政策操作,policy operations
1)policy operations政策操作

1.Open Mouth Operation": A New Paradigm of Monetary Policy Implement of Western Countries“公告操作”:西方国家货币政策操作的新范式
2.Measurement for the Breakpoints and Transition Functions for Monetary Policy Operation of China s Center Bank;央行货币政策操作政策拐点与开关函数的测定
3.On the Transmission of the Monetary Policy Under the Transparency System政策操作透明度下的货币政策传导机制研究
4.The Monetary Policy Operating Rules of China in the Opening Economy;我国开放条件下的货币政策操作规则
5.An Analysis on the Policy Pattern of Interest Rate Smoothing;利率平滑的政策操作模式研究及启示
6.A Cooperative Game of Central Banks' Monetary Policies and Commercial Banks' Operation合作博弈机制:央行货币政策操作有效性的基础
7.Research of the Influence of Central Bank Learning on Monetary Policy Operation Choice;中央银行学习对货币政策操作选择之影响研究
8.The Controversy of Monetary Policy Operational Guidelines and Enlightenment to Our Country;货币政策操作规范之争及其对我国的启示
9.Operational Rules of Chinese Monetary Policy in Open Economy;开放条件下我国货币政策操作规则检验
10.China s Practical Trials with the Rules Governing Operation of Monetary Policy as China Opens Wider to the Outside World;中国开放条件下货币政策操作规则的实证检验
11.Monetary policy operations and the application of benchmark interest rates in the Euro-zone money market;货币政策操作与欧元区货币市场基准利率应用
12.On MCIs Research Venation and Its Apocalypse for Chinese Monetary Policy Operation;MCIs研究概述及对我国货币政策操作的启示
13.A Research on the Future Changes of RMB Exchange Rate Based on the Central Bank Operations;从央行货币政策操作看人民币汇率变动方向
14.Research on Monetary Policy Framework with Zero Reserve Requirements;零准备金制度下的货币政策操作框架研究
15.Empirical Study on the Asymmetry of the Effect of Monetary Policy Operation of China s Center Bank;央行货币政策操作效果非对称性实证研究
16.Quicken Price Regulation Function of Interest Rate Stepping out of Monetary Policy Operation Straits;加强利率价格调节功能走出货币政策操作困境
17.The Debate about Monetary Policy Guidelines:A Literature Review;货币政策操作规范的争论:一个文献综述
18.Misconceptions of Universities Tuition Policy and the Difficulty;高校收费政策的观念“误区”与操作难题

Supply Management Policies政策操作空间
3)monetary policy operation货币政策操作
1.Change of short-term monetary policy operation will alter the bank s behavioral parameter and also the behavioral direction coincides with the central bank s expectation.文章以1994~2002年为样本区间,通过构造货币供应函数和对货币政策操作实践的分析,考察货币政策操作本身对货币存量的冲击。
4)Monetary Policy Criteria货币政策操作规范
1.A Study on the Selection of Monetary Policy Criteria in China;在我国经济仍处于转型期的今天,哪种货币政策操作规范更加适合我国的实际情况,是一个值得认真研究的课题。
5)operative target货币政策操作目标
1.Monetary policy involve ultimate objectives,intermediate target,operative target and monetary instrument.第四,阐述货币政策操作目标理论,论述货币供给过程,以及由此引发的货币内生、外生性讨论和货币供应的层次划分。
6)monetary policy operation framework货币政策操作框架

货币政策的操作目标    货币政策的操作目标    【货币政策的操作目标】操作目标是中央银行利用货币政策工具实现对中介目标调节时可以直接观察结果的变量。它们是介于货币政策工具和中介指标之间的可操作目标。货币当局可以直接干预的操作目标包括两类指标:一类是短期市场利率,如美国的联邦基金利率、英国主要银行的通知放款利率、德国的隔夜拆借利率等;另一类是准备金数量,如商业银行的库存现金与存在中央银行的法定准备金以及超额准备金等。操作目标在中央银行的日常控制中起着非常重要的作用。一般来说,操作目标和中介指标之间存在着因果关系。操作目标变动后,会影响中介指标,使它们产生一致变动。操作目标与中介指标的固定搭配,便构成了货币政策的操作程序。