文化异同,cultural similarities and differences
1)cultural similarities and differences文化异同
1.Many studies of the effect of members cultural similarities and differences on group performance are carried out abroad.国外有很多关于成员文化异同对群体绩效影响的研究,国内却极少。

1.Viewing Differences and Similarities Between Chinese and Western Culture from Words Expressing “death”;从英汉“死”类词语文化内涵看中西文化异同
2.Study on Fingurative Meanings of Twelve Symbolic Animals in Sino-Western Cultures;从“十二生肖”的比喻义看汉英文化异同
3.Comparative Study of Martial Arts Culture Between Before Qin Dynasty And Ancient Greece;先秦与古希腊武术文化异同比较研究
4.Crystallization of difference cultures:probing into theoretics between poems and paintings of Lessing and Su Shi异文化的结晶:莱辛与苏轼诗画异同说
5.On the Difference between English and Chinese Culture from the Similarities and Differences of Metaphor;从比喻修辞格的异同看英汉文化差异
6.Political and Cultural Differences between Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait论两岸交流中的政治文化差异:寻异求同的视角
7.The Differences and their Enlightening between Japanese "Tang" Culture And Chinese Native Culture;日本“唐”文化与中国本土文化的异同及启示
8.A comparison between some featured Chinese and English words expressions on wine culture;从酒文化的语词形态异同点看东西方文化特质
9.Cross-cultural Communication:Different Versions of English and Chinese in Different Cultural Background;跨文化交际中异域文化背景的不同表达
10.Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Culture on Culturally-loaded Animal Words从动物词的文化内涵看英汉文化的异同
11.Research on How to Co-Exist under Good Political System in Diverse Culture Society求同存异:政治秩序下的多元文化共存
12.Similarities and Dissimilarities between Catholicism and Confucinism:A Comment on Chinese and Western Cultural Theories in the End of the Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of the Qing Dynasty天儒同异:明末清初中西文化学说述评
13.Same Maggie,Different Emotions--The cultural connotation of maggies同是借鹊情各异——“鹊”的文化意蕴探究
14.Cultural Difference between China and Western World Embodied in the English Translation of Guan Zhui Bian;《管锥编》的英译与中西文化的异同之争
15.The Reject and Identification of Other Cultures in Dracula;《德拉库拉》中异类文化的拒绝和认同
16.ber Unterschiede und Konvergenz der europischen sicherheitsstrategischen Kultur;试论欧洲安全战略文化的差异与趋同
17.Different Expressions in Different Culture between Sino-Britain and America;从中-英美文化差异看语言表达之不同
18.On the National Cultural Differences and Similarities between the Mongolian and Chinese(Han) Through the Aspects of Their Words for Color "White";从色彩词“白”看蒙汉民族文化的异同

cultural differences and similarities文化异同
3)cultural similarities and dissimilarities文化异同点
4)similarities and differences of the Chu culture楚文化异同
5)the similarities and differences between Chinese and western cultures中西方文化异同
6)differences between Chinese and Japanese culture中日文化异同

PLC与DCS的异同PLC   (1)从开关量控制发展到顺序控制、运送处理,是从下往上的。   (2)连续PID控制等多功能,PID在中断站中。   (3)可用一台PC机为主站,多台同型PLC为从站。   (4)也可一台PLC为主站,多台同型PLC为从站,构成PLC网络。这比用PC机作主站方便之处是:有用户编程时,不必知道通信协议,只要按说明书格式写就行。   (5)PLC网格既可作为独立DCS,也可作为DCS的子系统。   (6)大系统同DCS。   (7)PLC主要用于工业过程中的顺序控制,新型PLC也兼有闭环控制功能。     DCS    (1)分散控制系统DCS集4C(Communication,Computer, Control、CRT)技术于一身的监控技术。   (2)从上到下的树状拓扑大系统,其中通信(Communication)是关键。   (3)PID在中断站中,中断站联接计算机与现场仪器仪表与控制装置。   (4)是树状拓扑和并行连续的链路结构,也有大量电缆从中继站并行到现场仪器仪表。   (5)模拟信号,A/D—D/A、带微处理器的混合。   (6)一台仪表一对线接到I/O,由控制站挂到局域网LAN。   (7)DCS是控制(工程师站)、操作(操作员站)、现场仪表(现场测控站)的3级结构。   (8)用于大规模的连续过程控制,如石化等