1.On Guifu(桂馥) s Shuowen Jiezi Yizheng(《说文解字义证》) and the charac teristics of His Research on Liushu(六书);试论桂香复《说文解字义证》及其六书研究特点
2.The Research about Jianshu of 《Liushulue》;《六书略》兼书问题研究

1.WORDFORMATION, CONSTRUCTION AND CATEGORY--On the discussion of the Logical transformation from the six Categories to the Three Categories;造字·构形·类型——试谈“三书”对“六书”改造的合理性
2.Medabots AX Rokusho Version金属机器人大战AX-六书
3.In the study there are six bookshelves.书房中有六个书架。
4.He wrote six books altogether.他一共写了六本书。
5.The book is now issued in six volumes.此书现分六册出版。
6.This textbook contain 16 lessons.这本教科书共有十六课。
7."Six classical arts: rites, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic"六艺:礼乐射御书数
8.6. Letter of authorisation by the applicant;(六)申请人的授权委托书;
9.The first six books of the Old Testament.首六卷《旧约全书》的头六卷
10.This tender should be submitted by June 26th.此投标书应于六月二十六日前提交。
11.80 two-side iron bookshelves with six floors, one information, collections of 36,140 books.铁制双面六层书架八十座,服务台一座,藏书三万六千一百四十册。
12.Its reporters went to the libraries on six Saturdays to interview young book borrowers.由记者每周六到图书馆采访借书的年轻人。
13.All library books should be returned by the end of June.图书馆的所有书籍必须于六月底前归还。
14.I want to read books in the school library. It is open on Saturday morning.我想去学校图书馆读书。它星期六上午开。
15.The fourth constituent college, Shaw College, was set up in 1986.第四所成员书院是逸夫书院,于一九八六年创立。
16.Books as the Bond of Friendship for 60 years--The History of Iwanami Shoten in Cultural Exchange Between China and Japan;书传友谊六十载——岩波书店与中日文化交流
17.On the Bookstore's Management work of Liupanshui Normal College六盘水师范学院图书馆书库管理工作探讨
18.Users can borrow up to six books at one time from the library.读者每次借书最多不能超过六本。

Liu shu六书
1.Explaining modern logo design with the theory of "Liu shu";用“六书”理念看现代标志设计
2.He basically ignored or denied Liu Shu(the Six Scripts)and his analyses were not concrete,wh.但安先生在一些汉字的释义上,在理论基础和方法论上存在一些问题,他不讲或基本上否定《说文》“六书”,对“从某某声”“从某从某某亦声”“从某从某”缺乏具体分析,不利于真正解开汉字之谜。
3)the six categories of Chinese characters六书
1.The order of self-explanatory characters in the six categories of Chinese characters is listed the first by Xu Shen, the second by Ban Gu, and the fourth by Zheng Sinong."指事字"于"六书"中之次第,许慎列为"六书"第一,班固次于第二,郑司农位置于第四,后世学者皆依班固。
4)six categories of Chinese characters六书
1.On the Phonetic Loan Characters of the Six Categories of Chinese Characters and its Effect on the Character Relationships;论“六书”假借及由假借所引起的字词关系的变化
2.This paper generalized the six categories of Chinese characters into two functional methods: phonetic loan and ideography.将传统“六书”的构造方式进一步概括为“表意”和“假借”两种功能性手段。
1.On the Operation Significance of Chinese Hexateuch Theory;"六书"理论的现代意义
6)six drawings and two reports六图二书
