顺句驱动,syntactic linearity
1)syntactic linearity顺句驱动
1.This paper is devoted to explore the function of phrase markers in syntactic linearity in simultaneous interpreting.文章旨在探讨话语标记语在顺句驱动中的作用及其运用。
2.This thesis takes the question "the principle of syntactic linearity in conference interpreting" as its major theme, and conference interpreting mainly includes simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting.本文研究了会议口译中的顺句驱动规律,文中的会议口译主要分为同声传译和交替传译。
3.This paper,by analysing concrete examples,expounds the inspiration from the theory of thematic progression on such vital issues in SI practice as syntactic linearity,textual cohesion and coherence in target language and information transmission and extension.本文将结合具体的实例,探讨主位推进理论对实现顺句驱动、同传语篇衔接与连贯、与同传中信息传递和延伸的启示。

1.Discourse Linearity versus Syntactic Linearity: Tactics in Simultaneous Interpretation同声传译的顺句驱动和非顺句驱动策略
2.On the Feasibility of the Principle of Running Parallel with the Speaker in Simultaneous Interpretation;顺句驱动原则在同声传译中的有效性
3.The Role of Discourse Markers in Simultaneous Interpreting and its Handling Strategy;话语标记语在顺句驱动中的作用及翻译策略
4.Source-Language-Order-Driven-Principle in English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting:Some Underlying Sources;英汉同声传译“顺句驱动”操作的理据透析
5.This does not happen very frequently, by the way, because it's often not easy to change the way a generic driver accesses the hardware.这种是并不是经常发生,顺便说一句,因为通常很难改变一个公版驱动访问硬件的方式。
6.Item Order of Propositional Representation in Understanding Chinese Initiative and Passive Sentences;汉语主动句、被动句的命题表征项目顺序特点
8.Translations Skills--from Passive to Passive;将英语被动句顺译成汉语被动句的技巧
9.Driver Verifier failures are bug checks, by the way.顺便一提,驱动匹配失败是错误检测。
10.Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly.这句话只要动一两个字就顺了。
11.Unable to get the mixer driver's module handle无法得到混音器驱动程序模块句柄
12.Item Order of Propositions Representation of Indonesian Students Understanding Chinese Active Sentences and Passive Sentences;印尼留学生汉语主动句被动句命题表征项目顺序
13.The direction of rotation is clockwise, when looking from the drive on the pump.从泵的驱动端看,泵的旋转方向为顺时针。
14.A Pragmatic Perspective on the Dynamic Context of English Inversion in Public Speeches with Reference to the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation从顺应论动态语境谈英语演讲辞中的倒装句
15.Yes, it is. By the way,是的。顺便说一句,
16.Directly Smooth Interpolation Algorithm in Head-Driven Parsing头驱动句法分析中的直接插值平滑算法
17.The principle of temporal sequence and the phraseverb-directional complement+object;“时间顺序原则”与“动词+复合趋向动词”带宾语形成的句式
18.Study on Integrated Design of Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanism and Layout of Actuator;柔顺机构的拓扑优化与驱动单元配置的集成设计研究

the principle of syntactic linearity顺句驱动原则
3)powerup sequence动力驱动顺序
4)head-driven parsing头驱动句法分析
1.Based on the classical smoothing technology, this paper proposes a smoothing approach within head-driven parsing, which directly calculates interpolation weight from the average occurrences of event in the training sample and is proved by the statistic theory of errors.在头驱动句法分析模型下,基于经典插值平滑算法,提出了以统计空间中平均事件数为基础的直接插值平滑建模原则,并应用经典的误差理论分析了该原则的合理性。
5)sequential statements顺序语句
1.Summarized the concurrent statements and sequential statements of VHDL language,and described their types and the char-acteristic .简单概述了VHDL语言的并行语句和顺序语句,描述了其种类和特点。
6)sequence of sentences句子顺序

顺前句【顺前句】 (术语)于法中随取二法,互相问时,依止前法以答所问:谓为顺前句。例如问子由女子生者耶?女子生子者耶?答言子固由女子生者,然女子未必生子。反之而于两问中依止后句而答之者,名为顺后句。例如问女子生子者耶?子由女子生者耶?答言子固由女子生者,然女子非必为生子者。是以狭问宽,则为顺前句。以宽问狭,则为顺后句也。见瑜伽伦记五上。