教材评估,textbook evaluation
1)textbook evaluation教材评估
1.The research on textbook evaluation is of great significance for college English teaching in China.教材评估理论的研究对目前中国的大学英语教学具有重要意义。

1.Material Evaluation & Development ?英语教材评估与开发
2.An Evaluation and Analysis of PETS-2 Coursebook by Higher Education Press高教版PETS-2教材评估与分析
3.An Evaluation on Reading Textbooks of Preparatory Chinese Language;新疆高校预科汉语阅读教材评估略论
4.Evaluation of High School Teaching Materials as Part of the US"Project 2061;美国“2061计划”的中学教材评估
5.Basic Frame To Evaluate Five - year - system HVE Coursebooks五年制高职教育教材评估指标体系的基本架构
6.The Construction of Materials Evaluation Framework and Its Application to New Horizon College English;教材评估框架建构及其对《新视野大学英语》的评估应用
7.The Study of Chinese Coursebooks for Foreigners Evaluation with Learners as Evaluator;以学习者为评估者的对外汉语教材评估模式研究
8.Material Evaluation: Task Design in Some Subject-Based EST Textbooks Published in China教材评估:关于目前国内一些专业科技英语教材中的任务设置
9.Evaluation of Textbooks--Case Study of Three Textbooks Used at Chongqing University for Marketing-Based English Course;教材评估—以重庆大学采用的三种市场营销专业英语教材为例
10.A Theoretical Analysis of Several Western Textbook Evaluation Systems and Their Implications for the College English Textbook Evaluation in China;几个国外英语教材评估体系的理论分析——兼谈对中国大学英语教材评估的启示
11.Enforce Teaching Material Quality Evaluation Encourage the Choice of Excellent Teaching Material;加强教材质量评估 促进优秀教材选用
12.An evaluation of the teaching contents of the listening textbook of College English;《大学英语》听力教材教学内容的评估
13.A Corpus-based Evaluation of Vocabulary in English Textbooks for Secondary School;基于语料库的中学英语教材词汇评估
14.Tentative Evaluation of Currently Used Maritime English Teaching Materials in China and Proposals for Improvement;对当前国内海事英语教材的评估研究
15.Principle and Strategy of Preparation for Undergraduate Education Evaluation Material;本科教学评估材料建设的原则与策略
17.Some Thoughts about the Construction of Teaching Evaluation Archives for Graduates;对本科教学评估档案材料建设的认识
18.Evaluation of New Century College English;《新世纪大学英语系列教材》的评估

materials evaluation教材评估
1.A Case Study on Post-Band 4 ESP Materials Evaluation from a Constructivist Perspective;基于建构主义的四级后续教材评估之实例研究
3)material evaluation教材评估
4)coursebook evaluation教材评估
1.They haven\'t made a necessary coursebook evaluation and so the teaching result is not very satisfactory.教材评估为选择合适的教材,改编教材与开发新教材提供科学依据。
5)teaching materials evaluating criteria教材评估标准
6)teaching material quality evaluation教材质量评估
1.It is important to enforce the choice of the teaching material and the teaching material quality evaluation to encourage excellent teaching materials used widely.因此,要加强高等学校使用教材的选用管理,加强教材质量评估工作,让优秀教材进课堂。

地价评估趋势评估法地价评估趋势评估法 【地价评估趋势评估法】土地价格在一定的时间内由于受诸多因素影响,呈周期性的波动,但总趋势是上升的,因此,利用一定的数学模型,就可以求算出地价,一般要通过回归分析,找出土地价格与时间变量之间的函数关系,画出地价发展变化趋势图形,然后建立数学模型,进而推算出地价。若以Y代表历年地价,X代表时间,丫代表地价,其关系式为:y‘=a+bx(a、b为常数)。采用这一方法,需以长年积累起来的地价变动资料作为分析依据。地价的时间序列最好在ro年以上。因为时间序列愈长,愈能排除偶然因素和短期因素对趋势值的异常干扰。另外,用地价长期趋势图可比较两个地段地价_L涨的强弱程度,如果长期趋线越陡,则表明该地段地价升值性越强;反之,则表明该地价的升值性越弱。