
【专利说明】单分散性糖原和植物糖原纳米颗粒及其作为化妆品、药品、和 食品产品中的添加剂的用途
[0001] 相关申请的引证
[0002] 本申请要求2013年4月26日提交的美国专利申请61/816686的优先权,并且其内容 W其整体并入本文。
[0003] 本发明设及糖原和植物糖原(phytoglycogen)作为添加剂的用途。
[0004] 糖原是动物体内的一种短期储能材料。在哺乳动物体内,糖原出现在肌肉和肝脏 组织中。其由1,4-葡聚糖链组成(comprised of ),通过a-1,6-葡萄糖巧键高度支化,分子量 为IO6-IO8道尔顿。糖原W具有20-200nm的直径的致密颗粒的形式存在于动物组织中。也发 现糖原积累在微生物中,例如细菌和酵母菌。
[000引植物糖原是一种在结构和物理性质上与糖原非常相似的多糖。其基于基植物性来 源而与糖原不同。植物糖原最主要的来源是甜玉米,W及特定品种的水稻、大麦和高梁。
[0006] 从不同来源生产糖原和植物糖原的方法在本领域中是已知的。
[0007] 已经开发了各种方法W从活有机体中分离糖原和植物糖原。
[0008] 已知的方法包括从动物组织、特别是从海洋动物、尤其是软体动物提取,因为它们 能够积累糖原。参见例如下列文献中描述的方法:美国专利5,734,045、5,597,913;日本专 利申请JP2006304701;Malcolm,J.The Composition of some New Zealand Foodstuffs.lYans Proc R Soc N Z.191144:265-269;Ward JF et al.Extractions of Glycogen from Soft Shell Clams(Mya arenaria).Chesapeake Sci.1966,7(4):213-214;Wary C et al.IH NMR spectroscopy study of the dynamic properties of glycogen in solution by steady-state magnetisation measurement with off-resonance irradiation.Carbohydr Res .1998,306(4):479-91;Matsui M,et al.Fine structural features of oyster glycogen :Mode of multiple branching . Carbohydrate Po Iymers, 1996,3 I (4):227-235;Su11ivan MA et 曰I.Improving size-exclusion chromatography separation for glycogen.Journ曰I of 化romatography A,2014.出版中;它们的公开内容均通过引用W它们的整体并入。
[0009] 还可W根据各种方法从哺乳动物并且特别是从肝脏或肌肉组织提取糖原,参见例 女曰Popovski S.et al.The mechanism of aggregation ofP-particles into口-particles in rat liver glycogen.Biochemical Society Transactions(2000)28,第5部,A336; Sullivan MA et al.Nature of alpha and beta particles in glycogen using molecular size distributions.Biomacromole州Ies.2010年4月12 日;11(4):1094-100; Wanson JC&Drochmans P.Rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen.A morphological and biochemical study of glycogen bet曰-particles isolated by the precipitation- centrifugation method.J Cell Biol.1968.38(1)ilSO-SOsSomogyi'M.l'he solubility 过nd prep过r过tion of phosphorus -过nd nitrogen-free glycogen.J.Biol.Chem.1934.104:245;Geddes 民 et al.The molecular size and shape of liver glycogen .Biochem.J.1977.163:201-209;Devos P et al.The alpha particulate liver glycogen.A morphometric approach to the kinetics of its synthesis and degradation.Biochem.J.1983,209:159-165;Orrell SA feBueding E.A Comparison of products obtained by various procedures used for the extraction of glycogen.J Biol Chem. 1964,239 : 4021-4026 ; Br()jer JT et al.Effect of extraction time and acid concentration on the separation of proglycogen and macroglycogen in horse muscle samples.Can J Vet 民es.2002,66(3):201-6;Bell D G&F G Young.Observations on the chemistry of liver glycogen.Biochem.J.1934, 28:882-0;Stetten M民 et al.A comparison of the glycogens isolated by acid and alkaline procedures.J Biol Chem.l958,232(l):475-488;Wary C et al.IH 匪民 spectroscopy study of the dynamic properties of glycogen in solution by steady-state magnetisation measurement with off-resonance irradiation.Carbohydr 民es. 1998,306(4) :479-91 ;Laskov 民.& E.Margoliash.Properties of high molecular weight glycogen from rat liver.1963.Bull.民es.Counc.Isr.ll:351-362;Haverstick DM&Gold AH.Isolation of a polydisperse high-molecular-weight glycogen from rat liver.Anal Biochem.1981 年2月;111(1):137-45;Parker GJ et al.AMP-activated protein kinase does not associate with glycogen alpha-particles from rat liver.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2007,362(4):81 1-5;Sullivan MA et al.Improving size-exclusion chromatography separation for glycogen.Journal of Chromatography A,2014.出片反 中;它们每一者的内容均通过引用^它们的整体并入。
