音意兼译,semantic transliteration
both transliteration and free translation音意兼译法
3)transliterated-and-liberally-translated words音意兼译词
1.This paper mainly discusses those transliterated-and-liberally-translated words appearing in Chinese in the 1990s,concludes their features,and analyses the reasons why they appeared and the ways they came into Chinese.本文主要讨论20世纪90年代出现的音意兼译词,总结它们的特点,分析其产生的原因及分析这部分外来词进入汉语途径的特点。
4)borrowed words by transliteration and meaning音意兼译外来词
5)On Semantic Transliteration试论"音意兼译"
6)coordination of literal and free translation直译意译兼顾
