消极情感,Negative Affect
1)Negative Affect消极情感
1.This paper attempts to probe into the issues of: 1) helping students overcome the negative affect (demotivation, lack of self-confidence, and anxiety.以此为出发点,本研究十分重视语言课堂中出现的情感问题,因而试图从两个方面进行探索:1)通过关爱式教学帮助学生克服焦虑、信心不足等消极情感因素,进而激发他们发展积极情感;2)通过关爱式教学营造有利于提高课堂学习质量的心理氛围以促进学生学习积极性。
2.In this study,we choose 176 employees in Beijing as a sample to test the relationships among positive affect,negative affect and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.本文通过对176名员工的实证研究,探讨了气质性情感(积极情感和消极情感)与工作满意度及组织公民行为之间的关系。
3.However,the positive affects,negative affects and the satisfaction of life composite mostly aspects of well-being.积极情感、消极情感和对生活满意度的体验构成了幸福的主要方面,财富、健康、婚姻家庭、教育等因素都是通过影响被试的情感体验和满意度评价从而影响人们的主观幸福感的。

1.Positive Affection and Negative Affection of the Elderly and Their Related Factors;老年人积极情感和消极情感及相关因素研究
2.Exploration on Learners Negative Affects Elimination and Positive Affects Construction in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching;外语教学中学习者消极情感消除及积极情感建构之探索
3.Factorial and Construct Validity of the Chinese Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Student积极/消极情感量表中文版的结构和效度
4.A Research on the Relationship of Job Satisfaction and Positive-Negative Affectivity (PA-NA);工作满意度与积极—消极情感的关系研究
5.A Research on the Difference of Positive-Negative Affectivity(PA-NA) on the Job Satisfaction;积极情感特质与消极情感特质在工作满意度上的差异研究
6.Relationships between Explicit Self-Esteem,Implicit Self-Esteem,Personality Traits and Positive Affect,Negative Affect in Undergraduates大学生外显自尊、内隐自尊、人格特质与积极情感、消极情感的关系
7.Influence of Negative Emotions on L2 Writing--From the Perspective of Students of Vocational College;消极情感对高职生二语写作的影响及应对策略
8.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Negative Emotion Metaphors from the Theoretical Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor概念隐喻视角的英汉消极情感隐喻比较研究
9.perceived social support,self-efficacy of general intelligence and family income negatively predict negative affection.觉知的社会支持、一般智力效能感、家庭月收入负性预测消极情感
10.It is shown that there exist sense of inferiority, sense of loss, anxiety, sense of depression in the course of the development and getting useful of the civilian-run college students.民办高校大学生在其成才和发展过程中存在着自卑感、失落感、焦虑、抑郁感等消极情感
11.Dealing with the Affective Problems Caused by Negative Affect in L2 Classroom Through Caring Teaching;用关爱式教学对待第二语言课堂中消极情感引起的问题
12.On Negative Emotions in English Learning Results & Relevant Strategies;制约非英语学习成效的消极情感因素分析及对策
13.There are seven negative emotions and seven positive.我们可将这些感 情分为七种消极和七种积极的情绪。
14.The amygdala is activated by stimulus that elicits certain forms of negative affect, particularly fear.杏仁核易被消极的感情刺激所激活,尤其是恐惧。
15.By bottling up their emotions, men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negative feelings.由于掩盖自己的情感,男人便丧失了抒发自己消极情绪的健康途径。
16.The positive emotion can greatly promote students' cognitive learning. Contrarily, the passive emotion can obstruct their study.积极的情感可以对认知学习产生促进作用,反之,消极的情感会阻碍学生的学习。
17.All fear is a false sense of something bad might happen.恐惧都是对可能发生的事情的一种消极的、假想的感觉。
18.While you're sitting there, completely immerse yourself in the negative emotion.当你静坐时,请允许你自己完完全全地去感受这种消极的情绪。

