law, studies the nature of right of the real claim and effects which it has on extinctive prescription, considers that right of the real claim is a kind of independent right and is a nonindependent claim which based on real right.依据有关学说及国外立法 ,研究物上请求权的性质及其对消灭时效的影响 ,认为物上请求权是基于物权而产生的非独立性请求权 ,是一种独立的权利。
3)dependent node非独立性结点
6)dependent source非独立源

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-