学习者策略,learner strategies
1)learner strategies学习者策略
1.Research shows that learner strategies can be taught and can facilitate language learning if a number of factors, such as the expl.语言学习者策略的描述型研究显示学习较成功者所用的学习策略不论在数量或频率上都明显多于较不成功者,其介入型研究说明了学习者策略的可教性,且显示了策略培训可在一定程度上提高学生的语言意识,帮助学生学会学习,提高自主学习和自我调控能力并有效地完成语言学习任务。
2.The study on learner strategies is a hot topic both in second language acquisition and foreign language teaching.对学习者策略的研究是近年来二语习得领域和教学法领域比较受人们关注的话题。

2.The Relationship between Learners EFL Beliefs and Strategies;学习者英语学习信念及学习策略研究
3.The Learning Strategies and Some Elements of Learners Restricted to It;语言学习策略及制约学习策略的学习者因素
4.A Study of Chinese College EFL Learners Learning Strategies;中国大学生英语学习者学习策略研究
5.A Study of Language Learning Strategies of Unsuccessful Learners among Senior One Students of a High School;中学英语学习不成功者学习策略研究
6.Approaches to Distance Learning Strategy Training培养远程学习者学习策略的教学思考
7.Motivation Strategy in EFL学习者在英语学习中的动机策略研究
8.Strategies to improve Distance Learners Ability of Self-directed Learning;提升远程学习者自主学习能力的策略
9.Individual Tactics for Cultivating the Self Regulated Learning Ability of the Learners;学习者自主学习能力养成之个人策略
10.Learner Language and Target Language Learning Strategies in SLA;二语学习者的语言及目标语学习策略
11.Investigation and Strategic Advice on Self-Learning for Distance Education Learners;远程学习者自主学习调查及策略建议
12.Strategies on Improving the Quality of Independent Study of the Long Distance Students有效提高远程学习者自主学习的策略
13.A Study on the Correlation between Learners Language Learning Beliefs and Strategies in the Autonomous Learning;自主学习中学习者学习观念与策略相关性研究
15.Differences between Top Students and Low Students in English Learning Strategies;英语学习高分者与低分者使用学习策略的差异
16.A Survey of Non-English Majors Use of Metacognitive Strategies;大学英语学习者元认知策略调查分析
17.An Investigation of the Learning Strategy Use of College English Learners;对大学英语学习者学习策略运用的调查
18.Developing Learners Language Learning Strategy in Classroom Teaching;在课堂教学中培养学习者的语言学习策略

learner strategy学习者策略
1.In college English teaching, learner strategy training that closely relates to learner autonomy has not got its worthwhile attention.在大学英语教学里 ,与提高自主学习能力密切相关的学习者策略训练远没有得到应有的重视。
3)strategic learners策略型学习者
1.The strategic learners are good at utilizing the feeling strategy in English learning process,turning the passive feeling into the positive feeling,creating the upward mood to be advantage.策略型学习者在英语学习过程中善于运用情感策略,化消极情感为积极情感,创造一个有利于学习的愉悦、向上的心境,促进高效率地学习。
4)learning strategy学习策略
1.Language Learning Strategy s Application in Vocational Colleges English Teaching;语言学习策略在高职英语教学中的运用
2.Personal Learning Strategy Supported by Edublog;教育博客支持下的个人学习策略
3.Web-based collaborative learning strategy and its application;基于Web的协同学习策略及其应用
5)Study strategy学习策略
1.Training about motor skill study strategy toward students of physical education department;体育专业学生运动技能学习策略的培养研究
2.With the aid of automatic study strategy,system forms knowledge bases from case-base,then gets the best diagnose project by computing the similarity degrees among the concept lattices.用形式概念分析理论描述了案例库和待诊病人症状,系统借助自动学习策略由实际的案例库生成知识库,然后通过计算概念格间的相似度获得最佳诊断方案,从而实现了病症的智能诊断。
3.Based on the characteristics of aerobics study,this study designed a questionnaire on aerobics study strategy toward college students.学习策略对提高学生的思维能力、锻炼身心、形成终身学习具有重要意义。
6)learning tactics学习策略
1.The Sustainable Innovative Mechanism of Cluster Based on Learning Tactics of Firms:An Empirical Study基于企业学习策略的集群持续创新机制及实证研究
2.Learning tactics is an important ruler for measuring the individual learning ability.学习策略是衡量个体学习能力的重要尺度。
3.Integrated skills of English is a course combining of all skills such as listening abilities, speaking abilities, reading abilities, writing abilities, etc, What s more, the learning tactics and awareness of culture are also the key points in teaching.此外,如何在综英课程中渗透学习策略的培养和文化意识的培养也是教师在教学过程中必须考虑的重要问题和不可推卸的责任。

基于学习的受辅者中心疗法基于学习的受辅者中心疗法learning-based client-centered therapy  基于学习的受辅者中心疗法Oearning-based elient一eentered theraPy)一种心理治疗的理论模型。它着重探讨受辅者中心疗法的三要素(即同感、尊重和温暖、真诚)的治疗价值,认为并不像罗杰斯所说的那样。它主张应用学习理论,通过治疗家与受辅者的交谈及真诚的情感,在操作性条件反射的基础上,减轻内部冲突,使症状减轻、问题解决、焦虑减少、自信心增强。此疗法由马丁(Martin,D.G.)在20世纪70年代提出。 (徐云撰梁宝勇审)