阅读研究,reading research
1)reading research阅读研究
1.English teachers should be able to assess the reading process and reading research scientifically.本文重点讨论了国外英语阅读研究的新进展,英语教师应懂得如何对阅读过程和阅读结果进行科学评价。
2.In the contemporary stage, however, reading researches, EFL reading researches in particular, are left far behind, compared with the foreign counterparts.我国的阅读理论研究有着悠久的历史 ,但现阶段的阅读研究尤其是外语阅读研究却落后于国外同行。
3.In terms of process of reading comprehension、reading factors and reading methods,this paper shows the developing situation、features and existing issues in reading research over the past ten years in China and the some solutions are come up with.从阅读理解过程、参与因素和研究方法三方面进行分类阐述,概括了近十年阅读研究在中国的发展状况﹑特征,以及存在的问题,并对问题提出了相应的对策。
2)Research reading研究性阅读
1.Research reading is a kind of study tactics based on questions, developing learners awareness of questions and critical thinking habit.阐述研究性阅读的特点与价值,以及在儿童文学教学中开展研究性阅读的一般步骤与方法。
2.During middle school period , research reading is a new compulsory course with its purpose of cultivating creative spirit,practical capacity and lifelong learning.研究性阅读是一种比较高级的阅读方式,它的目的是通过收集资料、整理观点、分析研究来创新,来提出新观点,建立新思想。
3.It is very important to identify the perspective when having the higher vocational Chinese research reading.开展高职语文研究性阅读,研究视角的选择十分重要。

1.Researching-reading: The New Reading Teaching Method Which Brings "Research" into Classrooms;研究性阅读:把“研究”带进课堂的阅读教学新模式
2.Read the Research Which is Implemented the Tactics in Chinese of High School;高中语文研究性阅读实施策略的研究
3.On the Perspectives and Methods of Higher Vocational Chinese Research Reading论高职语文研究性阅读的视角与方法
4.On Relationships among Reading Motivation, Reading Strategy and Reading Achievement of Non-English Majors;非英语专业学生阅读动机、阅读策略和阅读成绩的相关性研究
5.New Progress in the Study of Eye Movement in Chinese Reading and Developmental Dyslexia;中文阅读及发展性阅读障碍眼动研究新进展
6.An Eye-movement Study on Word Reading in Chinese Dyslexia Children汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童词汇阅读的眼动研究
7.An Experimertal Study on the Teaching of English Reading Bsed on Critical Reading基于批判性阅读的专业英语阅读教学实验研究
9.Study on the Reading Test of Modern Argumengative Article of the High School Entrance Examination;中考语文议论性现代文阅读测试研究
10.A Study of Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension;英语词汇知识与阅读理解相关性研究
11.A Study of Effectiveness of Reading Strategies Training in Senior School;高中英语阅读策略训练有效性的研究
12.Towards Authenticity of Reading Materials in English Learning;对英语学习中阅读材料真实性的研究
13.On the Combination of Research-orientated Studying and Senior Chinese Reading Courses;论研究性学习与高中阅读教学的结合
14.A Study of the Relation between Phonological Awareness and Reading Ability;语音意识和阅读能力相关性实验研究
15.Reach Roport of Creative Use of English Reading Materials;关于创造性使用英语阅读教材的研究
16.Underlying Problems in Research on Subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia;发展性阅读障碍亚类型研究中的问题
17.Developmental Dyslexia: Theory and Research Paradigm;发展性阅读障碍理论及研究范式简介

Research reading研究性阅读
1.Research reading is a kind of study tactics based on questions, developing learners awareness of questions and critical thinking habit.阐述研究性阅读的特点与价值,以及在儿童文学教学中开展研究性阅读的一般步骤与方法。
2.During middle school period , research reading is a new compulsory course with its purpose of cultivating creative spirit,practical capacity and lifelong learning.研究性阅读是一种比较高级的阅读方式,它的目的是通过收集资料、整理观点、分析研究来创新,来提出新观点,建立新思想。
3.It is very important to identify the perspective when having the higher vocational Chinese research reading.开展高职语文研究性阅读,研究视角的选择十分重要。
3)reading theory research阅读理论研究
4)research reading研究性阅读教学
1.Practice and Rnowledge on Chinese research reading in teaching;语文研究性阅读教学的实践与认识
5)The Discuccion of Research Reading试论研究性阅读
6)English reading research英语阅读研究

北平研究院史学研究会  中国现代历史学和考古学研究机构。北平研究院史学研究所的前身。1929年11月该会在北平成立时,即设有考古组,主任是徐炳昶(旭生)。1934年正式设立史学组,顾颉刚为主任。    史学研究会从事田野考古的人员,除徐炳昶外,先后有常惠、何士骥、苏秉琦、白万玉、孙文青等。工作项目主要有:1930年春与北京大学考古学会、古物保管委员会合作,对燕下都遗址的发掘;1933~1935年,对关中地区史前和周秦时期遗址的调查,以及在宝鸡发掘斗鸡台周墓,在西安发掘唐中书省遗址(获宋吕大防刻唐大明、兴庆两宫图残石)。另外,还曾对河北邯郸附近的响堂山石窟作过详细的勘察。这些考古工作的成果,已经出版的有苏秉琦著《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬》和《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬图说》,何士骥著《石刻唐太极宫暨府寺坊市残图大明宫残图兴庆宫图之研究》(1935),何士骥、刘厚滋合编《南北响堂及其附近石刻目录》(1936)。    1936年在研究会的基础上建立史学研究所,由徐炳昶任所长。抗日战争期间,所址迁往昆明,后仍迁回北平。新中国成立后,于1949年11月由中国科学院接收。