内隐学习,implicit learning
1)implicit learning内隐学习
1.The Effect of Implicit Learning on Medical Moral Education;论内隐学习对医德教育的影响
2.Discussion of Information Technology Promoting Students Foreign Language Implicit Learning;信息技术促进学生外语内隐学习的探析
3.Ideas about Implicit Learning and Promotion of Foreign Language Capability;内隐学习理念与外语学习能力培养

1.The Tendency of Integration of Implicit Memory and Implicit Learning;内隐记忆和内隐学习的整合研究趋向
2.The Research on the Characteristics of Implicit Learning of Artificial Grammar;人工语法学习中内隐学习特点的研究
3.Application of Implicit Learning Theory in English Learning;论内隐学习理论在英语学习中的应用
4.The Application of Implicit Study in the Study of Sports Skills;内隐学习在运动技能类学习上的应用
5.A Learning Patter of Totally New Direction--Implicit Learning;一种全新取向的学习模式——内隐学习
6.Enlightenment for Physical Education from Implicit Memory and Implicit Learning;内隐记忆和内隐学习研究对体育教学的启示
7.The Relationship Between Implicit Memory,Unconscious Perception and Implicit Learning;内隐记忆、无觉察知觉与内隐学习关系综述
8.The Study on Enlightenment of Implicit Learning to College English Teaching;内隐学习研究对大学英语教学的启示
9.Implicit Learning and College English Teaching;内隐学习理论对大学英语教学的启示
10.The Enlightenment to College English Teaching from Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning;内隐学习和外显学习对大学英语教学的启示
11.Explicit learning can interfere with implicit learning when they conflict.当动作内隐学习与外显学习的内容发生冲突时,外显学习会干扰内隐学习
12.Implicit Learning and the Improvement of College Students Competence for Human Communication;内隐学习与大学生人际交往技能培养
13.Analysis of Using Blog to Promote Implicit Learning of Foreign Languages;运用Blog促进学生外语内隐学习的探析
14.The Study on Enlightenment of Implicit Learning to Wushu Teaching;内隐学习理论及其对武术教学的启示
15.An Experimental Study of the Internally Motivated Learning in Football Training;内隐学习法在足球教学中的实验研究
16.A Study of Explicit Learning and Implicit Learning in EFL Writing;二语写作外显学习与内隐学习有效性差异研究
17.Implicit and Explicit Learning for English Phonetic Rules on Chinese Children;汉语儿童英语语音规则的内隐学习和外显学习
18.New developments in research on implicit and explicit second language learning;第二语言内隐学习和外显学习研究的新进展

explicit learning内隐学习
1.In this study, an event-related fMRI was used to explore the difference of brain mechanism between implicit learning and explicit learning.结果发现,与内隐学习相比,外显学习在额叶的激活更为显著。
2.Taking natural the social science concept as hypothesis testing model,this study explored the social science concept forming of junior school students, and compared the implicit and explicit learning.以真实的社会科学概念为假设检验模型,研究中学生的社会科学概念形成过程及其中的外显和内隐学习
3.This experimental study proved that: 1)There was implicit learning in science concept forming; 2) The efficiency of implicit learning was close to explicit learning; 3) The process of science concept forming is made of three periods: gradual advance, plateau, and sudden change.本研究选取真实的自然科学概念来对概念形成过程及其中的外显与内隐学习进行实验性探索 ,证明了自然科学概念形成过程中内隐学习的存在 ;阐释了概念形成过程中内隐学习的效率可与外显学习不相上下 ;揭示了真实的自然科学概念形成过程是由渐进期———高原期———突变期三个阶段构成的 ,不论外显学习还是内隐学习 ,接近真理的路径十分相似 ,并且没有显著的性别差异 ;此外还发现自然科学概念的内隐学习可以有效地用语言启动。
3)implicit study内隐学习
1.The important meaning of implicit study to improve the teaching effect of vocational education skill;内隐学习对提高技能教学效果的重要意义
2.In this essay,the author adopted the method of literature analysis,based on the literature review of the relative theories of implicit study,the author also discussed the hypothesis——implicit study can overcome the choking phenomenon during the shooting in basketball game,the author will do further theoretic study and demonstration analysis with the foundation of the discussion.运用文献资料法,在对内隐学习的相关理论进行文献综述的基础上,对内隐学习能够克服篮球比赛中投篮技术产生的Choking的假设进行了探讨,以便在此基础上作进一步的理论研究和实证分析显示。
3.Based on the modern theory of cognitive psychology,implicit study plays an important role in forming the language sense in Chinese because of its nature of automation,abstractness and fuzziness,high efficiency and availability.内隐学习作为一种以现代认知心理学理论为基础的学习模式,因它的自动性、抽象模糊性、高效性、应用性等特征而对汉语语感的形成有着重要作用。
4)implicit learning内隐性学习
1.implicit learning is greatly concern with physical exercises, almost the acquirement and practices makes perfect of human body movement skills are belonging to the field of implicit learning.内隐性学习是当代心理学家新近提出来的一种学习类型 ,是当今学习和认知心理学领域的热点课题。
5)mathematical implicit-learning数学内隐学习
6)implicit sequence learning内隐序列学习
1.This article reviewed the related developments and findings on this topic recently, including the factors that may do effects to it, its relation to awareness and its learning mechanism, the psychological representation of sequence knowledge,the neural bases of implicit sequence learning and the relation between it and age.内隐序列学习是内隐学习的一种重要形式。
2.A secondary task of symbol-counting and the second-order conditional sequences of ambiguous sequences were used to explore the effects of attentional load on implicit sequence learning.运用次级任务研究范式,采用符号计数的次级任务和歧义序列中的次级条件序列,将内隐序列学习分为单任务组和双任务组,统一在单任务条件下测试。
3.This study adopted the paradigm of sequence learning and used different exemplar quantities to test the effects of exemplar quantity on implicit sequence learning.本研究采用序列学习范式,探讨了样例数量对内隐序列学习的影响,以揭示意识在学习中的作用以及内隐学习获得的知识表征。

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)