[0010]也可W根据各种方法从植物材料中分离植物糖原。参见例如,美国专利US 5,895, 686 和欧洲专利EP0860448B1,1^及¥〇11容,1(8 et al. Structures and properties of amylopectin and phytoglycogen in the endosperm of sugary-lmutants of rice.J.Cereal Sci.(2003)37:139-149;Fujita N et al.Antisense inhibition of isoamylase alters the structure of amylopectin and the physicochemical properties of starch in rice endosperm.Plant Cell Physiol2003,44(6):607-618, 其描述了从水稻的粹粒分离植物糖原的方法;Verhoeven,T.et al. Isolation and characterisation of novel starch mutants of oats.Journal of Cereal Science, 2004,40(1):69-79,其描述了从燕麦分离植物糖原;Burton RA et al.Starch granule initiation and growth are altered in barley mutants that lack isoamylase activity.Plant J.2002,31(1) :97-12,其描述了从大麦分离植物糖原;国际专利申请公开 号 WO 2013/019977;美国专利6451362;Rolland-Sabat 自 A.,et al.Elongation and insolubilisation of alpha-glucans by the action of Neisseria polysaccharea amylosucrase.J Cereal Sci.2004,40:17-30;Dinges J民,et al.Molecular structure of three mutations at the maize sugaryI locus and their allele-specific phenotypic effects.Plant Physiol.2001,125(3):1406-18;Morris DL&CT Morris.Glycogen in sweet corn . Science .1939,90(2332):238-239;Miao M,et al.Structure and digestibility of endosperm water-solublea-glucans from different sugary maize mutants.Food Chem.2014,143:156-62;Miao M,et al.Structure and physicochemical properties of octenyl succinic esters of sugary maize soluble starch and waxy maize starch.Food Chem.2014,151:154-60; Powell P0,et al.Extraction,isolation and characterisation of phytoglycogen from su-lmaize leaves and grain.Carbohydr Polym.2014,101:423-31;Sullivan MA, et al. Improving size-exclusion chromatography separation for glycogen.Journal of Chromatography A,2014.出片反中;Scheff Ier SL, et al. Phytoglycogen octenyl succinate,an amphiphilic carbohydrate nanoparticle,and epsilon-polyIysine to improve lipid oxidative stability of emulsions.J Agric Food Chem.2010年I月13 0;58(1):660-7;Scheffler SL,et al. In vitro digestibility and emulsification properties of phytoglycogen octenyl succinate.J Agric Food Chem.201058(8): 5140-6;和Huang,L,&Yao,Y.Particulate structure of phtoglycogen nanoparticles probed using amyloglucosidase.Carbohydrate Polymers,2011,83:1165-1171,其描述 了从甜玉米分离植物糖原的方法;它们全部的公开内容均通过引用W它们的整体并入。
[0011] 还可^根据各种方法从酵母得到糖原,例如国际专利申请W0/1997/021828;美国 专利6,146,857 ;和Northcote D . The molecular structure and shape of yeast glycogen.Biochem J. 1953,53(3) :348-352中描述的方法,它们的公开内容均通过引用W 它们的整体并入。
[0012] 还可1^根据各种方法从细菌获得糖原,例如Levine S,et al .Glycogen of enteric bacteria.J Bacteriol.1953,66(6):664-670;Sigal N,et al.Glycogen accumulation by wild
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