语法规则,grammatical rules
1)grammatical rules语法规则
1.Construction and implementation of grammatical rules for processing of the English sublanguage of MEDLINE-Abstracts;关于MEDLINE-Abstracts文献的语法规则的构建与实现
2.On the basis of a pragmatic analysis of changing an indirect request from direct speech into indirect speech,the author thinks that traditional grammatical rules are restricted by some contextual factors,which should be given priority to in the change.通过语用分析,作者认为转换过程中语境因素较传统语法规则具有优先地位,转换时可以借助祈使句式的语法规则,直接把请求者的"用意"转告给被请求方。
3.Learning to speak in a foreign language is a demanding task,as it requires not only the knowledge of grammatical rules, but also the knowledge of sociocultural rules and some specific communicative strategies.学会说一门外语是一件很困难的事情 ,它不仅要求学习者了解语法规则 ,而且还要有社会文化规则和一些交际策略。

1.Not in accord with the rules of a prescriptive grammar.不合语法的不符合规定的语法规则
2.It deviated from the rules of grammar这是违反语法规则的。
3.There is an exception to this grammatical rule.这条语法规则有个例外。
4.It is not grammatical to say 'They is.'说“They is”不符合语法规则
5.Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information.英语语法规则中蕴含丰富的语用信息。
6.If you are taking an English examination, do not only learn rules of grammar.如果你要考英语,不要只学习语法规则
7.a string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language.符合某种语言语法规则的一串单词。
8.One cannot learn a language well merely by learning its grammatical rules.光学语法规则是学不好语言的。
9.There is no grammatical rule which do not have exception.条条语法规则都有例外。(没有一条语法规则没有例外的。)
10.Don't think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn multiplication tables.不能像记乘法表那样记语法规则.
11.Learning rules of grammat is not enough to pass an English examination.单单学习英语语法规则是不能通过英语考试的。
12.There is no grammatical rule which does not have exception .没有一条语法规则没有例外的。
13.(grammar) giving directives or rules.(语法)给出规范或者规则。
14.A Grammatical Institute of the English Language,英语语言文法规则,
15.A book containing the morphologic, syntactic, and semantic rules for a specific language.语法书某种语言的词法规则,句法规则和语义规则的书
16.use grammar and style rules使用语法和文体规则
17.prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage.规范语法关注正确用法的规范或者规则。
18.a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances.制定是否合乎语法的语言规则。

grammar rules语法规则
1.The algorithm automatically mined word collocation rules and grammar rules from training corpus,and then made integrated decisions to resolve combinational ambiguity based on the mined rules and Nave Bayes method.该算法自动从训练语料中挖掘词语搭配规则和语法规则,基于这些规则和Nave Bayes模型综合决策进行组合型歧义字段切分。
3)Syntax rule语法规则
1.Taking the auxiliary word DE as the research object,some syntax rules are introduced,under which the DE phrase can be modified without changing the semantic of the text.以助词“的”为例,总结出了若干可以在不影响文本语义的前提下修改“的”字结构的语法规则
2.Lexical rules and syntax rules used for parsing syntax trees are given, and a method for parsing GCC is proposed.给出解析抽象语法树所使用的词法规则和语法规则,提出了解析GCC抽象语法树的方法。
4)grammatical rule语法规则
1.In order to solve the problem of inadequacy in general-utility for data exchange between Excel and database at present, then a grammar-based data exchange solution is presented.针对目前Excel与数据库间的数据交换方法通用性不够的问题,对Excel表单中各逻辑子表的关联关系,以及Excel、应用程序、数据库表三者之间的关系进行了分析,提出了基于语法规则的通用数据交换方法。
6)Spirit Grammar rulesSpirit语法规则

《香港粤语语法研究》  见汉语方言。