普惠金融,Inclusive Finance
1)Inclusive Finance普惠金融
1.On the basis of brief introduction of inclusive finance, analyzed the opportunities to develop rural inclusive finance in china, which include the implementation of policy supporting agriculture, the development of rural insurance, the business innovation in financial institutions and the existence of financial vacancy in some rural areas.在对普惠金融概念简要介绍的基础上,从国家支农惠农政策的实施、农村保险的开展、金融机构业务的创新、部分农村地区存在金融空白等方面分析我国农村普惠金融发展面临的机遇,并提出了进一步开展金融创新、大力发展农村保险、鼓励新型农村金融机构驻足农村金融市场,从而促进我国农村普惠金融的发展等对策。
2.But the role of inclusive finance to poverty reduction is neglected.为弱势群体、弱势产业和弱势地区提供金融服务,即普惠金融,在促进贫困群体和地区发展起到了重大作用。

1.The Research on New Method of Rural Finance Reform in China:Based on Inclusive Finance Perspective基于普惠金融视角的我国农村金融改革新方法
2.Research on Construction of Inclusive Financial System of Qing Yuan Area清远地区农村普惠金融体系构建研究
3.Argue on Financial Demands and Inclusive Financial Service in Poor Region;贫困地区金融供求分析与建立普惠金融服务体系的建议
4.Analysis and Thought on the Construction of Inclusive Financial System in Rural Areas对农村地区构建普惠性金融体系的分析与思考
5.Research on the Microfinance Institution Sustainable Development Based on Inclusive Financial Systems;普惠性金融体系下中国农村小额信贷机构的研究分析
6.Generalized preferential system普遍优惠制(普惠制)
7.general preferences system普遍优惠制度(普惠制)
8.Universal Benefits Pension--A Try For China s Rural Old-Age Security;普惠制养老金——中国农村养老保障的一种尝试
9.Remark: Platinum Corner is not applicable to cardholders of Dah Sing / MEVAS Classic or Gold Card.注:白金礼遇换领优惠,不适用于普通卡及金卡之客户。
10.Cooperative International GPS Network国际普惠制合作网(普惠制合作网)
11.Generalized System of Preferences - GSP普通优惠制,普惠制(简写为GSP)
12.UK performance in invisible earnings has generally been good, with financial services,在英国无形收益普遍良好,金融服务业
13.Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index金融时报工业普通股指数
14.And because of this, the government gives such joint ventures more favorable policies in financing and taxation.政府也因此给与这类合资企业比较优惠的金融和税收政策。
15.Financial Demand-Supply Imbalance and Policy Changes in Rural Areas: A Surveyin Rural Guangdong;农村金融供求失衡与政策调整——广东东莞、惠州、梅州调查
16.Financial Innovation Based on Reciprocity:the Sustainable Development of Rural Microfinance in China互惠性金融创新:我国农村小额信贷可持续发展研究
17.system of generalized, non-reciprocal and nondiscriminatory preferences非互惠非歧视普遍优惠制度
18.generalized nonreciprocal nondiscriminatory system of preferences非互惠非岐视性普遍优惠制

GSP Financial System普惠制金融
3)inclusive financial system普惠性金融体系
4)universal benefits pension普惠制养老金
1.This paper suggests a universal benefits pension scheme which can be sorted as a new attempt in our rural old-age security system on the basis of comprehensive consideration of social and economic conditions of China and the experiences of rural old-age security system in other countries.在农村老龄化进程加快的过程中,现有农村养老保险制度并未取得预期效果,在全面考虑我国现阶段经济社会发展情况,并参考世界其他国家农村养老保障制度基础上,本文提出普惠制养老金制度可以作为我国现阶段农村养老保障制度的新尝试。
1.Comparison of enterprises TIM pattern between China and US——Haier s mode vs HP s mode;中美企业全面创新管理模式比较——海尔模式与惠普模式
6)universal welfare普惠

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