对话式教学,dialogue teaching
1)dialogue teaching对话式教学
1.Study on the "Dialogue Teaching" Models of College English;本文运用对话理论、第二语言习得理论以及交际能力理论探讨解决上述问题的思路,提出大学英语“对话式教学”的教学方法,具体包括教师与文本的对话,教师与学生的对话,学生与学生的对话以及学生与文本的对话。

2.An Analysis of Confucius Dialogue-Teaching Thoughts and Its Inspiration on Modern Teachers;孔子的对话式教学对现代教师的启示
3.The Strategies that Help the Teachers Develop Classroom Dialogue Teaching Efficiently教师有效开展课堂对话式教学之策略
4.Innovative Method for Marxism Theory Education in University:Dialogue Teaching and Comparative Teaching;高校马克思主义理论课教学的创新模式:对话式教学和比较式教学
5.Study on Paulo Freire s Dialogic Teaching and Its Reveal to Our Teaching Reform of Elementary and High School;保罗·弗莱雷对话式教学研究及对我国中小学教学改革的启示
6.Study on the "Dialogue Teaching" Models of College English;大学英语“对话式”教学的模式探究
7.On "Dialogue Type" Chemistry Teaching in the New Curriculum;“对话式”:化学教学模式的别种选择
8.Interaction Diglogue Transformation The illustration on “dialogue source-dialogue current-dialogue field” teaching mode;互动 对话 转变——“对话源—对话流—对话场”教学模式图解
9.The Chemistry Research Teaching of the Middle School in the Dialogue Principle;论对话原则下的中学化学探究式教学
10.A Discussion of Class Practical Form of Dialogue Teaching in Chemistry Subject;论化学学科对话教学的课堂实践形式
11.A Research on Association-dialogue Teaching Model of College English;大学公共英语联想—对话教学模式研究
12.The Analysis of Spiritual Dialogue Mode of Moral Instruction in Primary School;小学“心灵对话”道德教学模式的研究
13.Strategy Research into the Communication-dialogue Model in College English Teaching;大学英语“交际—对话”式教学策略研究
14.Exerting Students Principle Part in "Dialogue"Teacing;发挥学生在“对话式”教学中的主体地位
15.Enlightenments from the Teaching Approach:Dialogue,Participation and Experience in Higher Teacher Education;对话·参与·经验教学模式对高师教学的启示
16.An Analysis of Conversation Patterns of Interview and the Teaching of Conversation Strategies;“面试”会话模式分析及其对会话策略教学的启示
17.Study on "Dialogical" Teaching of Chinese Reading in Senior Schools;高中语文“对话式”阅读教学的研究
18.On the Basic Way of Acquiring Knowledge in Dialogue Instruction;对话教学中知识获得基本方式的研究

"Teaching by Dialogue""对话式教学"思想
1.The effects of postmodernism get the ideology of“Teaching by Dialogue”full of postmodernism characters.由于保罗·弗莱雷深受后现代主义思潮影响,所以,作为解放教育重要组成部分的“对话式教学”思想体现出明显的后现代主义特征,研究保罗·弗莱雷“对话式教学”思想后现代主义特征具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。
3)Teaching of appreciation in Dialogue State对话式欣赏教学
4)Dialogue-Instruction Mode对话教学模式
5)conversational teaching mode between teachers and students师生对话式教学
6)A reflection upon dialogue-teaching mode反思对话式教学
