有声语言,vocal language
1)vocal language有声语言
1.Foreign language teaching always emphasizes vocal language, ignoring the use of non - vocal language——body language which is the main part of the non - vocal language, loaded with the culture of the target language and playing an important role in interpersonal communication.外语教学一直注重有声语言,忽视了作为非语言交际手段的无声语言——身势语的教学。
2.To make full use of vocal language in teaching,one needs to learn some methods,trying to make one s language cadenced,harmonious,brief,individualized and vivid so as to achieve the efficacy of language-the beauty in its meaning,sound and form.讲课中充分发挥有声语言的作用,需要懂得一些方法艺术,力争使自己的语言抑扬顿挫、协调和谐、简明干净、个性鲜明、生动优美,真正实现意美以感人、音美以感耳、形美以感目的语言功效性。
3.Teachers of physical education should well combine vocal language with body language so that they can understand meanings of various kinds of behaviour in class.全面系统地论述了体育教师在教学中应如何运用好有声语言和人体动作语言以便能更深入地理解课堂教学中各种行为的内在涵义,为更好地完成教学任务提供理论依据。

1.The Voice Creation of the Announcer in Sound Image;播音主持有声语言形象感的音声创造
2.sameness of purpose kept them together.书面语言与有声语言在某种程度上具有一致性。
3.Directionality of Verbs;动词的方向性——有声语言与视觉语言的类型比较
4.A Study on the Communication Subject's Creative Consciousness with Verbal Language;有声语言传播主体创作自觉问题研究
5.The Comparison between Sign Language Acquisition and Spoken Language Acquisition and Its Implications;自然手语习得与有声语言习得之比较及其启示
6.It may be used to assist vocal language, making it more effective, and sometimes even replacing it as a means of communication.它可以辅助语言,使语言的表情达意更丰富,有时它可以替代有声语言,暂时起到交际工具的作用。
7.He (or she) should be conscious of the importance of body language, and use the spoken language and body language together to achieve the best effect of communicating.主持人应增强态势语意识,通过有声语言和无声语言的相互配合来取得最佳传播效果。
8.On Application of Expression Skill of Sound Language in Deed Report;有声语言表达技巧在事迹报告中的运用
9.A Disucssion on the of Using Acoustic Language in classroom Teaching;浅谈有声语言在课堂教学中的使用艺术
10.Nonlinguistic elements accompanying verbal words give a hand in communicating ideas, and it's a phenomenon in voice or body behaviors, a carrier of info-exchange.非语言要素是伴随有声语言并辅助有声语言表情达意的声音现象或人体行为,是信息交流的载体。
11.THOUGH SOUNDLESS,LOUNDER THAN SPEECH On Soundless Languages of Debates;虽然无声胜有声——谈辩论的无声语言
12.having or using the power to produce speech or sound.有声音,或能发出声音或语言。
13.(linguistics) not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community.(语言学)不遵照群体中有声望团体的语言用法。
14.On Non-verbal Communication in Classroom Teaching;此时无声胜有声——浅谈课堂教学中的“无声语言”
15.A silent film has no speech and a silent machine makes no noise.silentsilent影片没有言语,而silent机器没有噪声.
16.International businesspeople should learn both the spoken and unspoken language.国际商务的从业人员既要学习有声的语言、也要学习无声的语言。
17.He has a strange habit of talking aloud to himself.他有大声自言自语的怪癖。
18.a child without problems in language development can hear two tones,一个没有语言发展障碍的孩子听到的两声声响,

sound language有声语言
1.On Application of Expression Skill of Sound Language in Deed Report;有声语言表达技巧在事迹报告中的运用
2.Research into the sound language training under the new course standard of Chinese;语文新课标下的有声语言训练研究
3.Palmer to drill students in comprehensive application of sound language, to improve the status quo.帕默的四个基本疑问句式所设计的有声语言综合应用训练。
3)audible language有声语言
1.The article talks about the language performization of children s programme presenter——a special profession and develop further discussion on the audible language and voiceless language.文章就一个特殊职业———少儿节目主持人,谈其语言的表演化,分别从有声语言和无声语言两方面作深入论述。
2.As a speaker, Only when he has plentiful, sincere and intense affection can he pours this kind of affection into his audible language and body language.对于演讲者来说 ,他必须先具有丰富、真诚而炽热的感情 ,才能把这种感情倾注到他的有声语言和态势语言中 ,并借助感情的掀动力 ,充分发挥自己的心理因素的积极作用 ,来取得演讲的成功。
3.Demonstrated with lively examples, this paper discusses one skill: the use of language for Politics Course in Middle Schools from the perspective of audible language, body language and Audio-Visual language in a classroom environment, which a qualified teacher should have.本文就中学政治课教师的职业技能之一——课堂教学语言的运用,结合实例,从有声语言、无声语言(态势语言)和电教语言三方面阐述政治课教师的素质修养。
4)verbal language有声语言
5)Audio language有声语言
1.On the Teachers How to Make Good Use of Audio Language浅谈教师如何用好有声语言
2.The form and feature of the librarians\' audio language and body language in the library service job were elaborated,its function in the course of effective services was analyzed.阐述了图书馆员在图书馆服务工作中的有声语言和体态语言的形态与特征,分析了有声语言和体态语言在服务工作过程中有效的作用。
1.The speech-maker must create an atmosphere to make an impact on audiences through language and silent body language.演讲是一门艺术 ,演讲者必须通过有声语言和无声的体态去创造和渲染气氛 ,去感染和影响听众。
2.Combined with several year teaching,experience the author will be intended to systematically expound how a sports teacher effectively use the language and gesture.结合多年的教学体会, 系统、全面地论述了体育教师在教学中应如何运用好有声语言和人体动作语言来提高教学质量。
