《金银岛》,Treasure Island
1)Treasure Island《金银岛》
1.Treasure Island: A Western Fantasy about the East;《金银岛》:西方人的“东方幻象”
2.Colonial Interpretation of Treasure Island;《金银岛》的后殖民解读
3.Translators' Styles in Literary Translation——A Brief Study on Chinese Translations of Extract from Treasure Island浅议文学翻译中的译者风格——《金银岛》节选三个译本的赏析

1.Stevenson wrote a book called Treasure Island.史蒂文森写了一部名叫《金银岛》的小说。
2.The Arabian Nights and Treasure lsland are romances.《一千零一夜》和《金银岛》都是传奇故事。
3.Treasure Island is very readable.《金银岛》是一本可读性很强的书。
4.Treasure Island: A Western Fantasy about the East;《金银岛》:西方人的“东方幻象”
5.From Five Switching Sides to Show John Silver′s Dual Personality;从五次倒戈看《金银岛》中约翰·西尔弗的两面性
6.On Application of Translation Criticism on the Translation of Works Literary;论翻译批评在文学翻译中的运用——兼评《金银岛》片断
7.A Perspective of Translating the Style of Literary Works by Analyzing Two translated Chinese Versions of "Treasure Island";从《金银岛》的两个中译本透视文学翻译中对原作艺术风格的处理
8.Translators' Styles in Literary Translation--A Brief Study on Chinese Translations of Extract from Treasure Island浅议文学翻译中的译者风格——《金银岛》节选三个译本的赏析
9.I have never seen the sea quiet round Treasure Island.我从来没有看到金银岛四周平静过。
10.It is said that the pirates buried their treasure on this island.据说海盗把他们的金银财宝埋藏在这个岛上。
11.It is said that the pirates buried their treasure on this island据说海盗把他们的金银财宝埋藏在这个岛上
12."Gold or silver in the form of bars, ingots, or plates."金银条,金银块或金银片。
13.and from that first look onward, I hated the very thought of Treasure Island.而且从第一眼看到它时起,我就恨透了这个金银岛。
14.IT was broad day when I awoke, and found myself tossing at the south-west end of Treasure Island.我醒来时天已大亮,同时发现自己在金银岛西南端的海面上漂
15.As the last rays of daylight dwindled and disappeared, absolute blackness settled down on Treasure Island.最后一道亮光消失后,金银岛终于笼罩在一片漆黑之中了。
16.some time that night, or, at latest, before noon of the morrow, we should sight the Treasure Island.那天晚上某个时辰,最迟第二天中午前,我们就能看到金银岛。
17.But before we came the length of Treasure Island, two or three things had happened which require to be known.不过,在到达金银岛前发生了两三件事,应该在这里向大家交代一下。
18.the precious metals, ie gold,silver and platinum贵金属(金、银、白金)

Ag island film银岛膜
1.SERS spectra of 1,4-bis[2-(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]-benzene absorbed onto Ag island film and silver colloid surface were studied The attributions were given Some conditions of BPENB on substrates were discusse本文研究了 1 ,4-bis[2 -(4 -pyridyl)ethenyl]-benzene (BPENB)在银岛膜和银溶胶上的SERS光谱 ,对BPENB的峰做了指认 ,并讨论了分子在基底上的可能情
3)silver nanoislands银纳米岛
4)Qingdao A Bank青岛A银行
1.Various issues relating to the performance evaluation system of Qingdao A Bank are discussed in this paper.本文以个案分析法、理论联系实际和定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法,从绩效评价的理论和方法出发,以平衡计分卡为主要工具,结合青岛A银行的具体实践,探讨了青岛A银行绩效评价体系的设计问题。
5)Gold and silver金银
1.Study on Improvement of Recovery of Gold and Silver from the Copper Dross Smelting in Reverberatory Furnace;提高铜浮渣反射炉熔炼金银回收率的研究
2.Research advances in the reclamation of gold and silver from pyrite slag黄铁矿烧渣中金银资源利用进展
3.After that, the copper in leach liquor can be extracted with the ternary extractant mainly containing P204, and the gold and silver in leach residue can be recovered by a process of "cyanidation-replacement of Z.为避免硫酸烧渣对环境的污染 ,以硫酸烧渣为原料 ,通过添加活性还原剂 ,用废硫酸直接还原浸出铁并制铁黄 ,而后用以P2 0 4为主体的三元萃取剂萃取回收浸液中的铜 ,用全泥氰化和锌粉置换工艺从浸渣中提取金银 ,较经济有效地回收利用了烧渣中的有价金属 ,铁、铜和金的回收率分别达到了 93。
6)Ag Au银-金

中沙金银岛属于西沙群岛,海南岛渔民称为“尾岛”,因为它不在永乐环礁之内,而是在环礁之外,有如永乐环礁的尾巴。金银岛长约l275米,宽560米,四周沙堤比中部要高2米,中部洼地为于泻湖,有井数口,水可饮用。沙堤带以东端为广大, 且呈尖咀状向东伸延。金银岛实为一小环礁西面礁盘上的一个沙岛,在岛东南有两个小沙洲, 西南有3个小沙洲。这个小环礁中部有一浅湖,隔浅湖, 东北面礁盘上还有四个沙洲。浅湖并不象羚羊礁那样呈封闭状态,而是有缺在西南面,缺口可入小舟及帆船。低潮时,礁盘水浅,人们可以行走其间。大潮时沙洲每被淹没,因而树木不生,只长耐咸水草。树木只出现在金银岛上,白避霜花与竿海桐丛生,茂密非常,故本岛鸟粪丰富。岛上人工植的海棠树已很高大,树下有水井,井水可供饮用。但昧不甘。本岛开发历史很早。在岛上发现有元代青袖龙泉窑瓷盘,明代的青花大盘、青白袖盆、青花风纹盘等,清代的花碗、青花龙纹投等文物,岛上还有渔民建造的小庙。