文化意义,cultural meanings
1)cultural meanings文化意义
1.The Translation of “manzou”and science students awareness of vocabulary s cultural meanings;从告别语“慢走”的翻译看理科学生对词汇文化意义的认识
2.Based on a comparison of 21 English versions of this poem and related discussion,the author has drawn a conclusion that the translator should have to follow a principle of conformability to follow the crowds in interpreting the culture words,and that a foreignizing translation should be the best strategy choice for the translator to express the cultural meanings of the culture words.因为唐诗英译工作已经并将继续在东西方文化交流中发挥其重要作用,所以,本文主要以李白《静夜思》的21种英译本为分析数据(译例),分析了不同译者对诗中"床"和"明月"文化意义的解读和英译。

1.The Post Modern Cultural Significance of Web2.0Web2.0的“后现代”文化意义
2.Translation Studies in the Perspective of Cultural Accentuation and the Equivalence of Cultural Meanings;文化重读与文化意义同归的翻译研究
3.Existential Consciousness Construction and Its Cultural Meaning of the Chunxuan School in Taoism;道教重玄生存意识建构及其文化意义
4.Establishment of the Cultural Meaning of the Refined vs. the Vulgar--Also on the cultural meaning of the style of The New Dao;雅俗对立之文化意义的确立——兼论《世说新语》的文体文化意义
5.Analyzing the Literature and Culture Meaning of Dream-descriptions in Yuanzaju;论元杂剧梦境描写的文学及文化意义
6.The Social,Cultural Significance of Xu Guan-wen s "City Comedy";许冠文“城市喜剧”的社会文化意义
7.The Cultural Significance of Qin Opera Rewarded Mao Dun Literature Prize《秦腔》荣获茅盾文学奖的文化意义
8.On the Cultural Significance of Crisis Sense of Urban Essays Creation;试论都市散文创作危机意识的文化意义
9.A brief study of the function of semantic culture in cross-culture communication;浅析语义文化在跨文化交际中的意义
10.Comment on Later Period Capitalism Culture Ideology of Significance;论晚期资本主义文化的意识形态意义
11.On Significance of Cultural Relativism for Literary Criticism;试析文化相对主义对文学批评的意义
12.Culturological Significance of Feminism Literature;文化生态的重构——女性主义文学的文化学意义
13.Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Dog;跨文化视角:狗的文化符号象征意义
14.Return to the Taoist Culture--On Yu Hua s Cultural Choice and its Significance;道家文化:余华的文化回归及其意义
15.NIBC s Modern Significance in Leading Campus Culture;“新儒商文化”在引领校园文化中的意义
16.The Cultural Implications of Language of Space and Its Meanings in Differrent Cultures;空间语的文化含义及在跨文化交际中的意义
17.The Significance of the Theory of Marxist National Culture in the Present Age;马克思主义民族文化理论的当代意义
18.On the Practical Significance of People Foremost from the Origin of Humanism Culture;“人本主义”文化的由来及其现实意义

Cultural Connotation文化涵义
1.The purpose is to understand the different cultural connotations in brand names and thus provide some reference for the cross-cultural marketers.本文分析了中英商标中存在的文化差异,揭示了商标中的文化涵义。
2.The cultural connotation of flexibility management is based on human centre.柔性管理的文化涵义在于“以人为本”,其实践意义就是企业应当以人为核心,以市场需求为导向,以提高经济效益为目标,充分发挥人的积极性和创造性,提高企业的管理效益。
3.Language, caused by emotional imagination and restricted by national culture, has the cultural connotation.语言有由情感联想所导致的、受民族文化所制约的文化涵义。
3)Cultural meaning文化涵义
1.On cultural meaning of local residential buildings in central and western part of Inner Mongolia浅析内蒙古中西部乡土民居建筑的文化涵义
2.Little importance was attached to ritual songs,one of the two rituals due to a lack of understanding their cultural meaning.过去由于人们对这两大仪式的文化涵义理解不够,所以对产生于两大仪式中的仪式歌未予以重视。
3.A full mastery of vocabulary should be based on the comprehension of its different implied cultural meaning.真正掌握词汇需理解词汇所隐含的不同文化涵义,因此在词汇教学中要培养正确的文化意识观点,帮助学生消除词汇学习中影响理解和使用的文化障碍。
4)cultural meaning文化意义
1.Variation, Conflict and Intercourse ——a comparative study of the cultural meaning of Xi Yan and Gua Sha;变奏·冲突·交融——喜剧片《喜宴》与《刮痧》的文化意义比较
2.A contrastive study on the cultural meaning of vehicles of E/C idioms;英汉习语喻体的文化意义对比
5)Cultural meaning文化含义
1.It is significant for us to study cultural meanings of Kazakh colorful words,and helps us to understand Kazakh nation and Kazakh culture,so that we have better protect and carry f.通过深入分析影响哈萨克先民颜色观的环境、图腾崇拜、时空观念和宗教信仰等因素,探究哈萨克语颜色词所蕴藏的深层文化含义,有助于人们更深入地了解哈萨克族及其语言文化,从而更好地保护并传承哈萨克文化。
6)semantic culture语义文化
1.A brief study of the function of semantic culture in cross-culture communication;浅析语义文化在跨文化交际中的意义

《论战斗唯物主义的意义》  列宁向马克思主义哲学工作者提出战斗任务的文章。刊载于1922年 3月《在马克思主义旗帜下》杂志第 3期。中译文载人民出版社1957年出版的《列宁全集》第33卷。    发表这篇文章时,正值苏维埃俄国实行新经济政策时期,国内外的资产阶级分子和反动势力企图复辟资本主义,思想领域斗争激烈,唯心主义猖獗,针对这种状况,文章为战斗唯物主义者规定了如下的任务:①共产党员哲学家必须和一切唯物主义者建立联明,共同斗争,反对唯心主义,发展唯物主义哲学;②必须进行彻底的无神论宣传,使广大劳动群众摆脱宗教迷信的束缚,为进行共产主义教育创造条件;③哲学家必须同自然科学家结成联盟,从哲学上总结自然科学的新成就,排除唯心主义的干扰;④在概括科学成就和社会实践经验的基础上探讨和发展唯物主义辩证法。文章还指出,要充分发扬18世纪唯物主义和无神论的优秀传统,特别要以马克思用唯物主义观点改造黑格尔辩证法为典范,用唯物辩证法来分析当代社会。这篇文章是无产阶级党性和科学性结合的典范,是发展马克思主义哲学的纲领性文献。