认知普遍性,cognitive universality
1)cognitive universality认知普遍性
2)universal knowledge普遍性知识
1.We too research relations between local and universal knowledge,open out perfect and .研究了地方性知识与普遍性知识的关系,指出普遍性知识的理想特性。
2.Local knowledge is a concept relative to universal knowledge.地方性知识(local knawledge)是与普遍性知识(universal knowledge)相对应的学术概念,它不是狭义地指某个地城或某种具有地方特征的知识,而是一种新型的知识观念和价值取向。

1.The Roles of Universality and Local Knowledge in the Progress of Ruling by Law;普遍性知识与地方性知识在法治进程中的作为
2.On the Universal Knowledge of Things─Seeking the Rationality of Induction Theory;论关于事物的普遍知识——再谈归纳推理的合理性
3.From General Necessity to Diverse Meanings--Change in the concepts of knowledge from modern times to post modern times;从普遍必然性到意义多样性——从近现代到后现代知识观念的变化
4.These views were common among intellectuals.这些观点在知识分子中是很普遍的。
5.The pursuit and refusal of universal acceptability --Comparative study on modern western epistemology and modern postmodernism epistemology;普遍的认可性的追求和拒斥——现代西方知识论和后现代主义知识论比较研究
6.Kant's modes of subjective understanding, such as singularity, universality, or particularity, that organize perceptions into knowledge.康德方式康德的主观理解的方式,如个体性、普遍性或特殊性,它们将感觉组织为知识
7.He stated that these rules would apply across the board to all intellectual property rights.他表示,这些规则将普遍适用于所有知识产权。
8.From Universal Knowledge to Advanced Scholarship--the logic of knowledge and its evolution从普遍知识到高深学问——大学观念的知识论逻辑及其变迁
9.It is always the theme of philosophy and science to purchase universal and inevitable determinacy knowledge including social science.追求具有普遍必然的确定性知识一直是哲学和科学的主题,社会科学也不例外。
10.On the Accessibility of Universal Grammar;普遍语法的可及性——语言直觉与语言意识之关系
11.Study On the Possibilities of the Universal Ethics & the Global Ethics of Consciousness;普遍伦理与全球意识伦理的可能性问题研究
12.On the universality of metaphor from the cognition of "water" in Chinese and English;从中、英文中关于“水”的认知看隐喻的普遍性
13.Universality of Metaphorization in Everyday English and its Relevance to Cognition;日常英语中隐喻的普遍性及其与认知的关系
14.How to Realize Universal Ethic--On the Relationships between Moral Universality and Moral Particularity;如何认识普世伦理——论道德的普遍性与特殊性之关系
15.It is common that witting rate was lower, and it is urgent that people need health care knowledge and health service.人群高血压健康知识知晓率普遍偏低,对健康保健知识和卫生服务需求迫切;
16.One who has broad general knowledge and skills in several areas.通才在几种领域内有广泛的普遍的知识和技能的一种人
17.Pretests are popular devices for measuring knowledge or behaviors before formal educational presentations have been made.正式教育实施以前,对知识和行为进行预先测验是普遍的方法。
18.Here his general interest in method and his particular knowledge of algebra joined forces.他对方法的普遍兴趣和他对代数的专门知识组成联合力量。

universal knowledge普遍性知识
1.We too research relations between local and universal knowledge,open out perfect and .研究了地方性知识与普遍性知识的关系,指出普遍性知识的理想特性。
2.Local knowledge is a concept relative to universal knowledge.地方性知识(local knawledge)是与普遍性知识(universal knowledge)相对应的学术概念,它不是狭义地指某个地城或某种具有地方特征的知识,而是一种新型的知识观念和价值取向。
3)universal acceptability普遍的认可性
1.The pursuit and refusal of universal acceptability ——Comparative study on modern western epistemology and modern postmodernism epistemology;普遍的认可性的追求和拒斥——现代西方知识论和后现代主义知识论比较研究
4)It is generally believed that..普遍认为。
5)It is universally acknowledgedthat...普遍认为...
6)universal agreement普遍承认

矛盾的普遍性  指矛盾的共性、矛盾存在的绝对性。古代中国的老子和古希腊的赫拉克利特等人,都有过万物皆有矛盾的朴素辩证法思想。这种思想是对客观世界直观的结果,带有猜测的性质。近代德国哲学家G.W.F.黑格尔以思辨哲学的形式在客观唯心主义的基础上总结了当时的科学成果,系统地阐发了矛盾为一切事物本身所固有的学说,并将它贯彻于自己构造的逻辑体系之中。马克思主义哲学批判继承了已往哲学关于矛盾普遍性的思想,第一次科学地阐明了矛盾普遍性的原理。    人类社会的实践和全部科学发展的历史,证明各种运动形式都包含着矛盾,任何事物都是对立面的统一,矛盾是一切事物的共性。每一事物的发展过程存在着自始至终的矛盾运动,矛盾的存在是普遍的绝对的。观念和概念中的矛盾是对客观世界普遍存在着的矛盾的反映。人们认识事物就是认识事物的矛盾,科学的认识在于研究客观对象所固有的矛盾。否认矛盾,就谈不到有真正科学的认识。坚持矛盾普遍性原理,用对立统一观点观察一切问题,是一切科学认识的基本前提,是唯物辩证法宇宙观的根本要求之一。