中职学生,vocational school students
1)vocational school students中职学生
1.Generally Vocational school students have low activeness in math study,unclear learning motivation and unsatisfying result.中职学生普遍对数学学习积极性偏低,学习动机模糊,成绩不理想,这样又影响到他们对其他科目甚至专业课的学习。

1.The Study about the Middling Occupation School Student Inside Occupation View and Occupation Guide;中职学生职业观与职业指导问题研究
2.Innovation Studying on Vocational School Student's Professional Ethics Education Model中职学生职业道德教育模式创新研究
3.Thought Present Situation and Education Countermeasures to Moderate Profession Students of Tongren Vocational & Technical College(Ⅱ);铜仁职院中职学生职业思想现状与教育对策(下)
4.On the Thoughts Present Situation & Education Countermeasure for Moderate Vocational Students of Tongren Vocational & Technical College (I);铜仁职院中职学生职业思想现状与教育对策(上)
5.On the Professional Plan Instruction of Secondary Vocational Students in Underdeveloped Areas;欠发达地区中职学生职业生涯规划指导初探
6.The Students Professional Ethics Education Researching of Secondary Technical School;中等职业学校学生职业道德教育研究
7.Train Middle-level Professional Students Mathematic Thought Abilities;中职数学教学中学生思维能力的培养
8.In the discussion in the duty chemistry teaching“study lives sleepily”transformation探讨中职化学教学中“学困生”的转化
9.Study on the Career Design Taught in Middle Vocation School;中等职业学校学生职业生涯设计状况研究
10.On the Application of Career Anchor Theory in Students Learning Career;职业锚理论在高职学生学业生涯中的运用
11.Secondary Vocational School Students Career Planning Education Research中等职业学校学生职业生涯规划教育研究
12.The Research of Career Planning Guidance of Rural Secondary Vocational School Students农村中等职业学校学生职业生涯规划指导研究
13.An Investigation into Mathematical Emotion Education in Secondary Vocational School s Students;中等职业学校学生数学情感教育探析
14.On the Cultivation of Student′s Scientific Literacy in Physics Teaching of Higher Vocational Schools;高职物理教学中学生科学素养的培养
15.On Students Ability Training in Higher Vocational Math Teaching;关于高职数学教学中学生能力的培养
16.On Training Students Ability in Higher Vocational Mathematics Teaching;高职数学教学中培养学生能力的思考
17.A Research on the Learning Disabilities of Secondary Vocational School Students中等职业学校学生学业不良问题研究
18.Students' career Planning Applying Career Anchor Theory论职业锚理论在大学生职业生涯规划中的应用

secondary vocational school students中职学生
1.At present,there are unreasonable content,randomness of evaluation and fuzzification of evaluation criteria in the professional competence evaluation of secondary vocational school students.目前,中职学生职业能力测评存在测评内容不合理、测评指标和权重确定随意和测评标准模糊化三个方面的问题。
3)students in secondary vocational school中职学生
1.The psychological perplexity of the students in secondary vocational schools exists obviously in being weary of study, mood and relationship between people etc.中职学生心理困扰较为明显,表现在厌学、情绪、人际关系等方面,开设心理健康教育课程,在常规教学 中渗透心理辅导内容,建立心理咨询,提高教师的心理素质都是实施中职心理健康教育行之有效的途径。
4)secondary vocational school student中职学生
1.In the academic articles discuss more about the concept, the content, significance many about the citizen consciousness, less about the solution, especially about how to enhance the solution to citizen consciousness of secondary vocational school student.在学术研究中关于公民意识问题探讨概念、内容、意义的多,探讨对策的少,特别是针对如何提高中职学生公民意识研究对策的更少,有些虽然在对策上可以存在一定的共性,但中等职业阶段毕竟不同于小学和大学阶段,有其特殊的身心发展规律。
5)female students in secondary vocational school中职女学生
1.Objective: To detect the depression of female students in secondary vocational schools and analyze reasons; Methods: Test 520 female students in secondary vocational schools by Zung Depression Scale (SDS) to screen out whether there are students of non-depressive tendencies, mild depression tend moderate depression and severe depression tend.目的:检测中等职业学校女学生的抑郁现状并浅析原因;方法:采用Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)对520名中职女学生进行测试,筛查出无抑郁倾向、有轻度抑郁倾向、中度抑郁倾向和重度抑郁倾向的学生占有率;结果:中职女生的抑郁倾向的检出率为55。
6)students of medium senior high vocational school中高职学生

第11届世界中学生运动会第11届世界中学生运动会  Di 11 Jie Shijie Zhongxuesheng Yundonghui第n届世界中学生运动会国际中学生体育联合会主办的世界性综合运动会,限17岁以下的在校中学生参加。1998年10月13一19日第11届世界中学生运动会在中国上海市举行,这是世界中学生运动会首次在欧洲以外的国家举行。有28个国家和地区的1300多名运动员参加比赛。获金牌总数前3名的国家是:中国(41枚)、意大利(13枚)和法国(10枚)。中国体操运动员邢傲伟获6枚金牌,是本届运动会获金牌最多的运动员。世界中学生运动会始办于1974年,1990年以前每2年举办1届,后改为每4年举办1届,迄今已举办过n届。