negative emotion消极情感
1.The thesis makes a systematic analysis of the functions of emotional education on the Biochemistry teaching through the following aspects: the importance of emotion, the teachers effect on the students learning emotion, and the methods on how to overcome students negative emotion.重点从情感的重要性、教师对学生学习的情感影响、如何克服学生的消极情感,从而提高教学效果几方面论述情感教学在生物化学教学中的应用。
2.Leisure sports activities not only increase people s positive emotion,but also restrict negative emotion.休闲体育活动可以增加积极情感,抑制消极情感的出现,从而维持主观幸福感,获得幸福的体验。
3.The results indicated that there was significant difference on life satisfaction, positive emotion and negative emotion, but not subjective well-being in the areas.差异检验表明 ,在总体SWB水平上 ,三个地区没有表现出显著差异 ,但在生活满意感、积极情感和消极情感维度上差异都显著。
3)Negative emotions消极情感
1.It has been proved that positive emotions facilitate language learning and negative emotions hinder language learning.本文从论述情感与语言学习的关系入手,分析了传统英语写作教学中消极情感的产生及其危害,揭示了过程写作法教学对积极情感因素培养的过程,旨在鼓励教师运用有效教学途径激发学生积极的学习情感,克服英语写作中的心理障碍。
2.The results showed that there was significant correlation betw een SWB and positive emotions, negative emotions, life satisfaction, self exper i ence and norms.旨在考察主观幸福感的基本状况 ,通过对来自 4 8个国家和地区的 10 0 18名大学生被试施测《国际大学调查》(ICS)问卷 (分A卷和B卷 ) ,对施测结果进行相关分析和回归分析 ,发现积极情感、消极情感、生活满意感、自我体验和外在准则都是主观幸福感的有效预测变量。
3.Based on a large amount of linguistic data from English and Chinese, it attempts to explore the similarities and differences between Chinese and English conceptual metaphors of three basic negative emotions including sadness, anger, and fear.本研究克服传统隐喻理论将隐喻研究局限于修辞学领域的界限,试图在跨语言层面上对消极情感概念隐喻进行对比研究。
4)Negative Affection消极情感
1.Positive Affection and Negative Affection of the Elderly and Their Related Factors;老年人积极情感和消极情感及相关因素研究
5)negative affects消极情感
1.This thesis sets out to appeal for extensive attention toward affective factors in foreign language learning and teaching, and to explore ways to help learners eliminate negative affects and construct positive ones in the process of learning and teaching, so as to develop their language proficiency and promote learning effect and efficiency as well as learners development as a whole person.本文探讨外语学习中的情感因素问题,呼吁对外语教学中情感因素的广泛关注,并致力于探索在外语教学中帮助外语学习者消除消极情感、构建积极情感的可行性策略。
6)positive and negative affect积极和消极情感
1.Objective:To examine the characteristics of attributions to discrimination and its effect on positive and negative affect among Chinese migrant children.目的:以群体成员资格可以改变的流动儿童为对象,探讨其歧视归因倾向及对积极和消极情感的影响。

外汇管制的消极影响外汇管制的消极影响 【外汇管制的消极影晌】实施严格的外汇管制,会对本国经济产生一定的弊端。因为外汇管制的实施不可避免地带有主观因素,其管制方式和措施不可能随着客观环境的变化而及时作出调整,这种背离现象越严重,对该国经济的消极影响也就越大。另外,严格的外汇管制也不利于国与国之间乃至世界贸易的发展。外汇管制的消极影响主要表现在:(l)不利于进出口贸易合理均衡的发展。因为实行外汇管制的国家,其汇率一般由官方决定,汇率不可避免地经常出现高估或低估的现象。如果汇率商估,就会削弱本国商品在国际商品市场的竞争力,从而影响出口;如果汇率低估,使进口商品昂贵,这会限制一些必需品的进口。(2)市场机制失效,影响外汇资源合理配里。在外汇自由买卖的情况下,由于市场机制的作用,外汇供求、各种汇率之间在一定程度上能够取得均衡。而在外汇管制的情况下,市场机制作用不能充分发挥,供求之间发生脱离,并造成国内外商品市场和资本市场的分离,最终使国内和国外的价格体系相脱节。这种脱节使国际间成本价格无法进行比较,不能充分利用国际分工的功能,从而影响资源的合理配置。(3)增加商品成本支出,容易导致国内物价上涨。实行严格的外汇管制,会使外汇交易和进出口贸易的时间延长,各种费用增加,成本提高。某些歧视性汇率的施行或征税较高也会导致贸易商品的价格提高,并加剧国内的通货膨胀。另外,过严的外汇管制,也容易引起逃汇、套汇,以及走私、黑市外汇买卖等不法行为。(4)影响资本在国际间的正常流动,阻碍国家贸易的发展,增加各国间的矛盾。外汇管制使得资金有余的国家不能将其资金顺利调出;而那些急需资金的国家又不能得到所需资金。另外,外汇管制使外汇管制国家之间和实行外汇管制与不实行外汇管制国家之间的资本不能自由流动,不能实行多边结算制度,这必然会阻碍国际金融市场的发展和国际贸易市场的扩大,并容易引起国家间的贸易战,一些国家常常对实行严格外汇管制的国家采取报复措施,从而影响了国际经济的正常交往。