习得顺序,acquisition order
1)acquisition order习得顺序
1.Multidimensional model and research into the affix acquisition order;多元发展模型与词缀习得顺序探究
2.The results show that the acquisition order of the seven first class Chinese vowels of the Children i.本文通过对40名一至六岁说普通话儿童的口语调查和声学分析,从元音的习得顺序和系统性变化两个方面对普通话儿童的7个汉语一级元音/a、i、u、y、■、■、■/的发展进程进行考察。
3.This thesis reports an exploratory study on the acquisition order of nouns, verbs, and adjectives of the English language by non-English-major university freshmen.本文通过词汇培训、词汇测试以及个别访谈,运用定量分析和定性分析的方法,对比研究了我国非英语专业大学生学习英语三类实词,即形容词、名词、动词,所体现的不同习得顺序

1.The Acquisition Order of English Grammatical Morphemes by Chinese EFL Learners;中国EFL学习者语法语素习得顺序研究
2.On the Contents and Learning Sequence in L2 Teaching Syllabuses;L2教学大纲内容及其习得顺序探究
3.On the International Students NP Ellipsis Learning Order and Errors Revealed in their Written Texts;留学生语篇中NP省略习得顺序与偏误
4.Research on the Order of the Acquisition of the Non-interrogative Usages of the Interrogative Pronouns for the Foreign Learners Studying Chinese;留学生疑问代词非疑问用法习得顺序研究
5.On the Acquisition Sequence of English Grammatical Morphemes of the Middle School Students in China;中国中学生英语语法词素习得顺序研究
6.A Study on the Acquisition Order of Syntactic Location of Wh-words by Foreign Students;留学生疑问代词不同句法位的习得顺序考察
7.Study on Lexicon Acquisition Order of the First and Second Language;第一语言与第二语言词汇习得顺序研究
8.Second Language Acquisition Order:A Typological Perspective;语言类型学视角下的二语习得顺序研究
9.The Influence of Krashen’s "Natural Order Hypothesis" on SLA Research克拉申“自然习得顺序假说”对二语习得研究的影响
10.A Study of English Acquisition Sequence of Chinese Students: Processability Theory Perspective;中国学生英语习得顺序的研究:可加工性理论视角
11.The Acquisition of English Relative Clause by English Majors in China;中国英语专业学生英语关系从句习得顺序的研究
12.An Analysis on the Errors and an Inspection on the Acquisition Order of Chinese Comparative-Sentences by Vietnamese Oversea Students;越南留学生汉语比较句偏误分析及习得顺序考察
13.Theoretical Interpretation of Extensive Denotation of Relative Appelation Wordsand Their Acquisition Order in Child Language;儿童语言中亲属称谓词泛化标记及其习得顺序的理论解释
14.Sequence of acquiring the directional complement by English speaking learners of Chinese英语母语学习者趋向补语的习得顺序——基于汉语中介语语料库的研究 Precedence revisited3.1.15 复习计算顺序
16.Research on Color Term Acquisition--Order,Category & Difficulty Issues;顺序、类属、难度——儿童色彩语码习得中的几个问题
17.A Corpus-based Study of the English RC Difficulty Order of the Chinese University Students;中国大学生习得英语关系分句的难度顺序的语料库研究
18.To continue, you must connect all the numbers in order.要继续学习,请按顺序连接所有号码。

acquisition sequence习得顺序
1.We inspected the result by using the statistical method,and investigated the cause for the acquisition sequence.本文运用中介语、内在大纲和习得顺序等二语习得理论,采用偏误分析、运用分析等方法对中高级阶段越南学生40个汉语常用语气副词的习得情况进行了考察。
2.The paper analyses natives\' frequency of usage,foreign students\' frequency of usage and correct rate,then conclude the acquisition sequence of the directional complement.本文综合汉语母语者的使用频率、外国学生的使用频率和正确率,得出外国学生汉语趋向补语句的习得顺序
3)order of acquisition习得顺序
1.Formal instruction may prove ineffective to alter the natural order of acquisition of developmental structures. 可教性假设认为,学习者所使用的语言处理策略对第二语言发展具有阻碍和制约作用,学习环境对语言习得顺序的影响不大。
4)order of acquisition difficulty习得难度顺序
5)structural acquisition sequence结构习得顺序
6)Acquisition Order Inspection习得顺序考察

焦虑习得反应理论焦虑习得反应理论learned response theory of anxiety  焦虑习得反应理论(learned respo”setheory of anxiety)焦虑的一种理论模式。此理论将重点不是放到个体的内心冲突上,而是着重阐述个体如何通过学习的历程将焦虑同某种情境联系起来。根据这个理论,焦虑是一种习得的反应。某种情境引起创伤性体验,这会使得一些人将两者联系起来;此后每当想到此情境或刺激时便立刻焦虑起来。由此可见,这是一种条件反射式的学习历程,焦虑是一种条件反应。有时候,人们采用逃避或回避的方式借以减少焦虑,即逃离或事先避开所怕的刺激情境。逃避和回避减少了焦虑体验,焦虑体验的减少反过来又强化逃避和回避行动。这样一来,焦虑者就没有机会来细心探查原先的那个刺激情境是否真的值得焦虑,是否有什么办法对付它。一些成年人一直回避那些在其童年时代诱发过焦虑的情境或刺激物,这种童年期习得的焦虑很难消退,其原因便是回避行为。这一理论得到一些临床观察的支持,对焦虑症的治疗有指导意义。 (梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)