特质理论,trait theory
1)trait theory特质理论
1.The aim of this article was to present personality analysis method and its application theory of Cattell and Eysenck, who were the representatives in trait theory of personality.本文旨在介绍人格特质理论的因素分析方法 ,其代表人物是卡特尔和艾森克。
2.Based on different theories, such as the Trait Theory, the Theory of Control and the Theory of Development, the professional criterion varies accordingly.指导建立专业标准的理论主要由特质理论、控制理论到历史发展理论,专业标准也因此相应发生着变化。

1.personality trait theory人格特质理论 人格特质论
2.On the theoretical idiosyncrasy of the socialistic theoretical system with Chinese characteristics;论中国特色社会主义理论体系的理论特质
3.On the Rational Nature of the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics论中国特色社会主义理论之理性本质
4.The study on children s trait understanding in their theory of mind;儿童心理理论能力中特质理解的研究
5.On Several Educational Principles about the Features of Quality Education;论体现素质教育特质的若干教育原理
6.Religious Features and Theoretical Difference of A Journey to the West;试论《西游记》的宗教特质及其理论分野
7.Features of Deng Xiaoping s Theories on the Essence of Socialism;略论邓小平社会主义本质理论的特征
8.The Construction and the Theoretic Traits of the New Ethics in the 21st Century;21世纪新伦理学的建构及其理论特质
9.theory that inherited characteristics are transmitted by germ plasm.遗传特征由生殖质传播的理论。
10.Theory and Practice of Special Quality-oriented Education for Soldiers in Western Regions;“西部军人特有气质教育”的理论与实践
11.Transcendence and immanence: the law of nature in the Doctrine of the Mean;《中庸》天人观的理论特质及其当代意义
12.On the Essential Characteristics, Contemporaneity and Others of Public Management;论公共管理之本质特征、时代性及其它
13.Epochal Characters of Marxist Theory on Human General Development;马克思人的全面发展理论的时代特质
14.An Approach to the Essentialism of the Educational Philosophy of Confucian Idealistic School in Song Dynasty;论宋代理学教育哲学的本质主义特征
15.A Discussion about the Human Psychological Trait Origin and Its Research Trend;论人类心理特质起源观及其研究趋势
16.The Modern Theory of the Nature and Characteristics of Marxist Thinking马克思现代性思想的理论本质和特征
17.Discussing on the Idiosyncrasy and Characteristic of the Teacher under the Effective Teaching Idea;论有效教学理念下的教师的特质与特征
18.Characteristics and Value of Frye s Theory on Literary Circle;弗莱“循环论”文学思想的理论特质及其价值

theoretic traits理论特质
1.The construction and the theoretic traits of the new ethics in the 21st century is the unity of theoretic ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics considered from the subject type, the unity of utilitarian ethics and morality and justice ethics from the perspective of the value pursuit, the unity of moral ends ethics and moral means ethics from the aspect of the ethic spirit.21世纪新伦理学的建构和理论特质在学科类型上讲是理论伦理学、规范伦理学和应用伦理学的统一 ,在价值追求上讲是功利论伦理学与道义论伦理学的统一 ,在伦理精神上是道德目的论伦理学与道德工具论伦理学的统
3)trait-factor theory特质因素理论
1.On the way out of the female graduate students from the perspective of the trait-factor theory;女研究生择业困境的出路:特质因素理论的分析视角
4)Competence theory胜任特质理论
5)trait theory of leadership领导的特质理论
6)trait theory of leadership领导特质理论

领导特质理论领导特质理论trait theory of leadership  领导特质理论(trait theory of leadership)管理心理学关于领导有效性的系统的理论阐释之一,强调领导者所具有的个人特质或品质对领导有效性的决定作用。其思想来源,l祥在古代就有领导才一能先天决定论的思想,如古希腊的柏拉图和亚里士多德以及中国古代的孔子等人均认为,某些人生而治人,另一些人则生而治于人。20世纪30年代美国学者波格达斯提出领导者特质理论,认为领导者是天生的。某人之所以能够成为领导者完全是由于他们具有某些特质,如神经过程的强度和灵活性、外倾性、}司情心、突出的启发能力和智力等。并认为领导者凭这些特质就能在任何情况下充当首领角色,占据统治地位。其实,领导者特质虽与先天素质有关,主要决定于环境、教育和自我实践,而且能否当上领导者还要有机遇。事实上,有些人具备领导者特质但却未当上领导者,而现实的领导者也未必都是有领导者的特质。在第一次世界大战期间,出于军队大量选拔和培训各级领导人员的需要,美国心理学家采用智力测验、人格测验等手段,对领导者和非领导者、成功的领导者和不成功的领导者进行比较研究,以便弄清一个成功的领导者应具备的特质是什么,并以此作为选拔和培训的基础,从而掀起特质理论的研究高潮。一般将领导特质分为三个方面:(l)身体特质,如身高、体重、长相、精力等。(2)智力特质,如言辞能力、注意力、判断力、专业知识、特技专长等。(3)人格特质,如热情、友善、坚韧、果敢、值得信赖等。但是,由于领导的有效性不仅取决于领导者所具有的个人特质,而且也决定于领导者所采取的领导行为方式以及领导和领导行为发生于其中的环境条件,所以到20世纪四五十年代,特质理论研究热潮被领导行为理论所取代,并在20世纪60年代一导致领导权变理论的诞生。 (许波撰车丈博审)