语用理据,pragmatic motivations
1)pragmatic motivations语用理据
1.Some pragmatic motivations,in prospective of presupposition,cooperative principles,speech act and relevance can be found in transferred epithet.本文从预设、合作原则、言语行为、关联理论的角度,通过例子分析说明了英语移就修辞格的语用理据
2.This phenomenon can be explained by the pragmatic motivations in polite principle,pragmatic empathy,power and solidarity,and genre adaptation.这种现象的产生往往出于礼貌原则、语用移情、权势与同等和语体顺应等语用理据,而且这种有标记指称的语义所指涉及空间输入、空间连接、空间冲突、空间转换和空间合成的认知过程。
3.Some pragmatic motivations, in perspective of deixis, presupposition, cooperation principles, speech acts and relevance, can be found in some concrete humorous utterances.本文从指示语、前提、合作原则、言语行为、关联性等角度,分析了幽默的语用理据

1.Pragmatic Study of Code-switching in English Classroom教师课堂英汉语码转换语用理据研究
2.The Characteristics of English Loan Words in Modern Chinese and the Pragmatic Motivations;汉语借用英语外来词的特点及语用理据
3.The Function of English Hedges and the Analysis of Its Pragmatic Basis;英语模糊限制语的功能及其语用理据分析
4.The Analysis to Pragmatic Motivation of Choosing Sentence Pattern in English Correspondence外贸英语函电句式的选择与语用理据分析
5.Pragmatic Motivations in Literary Translation;文学翻译策略的语用理据——以杨必译《名利场》为例
6.special telemetry data processing language遥测数据处理专用语言
7.Motivations for Linearity-Semantic/Pragmatic Perspectives;语言线性序列的理据——语义/语用层面
8.The Analysis of Motivation of Pragmatic Meaning of Words;语用环境中“语用词义”的形成理据分析
9.On Usage Of Semantic Motiation;论《语义理据》在高职英语教学中的应用
10.Reasons and applying field of vague expressions in Legal English;英语法律语言模糊语的存在理据和适用范围
11.An Exploration into the Motivations of Commonization of Proper Nouns from Pragmatic and Cognitive Perspectives;专有名词普通化的语用认知理据探究
12.Application of matlab in data treatment of analytical Chemistry;Matlab语言在分析化学数据处理中的应用
13.Source, motivation and function:On vagueness of language;源流·理据·功用——“语言模糊性”解读
14.Application of VB language in data processing of GPS control netVB语言在GPS控制网数据处理中的应用
15.On the Cognitive and Pragmatic Explanation of the Inconsistency Between Syntax and Semantics;句法——语义非一致性的认知理据和语用阐释
16.A Study on the Basis of Semantic Variation--Dynamic Functional Mechanism of Lexical Semantics;论语义变异的理据——词汇语义的动态作用机制
17.The Motivation of Words and the Understanding of Words;词语的理据与词义理解——兼及词语的理据研究在对外汉语词汇教学中的作用
18.data management host language statement数据管理主语言语句

pragmatic motivation语用理据
1.This paper,from the perspective of pragmatism,analysizes the pragmatic motivation of teachers\' code-switching in English classroom.从语用功能的视角分析了英语教师课堂英汉语码转换的语用理据,着重研究了以大学英语为教学对象的教师课堂英汉语码转换的情形,旨在阐明英语教师课堂语码转换的目的是为了顺应学生语言现实、顺应教师角色及教师心理而采取的有效策略。
3)pragmatic-cognitive fundamental语用-认知理据
4)cognitive/pragmatic motivations认知语用理据
5)data pragmatics数据语用
1.The uncertain data requirements of Internetware lead to the DP (data pragmatics) uncertainty.网构软件不确定的数据需求导致了其数据语用(data pragmatics,简称DP)的不确定性,进而要求数据语用的支撑机制具备动态适应能力,即应用的对象属性与数据表之间的对应关系可以按需动态地创建、更新、删除。
6)pragmatic evidence语用根据
