解释性翻译,explanatory translation
1)explanatory translation解释性翻译
1.Different languages have different cultural background,which constitutes an obstacle in the inter-cultural communication;therefore,explanatory translation is playing a crucial role in the "culture transplant" by explaining the cultural details contained in a context.解释性翻译在文化交流中将不同语言文化的独特之处以及文化背景加以详尽的解释,起到了移植文化的重要作用。
2.Nida s matching response ,explanatory translation is a required method of transplanting cultures.奈达的“对等反应”理论,解释性翻译是不可缺少的,它是外事活动中移植文化的必要手段。
3.Based on the study of Brooks\' version and in light of cultural translation theory,this thesis proposes that the combined use of transliteration and explanatory translation may be a proper way for translating culturally-loaded concepts like Ren(仁).通过比较不同时期不同译者的翻译,在较多译本采用“同化”翻译策略的情况下,依据白牧之、白妙之的译本,运用文化翻译理论,本文提倡用“音译和解释性翻译”的方法来翻译《论语》中“仁”这一重要哲学词汇。

1.Explanatory Translation in the C-E Translation解释性翻译在汉英翻译实践中的应用
2.Historical Understanding and Validity of Interpretation in Translation翻译中的“历史性理解”及“解释的有效性”
3.Gendered Metaphors of Translation: A Philosophical Interpretation and Deconstruction;翻译的性别化隐喻:哲学的阐释与解构
4.Relevance Theory of Translation and Practical Hermeneutics;解释性运用:关联翻译理论的实践哲学
5.Rational Interprectation:The Basis of Criticism of Literary Translation;解释的合理性:文学翻译批评的基础
6.The Relationship between Language and Culture from the Cognitive Perspective and Its Implication for Translatability;语言和文化关系的认知解释与翻译的可译性
7.The Reading and Interpretation of “Chinese Translation of Western Literature”:--The Linguistic, Interpretative and Political Nature of the Target Language;“西语中译”的阅读与诠释——翻译语言的语言性、解释性与政治性
8.You translate and explain.“那就你来翻译并解释。”
9.Translation criteria and their applicability with a view to the translation of colors;从颜色词的翻译谈翻译标准的解释力
10.On the Explicability of Translation Norms on Translating Activity;翻译规范理论之于翻译活动的解释力
11.Translation Norms Within a Descriptive-Explanative Model: on Toury s Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies;翻译规范的描述解释性模型:吉迪恩·图里的描述翻译学研究
12.Accounting for the Duality of the Translating Principles of Foreignization and Domestication with the Notion of Optimal Relevance;关于翻译原则二重性的最佳关联性解释
13.A Hermeneutic Interpretation of the “Faithfulness” Translation Criterion;“忠实”翻译标准——解释学的解释
14.On Author s Individual Translation and Pre-comprehension of Hermenutics;试论作者个性化翻译与阐释学的前理解
15.A Study of Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Interlingual Interpretive Resemblance跨语言解释性相似视角下的广告翻译研究
16.Objectivity in Interpretation Based on Practical Hermeneutics And Its Guiding Role in Translation Study;实践解释学视域下解释的客观性对翻译研究的指导意义
17.Inter-subjectivity in Pragmatic Translation Explained by the Functionalist Translation Theory应用翻译的主体间性:功能翻译的阐释
18.Translating Is Interpreting:Redefining "Translating" from Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics;翻译即解释:对翻译的重新界定——哲学诠释学的翻译观

paraphrasing translation解释性翻译(义解)
4)translation is interpretation翻译即解释
6)annotated interpretation诠释性翻译
1.Based on a study of the past and present invention and borrowing of new words in the Lahu language,the paper scientifically analyzes the development rule of Lahu new words and proposes a respect of the language law and people s invention and criticizes the biased approach to the annotated interpretation of new words.书面语则是出版物的翻译语言,主要有编译人员采用创造和诠释性翻译的方式增加新词。

解释性研究  以一定的命题或假设为前提,运用演绎方法探讨事物之间的相关关系或因果关系的研究类型。它的主要目标是回答"为什么"的问题。社会学中,解释性研究注重对所研究的各种社会现象或事物的特性、内在联系、成因和规律作出明晰的理论说明或阐释。这种阐述或回答是在理论的指导下,基于对经验资料的搜集、统计和分析来达到的。它的一般程序是:先依据社会学理论形成研究的假设或命题,然后搜集大量的经验事实材料进行统计分析,以此来验证假设,并通过对假设的证实或证伪来解释事物间的各种关系,解释社会现象产生的原因。    解释社会现象的本质,说明社会现象间的因果关系,是社会研究的最重要的目的。解释性研究在社会研究中占有相当重要的地位,是一种比探索性研究和描述性研究更深层的研究类型,也是社会学理论研究的一种主要形式。在社会学中,实验研究、预测研究和评价研究等都是典型的解释性研究。