隐喻投射,metaphorical projection
1)metaphorical projection隐喻投射
1.In spite of their great differentiation, they’re motivated by the similar force-barrier image schema, which is the basis for the metaphorical projection that explicate the construal of epistemic and extension of deontic.道义意义和认识意义是两种普遍存在的情态语义,虽然它们分属不同的域,但实际上它们具有内在的联系,基于相似的动力-障碍意象图式的隐喻投射是情态意义扩展的工作机制。
2.The metaphorical projection was discussed about words meaning from the cognitive perspective.论文从认知角度讨论了汉语中词语的隐喻投射,并根据隐喻认知的原域和目标域的理论,详细的分析了日常生活和现代科技中词语的隐喻投射现象。
3.This paper analyzes the cognitive construction process of prepositional usages by using metaphorical projection principles and decoding process of them by using mental space.文章运用隐喻投射原理解析了方位介词惯用表达的认知结构建构过程,用心理空间理论诠释了介词隐喻概念的解构过程,从认知视角诠释了介词的惯用表达方式。

1.Metaphorical Projection of Words Meaning from Cognitive Perspective;从认知角度谈词义拓展中的隐喻投射
2.Image Schema and Metaphor Projetion of "On/Sur/上面";“ON/SUR/上面”的意象图式与隐喻投射
3.Analyze the Metaphorical Projection of Words′ Meaning in English from Cognition;从认知角度谈英语中词义的隐喻投射
4.Metonymical and Metaphorical Projections and Stylistic Effects of "HAND" in Sunrise;“手”的转喻、隐喻投射和文体功效——《日出》的认知文体分析
5.A Social Motif, a Psychological Projection or a Metaphorical Castration?;社会母题,心理投射,抑或隐喻性阉割?
6.Metaphorical Cognition and Register Projection of the English and Chinese Animal Metaphorical Words;英汉动物词语的隐喻认知与语域投射
7."Projection"in Academic Discourse:From the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor;从语法隐喻视角看学术语篇中的“投射”
9.An Approach to the Metaphorical Meanings of the Tense of Projecting Verbs in English Academic Discourse;英语学术语篇中投射动词时态的语法隐喻
10.The functional analysis of interpersonal metaphor in projection;“投射”人际隐喻句的语义特征及文体价值
11.Cross-cultural Modeling on Dynamic Projection of Conceptual Metaphors: A “love” Case Study;概念隐喻的跨文化动态投射模型初探:以“爱”为例
12.A Study of the Syntactic and Semantic Features of"Projection"from the Perspective of Ideational Metaphor in SFG;论系统功能语法中“投射”概念隐喻句构及其语义特征
13.Does Metaphor Derive from Metonymy?--From the Viewpoint of Mapping隐喻之于转喻吗?——以映射为视点
14.Neural Mechanisms of Metaphorical Mapping:Selection and Inhibition;概念隐喻映射的神经机制:选择和抑制
15.On Materialized Mapping System of Anger Metaphor in English and Chinese英汉“愤怒”情感隐喻的物质化映射系统
16.In daily life, the metaphor of body-part is based on the mapping.在现实生活中,人体隐喻主要依靠映射来实现。
17.Study on Organism Metaphor Mapping in English Business Discourse;英语经济语篇中生物隐喻映射模式探析
18.The mental representation of conceptual metaphor:domain mappingor structural similarity概念隐喻的心理表征:域映射还是结构相似

metaphorical mapping隐喻投射
1.Researches in the regard of metaphor at home focus more on its positive functions,while few researchers pay attention to the potential negative influences of metaphorical mappings.目前国内对隐喻研究更多的侧重于它的积极作用;而很少人关注隐喻投射的潜在消极影响。
2.Sweetser(1990) discusses modality within polysemy,and she claims that polysemy is often motivated by a metaphorical mapping from the concrete,external world of socio-physical experience to the abstract,internal world of reasoning and of mental process in general.Sweetser(1990)认为情态动词具多义性,认为情态的多义性是从人类具体的外在生理感知隐喻映射到抽象的内心推理世界;同时,她援用Talmy的力图式,认为情态动词的根意义表达的是外在世界的动力概念,而这个概念通过隐喻投射到内心心里领域,便产生了情态的认识意义。
3)metaphorical mapping隐喻映射
1.This paper makes an attempt to account for the dynamic processes of the relationship between cognitive development, metaphorical mapping and the expansion of lexico-semantic categories in Chinese, the ultimate purpose of which is to reveal the internal mechanism of the formation of Modern Chinese lexical system. 汉民族集体认知能力的发展和隐喻映射手段,是现代汉语词汇系统———以词串和词族为代表———形成的内在历时机制。
2.The metaphorical mapping in construction of transferred meanings of BACK is divided into five categories.发现back转义构建所涉及隐喻映射分为五类:前四类为back的位置特征向方向域、时间域、事情发展域及作用力域的映射,第五类为back的功能特征映射到动作域。
4)metaphorical and metonymic mappings隐喻和转喻映射
5)metaphorical mapping隐喻性映射
1.Prepositions develop their polysemy on the basis of their spatial concepts by metaphorical mapping, which produces abundant colorful metaphorical meanings of the prepositions.介词在其空间概念的基础上通过隐喻性映射发展了介词的多义性,从而产生了大量丰富多彩的隐喻含义。
2.Viewed from cognitive semantics,we can know that the preposition on develops abundant meanings on the basis of the spatial concept by metaphorical mapping.从认知语义学的理论来看,介词on在其空间概念的基础上通过隐喻性映射实现句式的引申,向不同的概念域辐射,形成了其意义的多元性。
6)mapping domain of metaphor隐喻映射域

电影中的隐喻  通过蒙太奇,将镜头之间或镜头内部各个表现元素(包括造型、音响等方面)加以强化、浓缩、类比,由此在观众的感觉和心理上产生效应的手法。如苏联影片《母亲》中河流解冻、冰块流动和工人举行示威游行、冲击沙皇专制制度的镜头并列出现,不仅冰块本身构成了背景的有机部分,在情节发展中起了现实作用,而且突出了春天的主题,生动地体现了工人群众的情绪和力量。这一组镜头是运用隐喻的出色范例。