英语课程标准,English Curriculum Standards
1)English Curriculum Standards英语课程标准
1.On the Theoretical Basis of English Curriculum Standards;《英语课程标准》的理论基础
2.The so-called suitability means the coincidence of the new English curriculum especially the English Curriculum Standards with the current state of English education and with the demand of future English education.而所谓的适用性,是指英语新课程(特别是《英语课程标准》)与我国目前英语教育现状的吻合程度以及与将来英语教育发展需求的适合程度。
3.In China,the English curriculum standards aims at developing learner autonomy,which en- tails the promotion of teacher autonomy,as it is recognized that the development of learner autonomy depends largely on teacher autonomy.英语课程标准明确提出要发展学生的自主学习意识和能力,这实际上也对教师自主性提出了要求,因为学生自主在很大程度上取决于教师自主。

1.English Grammar Teaching Guided by the New Idea of "the Curriculum Standard for English;新的《英语课程标准》理念下的英语语法教学
2.Some Suggestions and Ideas on Constructing Curriculum Standards for English in Higher Vocational Education;高职英语课程标准构建的建议与设想
3.Various Difficulties in Implementing《English Course Standards》(Trial Draft);实施《英语课程标准(实验)》困难面面观
4.The Feature of English Curricular Standards and the Significance of Its Enforcement;《英语课程标准》的特征及教学实践意义
5.An interpretation of the English course standard for high school;对《普通高中英语课程标准》的解读
6.Humanistic Psychology and National Standards for English Language Teaching;人本主义心理学与《英语课程标准
7.The Characteristics of the New "Course Criteria of English" and the Strategy for Implementation;新《英语课程标准》的特点及实施对策
8.Comparative Analysis on the English Syllabus and the English Curriculum Standard;对比分析《英语教学大纲》和《英语课程标准
9.The Implementation of the New English Curriculum and the Current Proficiency Level of Conformity to the Standards of High School English Teachers in Yanbian;《英语课程标准》的实施与延边高中英语师资现状
10.English Teachers′ qualities Under The Direction of The New English Curriculum Standards;新《英语课程标准》对英语教师素质的要求
11.The New English Curriculum Standard Calling for Teaching Methods that are Suitable for Chinese Students;英语课程标准催生适合中国学生的英语教学法
12.On Quality of Middle School English Teachers Required by English Curriculum Criteria;论《英语课程标准》对中学英语教师素质的要求
13.Curriculm Criteria of English in Different View of Chinese and English Thinking Models;汉英思维模式差异视角里的《英语课程标准
14.On Translation and Foreign Language Teaching;论高中英语课程标准视野下的翻译与语言教学
15.New English Curriculum Criteria and Intensive Course Teaching in Teachers Colleges;英语新课程标准与师专英语精读教学
16.Reform of Higher Normal English Instruction under New Curriculum;新课程标准下高师英语教学改革研究
17.The Study of Primary School English Teaching Design Based on the New English Curriculum Standards基于新课程标准的小学英语教学设计
18.The Link between College English and Senior English Under the New Curriculum;新课程标准下大学英语与高中英语的衔接

English curriculum criteria英语课程标准
1.Attention to the exploration and utilization of course resources is one of the outstanding features of the English curriculum criteria of foreign languages.注重课程资源的开发利用,是英语课程标准的特色之一。
2.In reference to the requirements of new English Curriculum Criteria,along with the practical situations in lexicon teaching in senior schools,some general principles on lexicon teaching are clarified in the paper,and methods for lexicon handlings are probed with SEFC Book 3A Lesson 15(2) s a sample text.本文参照新英语课程标准的要求,结合高中英语词汇教学中的实际情况,阐明了词汇教学的一般原则,并以SEFCBook 3Alesson 15 (2 )为例,探讨了词汇处理的几个途径。
3.The latest English Curriculum Criteria of Secondary Education was issued in April of 2003.2003年4月,教育部颁布了《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》,明确提出了在我国高中采取必修课程和选修课程相结合的课程设置模式,文学欣赏被列为选修系列之一。
3)English Curriculum Standard英语课程标准
1.The article discusses the aim, design principles, organizing forms,types of the Task -based Teaching Approach and the role of the teacher and the students in the teaching from the point of the basic principles of the English Curriculum Reform and the English Curriculum Standard.本文从英语课程改革的基本理念、英语课程标准出发,论述了任务型教学途径的目的、设计任务型教学活动的原则、任务型活动的组织形式、任务型教学活动的类型以及任务型教学活劝中师生之间的角色定位。
2.<English curriculum standard> put forward: "……to make the language learning process becomes the one of the students’developing an active emotion attitude….《英语课程标准》提出要“使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度……的过程,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心。
3.Learning strategies are a new requirement of the English Curriculum Standard, which embodies a change in foreign language teaching and the ideas of learning in general.在新的课程改革中,学习策略是英语课程标准新增的一项内容,它体现了学习理念的更新和当前外语教学要指导学生学会学习的趋向。
4)The National English Curriculum Standards英语课程标准
1.Responding to the new requirements of The National English Curriculum Standards and drawing also from authoritative models, both domestic and international, for the test of English, this paper proposes that Fujian s college entrance English exam paper be redesigned.依据《英语课程标准》,参照国内外权威英语考试体系,提出设计新课标英语高考题型改革方案,建议取消单项选择和短文改错,增加翻译题型、听力的填空题型和阅读理解的选择搭配题型,适当调整完形填空的题量和权重,增加写作的权重和题型,使英语高考笔试试卷更具科学性、时代性和多样性,更好地发挥高考风向标的正确导向作用。
5)The English Curriculum Standard(2001)《英语课程标准》(2001)
6)New English Curriculum Standards新英语课程标准

课程标准  规定中小学的培养目标和教学内容的文件。中国清朝末年兴办近代教育之初,在各级学堂章程中有《功课教法》章,列有课程门目表和课程分年表。这是课程标准的雏型。1912年 1月,中华民国教育部公布了《普通教育暂行课程标准》。此后,课程标准一词沿用了约40年。    课程标准的结构,一般包括总纲和分科课程标准两部分。总纲规定学校教育的总目标、学科的设置、各年级各学科每周教学时数表和教学通则等。分科课程标准规定各科教学目标和教材纲要、教学要点和教学时间的分配、应有最低限度的教学设备以及教学方法和其他应注意的事项。课程标准的总纲部分,相当于中国现行的学校教学计划;它的分科课程标准,相当于中国现行的分科教学大纲(见教学计划、教学大纲)。