动态货币需求,dynamic monetary demand
1)dynamic monetary demand动态货币需求
1.The empirical test for dynamic monetary demand model reveals that the variety of one-year deposit rates do not affect the demand for money.对动态货币需求模型的实证表明,一年期存款利率的变化对货币需求不产生影响,货币需求只受到前一期GDP平减指数、收入和前一期货币需求的影响。

1.Dynamic Monetary Demand Model:Testing Based on Chinese Data动态货币需求模型:来自中国数据的检验
2.The Analysis of the Dynamic Monetary Policy Multiplier and Aggregate Demand Curve in China;中国动态货币政策乘数和总需求曲线分析
3.Money Demand and Monetary Policy Relate to Financial Institution s Activities influence;金融机构业务活动与货币需求、货币政策
4.nominal demand for money and actual demand for money名义货币需求与实际货币需求
5.Econometric Analyses of China s Money Demand Function:Stratum Recurring System and Dynamic Adjustment Approach;中国货币需求函数的计量分析:层次递归系统与动态调整方法
6.Empirical Studying on the Stability of China’s Monetary Demand Function Based on International Capital Flowing;国际资本流动下我国货币需求函数稳定性检验
7.TO Analyze Equilibrium Equations for Long-run Demandand Short-run Dynamic of Mmonetary in China;对我国货币需求的长期均衡与短期变动的实证
8.Analysis of the Relation between Financial Innovation and Functional Changes in Money Demand;金融创新与货币需求函数变动的相关性分析
9.Wealth Storage, Money Demand and Excess Liquidity Endogenous Mechanism财富贮藏、货币需求和“流动性过剩”内生机制
10.Exchange Rate Change and Nonlinear Error Correction of Money Demand in China汇率变动与我国货币需求非线性误差修正
11.Analysis of the Theory of the Demand for Money by Keynes and Motives of Nongovernmental Demand for Money in Our Country;凯恩斯货币需求理论与我国民间资本需求动机分析
12.Money Demand,Money Overflow and Inflation:Empirical Study on Monetary Economy in China货币需求、货币溢出与通货膨胀:基于中国货币现象的实证检验
13.Currency circulation speed often change to increase currency demand measure difficulty;货币流通速度时常变化加大货币需求测量难度;
14.That is, if money demand is stable, monetary targeting will be superior to interest rate targeting;如果货币需求是稳定的 ,应选择货币供应目标 ;
15.On Tiers of Monetary Demands of Peasant Family and Village Monetary Shortage;论农户货币需求的层次性和农村货币短缺
16.The Cointegration Analysis of China s Monetary Demand and the Monetary Policy Proposals;我国货币需求的协整分析及其货币政策建议
17.Monetary Demand Positivistic Analysis and Suggestions on Regional Monetary Policy;货币需求实证分析与区域货币政策建议
18.Liquidity Diversion: Money Demand and Current Excess Liquidity in China;流动性导流——中国货币需求及现阶段流动性过剩问题研究

shout-run monetary demand短期动态货币需求
3)motives of demand for money货币需求动机
1.The theory of the demand for money by keynes centred on the yield and expenditure theory,discussed the motives of demand for money of social residents,put forward the liquidity preference theory centring on the speculative demand and analyzing the reason why the residents didn t invest that part of the yield which hadn t been consumed to gain the profits which should have got.凯恩斯的货币需求理论以收入支出理论为核心 ,探讨了社会居民的货币需求动机 ,提出了以投机需求为核心的流动性偏好理论 ,分析居民为什么不以其未消费的那部分收入全部用于投资以获得正常利润的原因。
4)money demand货币需求
1.Interaction Analysis and Its Policy Implication of the Chinese Stock Market and the Money Demand;我国股市与货币需求的相互影响分析及政策涵义
2.Liquidity Diversion: Money Demand and Current Excess Liquidity in China;流动性导流——中国货币需求及现阶段流动性过剩问题研究
3.Long-term money demand function and deflation of China;中国长期货币需求函数的实证分析
5)monetary demand货币需求
1.Study on monetary demand stability in the process of financial development --Based on co - integrated analysis of 1994 -2005;金融发展中的货币需求稳定性研究——基于1994-2005的协整分析
2.The author thinks that it is necessary to study the problem of monetary demand in China and put these institutional factors into theoretical models of monetary demand.研究我国的货币需求问题应将其与中国的制度变革联系在一起 ,将制度变革因素纳入到货币需求理论模型的框架中。
3.Theoretically,capital market development has both positive wealth effect and negative substitute effect on monetary demand.从理论上分析,资本市场发展对货币需求存在正向影响的财富效应和负向影响的替代效应,但对中国的资本市场发展及货币需求数据进行实证分析发现,资本市场发展提高了经济体的货币需求;股票成交金额的变动有助于我们对于狭义货币供应量的预测,不过在统计上无助于我们对于广义货币供应量的预测。
6)currency demand货币需求
1.Then,whether the currency demand function have changed in our country ? In order to discuss this problem,we select the quarter data form1994 up to the second quarter of 2006 and with the year of 1998 as the transition location to research the problem.东南亚金融危机的冲击以及加入WTO后的规则要求,使中国金融市场发生了一系列的变革,为研究货币需求函数结构是否相应地发生了变化,选取了1994~2006年第二季度的季度数据以1998年为转折点对这一问题进行了实证研究,发现1998年前后两个时期的货币需求函数发生了结构性变化,并在此基础上进行了对策研究。
2.From macro\|point of view,it is worthy to discuss how population factors\|such as population quantity and its change,population reproduction,population employment,population migration,and population age structure\|affect the currency demand.从宏观角度去考察人口因素包括人口数量及其变化、人口再生产、人口就业、人口移动、人口年龄结构等 ,是如何作用宏观货币需求的 ,是一个值得探讨的课题。
