情景教学,Situational teaching
1)Situational teaching情景教学
1.On connotation and extension of situational teaching method in vocational education;情景教学内涵和外延的研究

1.College English Teaching Reform--to Highlight the Scenario Teaching大学英语教学改革——突出情景教学
2.On junior English"situational teaching"under the circumstances of the new course论新课程背景下的初级英语“情景教学
3.A Study on the Application of Situational Method to HVTC English Teaching;情景教学法在高职英语教学中的应用
4.The Use of Situational English Teaching in Secondary Vocational School;浅议中职英语教学中情景教学的运用
5.Teaching Tourism English with Situational Teaching Approaches;情景教学——旅游英语教学的有效方法
6.Situational Language Teaching--an Effective Approach to Policing English Teaching情景教学法——警务英语教学的有效途径
7.Improving Teaching Quality of Politics via Situational Teaching Method运用情景教学法 提高政治教学质量
8.Reoccurrence-A Study of Situated Instruction in English Class in Junior Middle School;情景的再现—初中英语情景教学法的探讨
9.On Situational Context Teaching Mode in the Advanced Mathematics;高等数学“情景教学模式”的实验与研究
10.Analysis how to set up gradation and scene teach in maths teaching;数学教学中的层次设置与情景教学探讨
11.An Analysis of the Situation Teaching Characteristics in New College English;大学英语教学改革视野中的“情景教学”特色分析
12.Participation Style of Teaching on Specified Situation in Rehabilitation参与式情景教学在康复医学教学中的应用
13.The use of scene teaching methocl in surgicd nursing teaching情景教学法在《外科护理学》实验教学中的应用
14.The Scene Establishment of Chemistry Teaching in Class under the New Curriculum Background;新课程背景下化学课堂教学的情景创设
15.The Research of Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry in Society Based on the Science Literacy;基于科学素养的《情景化学》教材研究
16.The Practice and Research of Creating Situation in Chemistry Teaching;情景创设在化学教学中的实践与探究
17.Enlightenment to On-line Learning Surrounding from Scene Leaning Theory;情景学习理论对网络教学设计的启示
18.Brief introduction to “Situation & Practice” teaching approach in middle school history learning Hubei “Situation & Qractice & Innovation” education study and research group;简谈中学历史“情景·实践”教学法

Scene Teaching情景教学
1.Design and Practice of Scene Teaching for ‘Procedure and Stuff of Making TV Teaching Material’;《电视教材编制过程与人员》情景教学设计与实践
2.To establish scene teaching and to stimulate the learning interest of students;创设情景教学 激发学习兴趣
3.This article points out that the higher vocational education is different from the traditional education,and presens the viewpoint of teaching with special characteristic by giving an example of the author s special lesson and by combining the multi-media teaching and scene teaching,the case example teaching means with various teaching instrument etc.房地产经纪专业课要紧密围绕行业需求,运用多媒体教学、情景教学、案例教学等多种教学手段,充分调动学生的主观能动性和创造性,达到全面提高学生综合素质的目的。
3)scene teaching method情景教学
1.Application of scene teaching method in nursing technical skill in TCM;情景教学法在中医护理操作教学中的应用
2.Method:Adopting multi-media teaching,multi-role playing,scene teaching method to study.方法教学方式采用多媒体教学、多角色扮演、情景教学等。
4)situational language teaching情景教学
5)Situational teaching method情景教学
1.Results:Situational teaching method is welcome among the experimental students whose grade is higher than that of the students of contrast class.方法:理论教学采用整体护理病案为引导的对话式情景教学,实践教学采用以病人为中心的整体护理临床见习和学生模拟表演式情景教学
2.Results Situational teaching method is welcome in students whose grade is higher than students of non-reformation.方法:理论教学采用整体护理病案为引导的对话式情景教学,实践教学采用以患者为中心的整体护理临床见习和学生模拟表演式情景教学
3.Results Situational teaching method is welcome among the experimental students whose grade is higher than that of the students of con-trast class.方法理论教学采用整体护理病案为引导的对话式情景教学
6)teaching scene教学情景
1.Teachers creating good teaching scenes in class,students will be inspired to learn positively and will be completely absorbed in the class,which can ensure a good teaching effect.文章旨在探讨创设良好的富有活力的教学情景对整个课堂的重要性。
