语言变异,language variation
1)language variation语言变异
1.Exterior cause of language variation of Chinese popular words;汉语流行语语言变异的外部诱因
2.Language Variation in the Perspective of Social Psychology从社会心理角度来看语言变异
3.The studies of language variation can address the issue of "uniformity" of speech community.社会语言学近期的发展显示了语言变异研究与言语社区理论相结合的趋势,但是对言语社区内部的"一致性"问题还存在着争议。

1.Application of Language Variation On Advertising;语言变异在广告语言中的体现和运用
2.Netlanguage variation in perspectives of psychological linguistics and cognitive linguistics心理语言学和认知语言学视角下网络语言变异
3.Social Linguistic Variation in Chinese Implicit Compliments;汉语隐性恭维语的社会语言变异研究
4.A brief linguistic survey of features of language variation of Yunnan accent malect ;浅析云南方言的语言变异——“马普”(英文)
5.The Variation of Network Language and the Standardization of Modern Chinese Language网络语言变异现象与现代汉语语言规范
6.An Interpretation of Language Variation in China English from the Perspective of Transfer Theory;迁移理论对中国英语语言变异的阐释
8.Language Deviation and Its Stylistic Function of the Texts in Both English and Chinese;英汉语篇中的语言变异及其文体功能
9.A Study of Deviance of Narrative Language in Fictions Against the Linguistic Turn;语言学转向背景下的小说叙述语言变异研究
10.A Study of Language Variation from Memetic Perspective;语言变异的模因视角分析——从网络语言谈起
11.A Comprehensive Study of the Changes of Narrative Languages in the Setting of Linguistic Turn;语言学转向背景下的小说语言变异研究综论
12.Strategies Adopted in Linguistic Deviation Translation;试论英汉互译中语言变异的翻译策略
13.Contradiction and consistency between language variations and language norms;论变异语言与规范语言的矛盾统一性
14.Language s Variation and Innovation--Elucidation of Mo Yan s Novel Language Experiment;语言的变异与创新——莫言小说语言实验阐释
15.The standardizations of language changes in different stages are different.语言演变不同阶段的变异规范度不同。
16.On Vocabulary Variation of Network Language from the Angle of Memetics Theory语言模因论视域下的网络语言词汇变异
17.Linguistic Variability and the Uniformity of Speech Community:A Quantitative Analysis of Nasal Variation in Mandarin Chinese;语言的变异性与言语社区的一致性——北方话鼻韵尾变异的定量分析
18.The Influence on the Variation in Language Use of Three Variables of Register;语域的三维变项对语言使用变异的影响

language deviation语言变异
1.There are various forms of language deviation,including phonological deviation,lexical deviation,grammatical deviation,semantic deviation,graphological deviation,deviation of register and figurative deviation.语言变异是偏离语言常规的语言形式,它既是语言发展的需要,又是语言发展的必然。
2.It is mainly the psychology of seeking curiosity and change, the psychology of avoiding vulgar language and seeking elegant language, the psychology of sexual differences between male and female, the psychology of worship, the psychology of adaptation that lead to language deviation.语言变异是偏离语言常规的一种语言形式,是普遍存在的一种社会语言现象。
3.Deviation,according to linguistic theories,can be divided into two kinds:language deviation and speech deviation.按照语言学理论,变异可分语言变异和言语变异。
3)linguistic deviation语言变异
1.This paper discusses the translation strategies of linguistic deviation in Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation,i.语言变异指的是脱离语言常规的语言形式,可以通过语音、词汇、语法等手段来体现。
2.This paper attempts to explore the visual effects of linguistic deviations in lexical deviation and graphological deviation.语言变异是偏离语言常规的一种语言形式,这种语言形式是对语言的创造性使用,往往有着特殊的修辞效果。
3.This paper is to interpret the mysterious poetess by means of exploring the linguistic deviations in her poetry.本文试从实现狄金森这一独特诗风的语言手段 (语言变异 )出发 ,解读这位神秘女诗人。
4)language deviance语言变异
1.It points out that zeugma sometimes produces special pragmatic effect by way of language deviance.“轭式搭配”常借助“语言变异”手段达到一些特殊的语用效果、具有极其重要的美学意义。
2.Deviated collocation in language deviance creates foregrounding deliberately,brings about attention value and makes associations.语言变异中异常搭配有意造成"突出",具有注意价值和联想功能,是用来加强语言传递效果的有效手段。
3.This paper, through an analysis of the application of language deviance, especially lexical deviation, points out that the application of language deviance can make the language of the advertisements more vivid and can fully fulfill the pragmatic effects such as causing attention, arousing interest.语言变异是广告中广泛使用的一种语言手段,这种语言手段的运用可以达到一些意想不到的语用效果,能满足广告制作者推销产品的目的。
1.The thesis focuses on the linguistic and stylistic analysis of language deviation employed in E.卡明斯诗歌语篇中语义、词汇、语法、书写等语言变异技巧进行分析,从而探索卡明斯诗歌的语言特征、创作风格及文学意义。
2.By defining the terminology of figure of speech and deviation in the field of language system,analyzing the process of deviation of figure of speech,the essay tends to establish the graphic deviation model of figure of speech which is chain and circular.通过在语言系统范围内对修辞格和语言变异概念的界定,通过分析修辞格的变异过程,形成一个链式的、循环的模式图形,对修辞格和变异的内在关系进行研究和探讨,并且区别修辞格和语言变异的现象。
3.There are a lot of deviations employed in the language of Fortress Besieged which adds much to the writing style of the writer and the artistic effect of the novel.《围城》中运用了大量的语言变异,突出了作者的写作风格和作品的艺术感染力。
6)speech deviation言语变异
1.Deviation,according to linguistic theories,can be divided into two kinds:language deviation and speech deviation.按照语言学理论,变异可分语言变异和言语变异。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。