英若诚,Ying Ruocheng
1)Ying Ruocheng英若诚
1.A Study of Ying Ruocheng and His Drama Translation;英若诚及其戏剧翻译研究
2.Translators Subjectivity a Study on Ying Ruocheng s Drama Translation;从英若诚戏剧翻译看译者主体性
3.A Systematic Study on Ying Ruocheng's Drama Translation“译者登场”——英若诚戏剧翻译系统研究

1.On the Artistic Achievement of Ying Ruocheng s Translation of “Death of the Salesman”;试论英若诚译《推销员之死》的艺术成就
2.On the Application of Principle of Performability as Shown in Ying s English Version of Teahouse;论英若诚译《茶馆》的动态表演性原则
3.A Systematic Study on Ying Ruocheng's Drama Translation“译者登场”——英若诚戏剧翻译系统研究
4.Definite skopos set and adequate translation achieved --Comment on Ying Ruocheng s translation of Teahouse;目的明确 翻译充分——评英若诚英译话剧《茶馆》
5.Translator’s Subjectivity in Drama Translation from Rhetoric Perspective;从修辞角度看戏剧翻译中的译者主体性——兼议英若诚《茶馆》英译本
6.Translating Drama for Theatrical Performance--With A Brief Review of Ying Ruocheng s Theory and Practice of English-Chinese Drama Translation;论以舞台演出为目的的戏剧翻译——兼评英若诚先生的英译汉戏剧翻译理论与实践
7.Research on Some Topics about the Corporate Trust System;企业诚信体系建设中若干问题的研究
8.Study on the integrity question of college students;由大学生诚信问题所引起的若干思考
9.Institutional Building for Honest and Credit Education in the College Students;大学生诚信教育制度建设的若干思考
10.If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.若有人自以为虔诚、不勒住他的舌头、欺哄自己的心、人的虔诚是虚的。
11.I wish you had sincerity enough to tell me whether Catherine would suffer greatly from his loss.我希望你诚诚恳恳告诉我,若是失去了他,凯瑟琳会不会很难过。
12.If honest labour be unremunerative and difficult to endure;"倘若诚实的工作无利可图而且难以忍受;
13.Given goodwill on both sides I am sure we can reach agreement.若双方均有诚意, 我确信我们能达成一致意见。
14.Given goodwill on both sides I'm sure we can reach agreement.若双方均有诚意, 我确信我们能达成一致意见.
15."that I, shameful to say, for all my masculine dignity, fell short of the gentler sex.""何我堂堂须眉,诚不若彼裙钗哉?实愧则有余"
16.The Uppermost Kindness is Like Water--Most Sincere and True--On Wang Zeng-qi s Mr.JIn Yue-lin;上善若水 至诚至真——读汪曾祺《金岳霖先生》
17.On Credibility Legal Mechanism Construction in Artwork Market;艺术品市场诚信法律机制构建若干问题探讨
18.On the Credit System of the Private Enterprises in Dalian;大连市民营企业诚信体系建设的若干思考

1.How Interrogative Pronouns Ru,Ruo and Ruowei Originated in Middle Ancient Chinese;中古新生疑问代词“如”、“若”、“若为”及其来源
2."Yng,Zheng,Ruo and yong" are characters in the line statements on oracle bone inscriptions found in Hua Dong.花东甲骨中的繇辞主要有永、正、若、用等,它们或为单字,单独使用,或为多字联合使用。
3)Guo Moruo and English Literature郭沫若与英国文学
1.Thinking on honesty and credit of current society;关于当代社会“诚”“信”的思考
2.Chinese traditional ethical explanation on the "humanity,honesty,forbearance,mean,courtesy" is based on the culture of harmony from Confucianism.中国传统伦理对"仁、诚、恕、中庸与礼"的诠释,是建立在儒学"和"文化思想基础上的,把握传统"和"文化的特征,明确其对中国当代"和谐"环境建构的思想与文化心理准备,为社会主义"以人为本"的发展思想提供了理论依据。
1.Communication the Heaven Way and Human Nature: On the Sincerity of Zhongyong;以人道显天道:论《中庸》诚的思想
2.On the "Sincerity" by Zhou Dun-yi and comparison between His "sincerity" and Doctrine of the Mean;论周敦颐的“诚”——兼与《中庸》比较
1.On the base of the confucianists classics Yi Jing,zhong Yong,Da Xue,Meng Zi, Xun Zi and L unYu,through the analysis the explain of the"honest",this article justify convincingly: As a spirit,the"honest"not only having the nature of transcendence,absoluteness and independenc,but also being one of core moral ideas in China tradition.文章以儒家经典《易经》、《中庸》、《大学》、《孟子》、《荀子》、《论语》为根据,通过对"诚"这一概念的分析与解释,证明"诚"作为一种精神,具有超越性、绝对性和独立性,是中国儒家传统道德核心观念之一。
2."Honest" is the core concept in Chinese traditional culture.“诚”是中国传统文化的核心概念,从语境、语义的角度对传统文化中的“诚”进行客观的分析,中国传统文化中的“诚”在内涵上包涵四个层面,即作为道德状态的“诚”、作为道德目标的“诚”、作为道德手段的“诚”和作为道德实体的“诚”。
3.As an ethical spirit,the profound meaning is mainly reflected in the honesty, respect,order and practice.作为一种伦理精神,"礼"主要体现在诚、敬、序、履四个方面。
