学习自由,learning freedom
1)learning freedom学习自由
1.The insufficient resources and unsystematic course program restrict English major students learning freedom.英语专业课程资源不足、课程规划尚不成体系,制约了英语专业本科生的学习自由
2.For the realization of the target of cultivating research type talent, learning freedom thought provides the inspiration mentality.为实现研究型大学的人才培养目标,学习自由为其提供了启发思路。

1.A student of the liberal arts.学习自由主义艺术的人
2.On the Current Situation of Undergraduates of English Majors Learning Freedom;英语专业本科生学习自由的现状分析
3.Historical Development,Meaning,Necessity and Limit of Learning Freedom学习自由:历史发展与涵义、必然与限制
4.The Development of the Freedom of the Undergraduate Studying and Its Enlightment for Student Management;论大学学习自由的演进以及学生管理的转向
5.On the Freedom of Learning of College Students in the Background of Higher Education Popularization;大众化背景下我国大学生学习自由问题
6.Freedom Learning Idea and the Inspiration on Cultivation of Talent of Research Type University;研究型大学人才培养的学习自由理念及实现策略研究
7.Guiding Students to "Liberal Learning"--the Interpretation & Inspiration of What is education;引导学生走向学习自由——《什么是教育》的解读与启示
8.Learning Reaches Liberty--A New Explanation of Liberty in Learning;学习通达自由——对学习领域自由问题的新阐释
9.Culture and Management of Free Development Study of University Students;大学生自由发展型学习的培养与管理
10.Style Properties and Implementary Way of Intersubject Free Learning;科际自由学习的样态特征与实施路径
11.On Students Mental Freedom in Learning Process and the Teaching Promotion;试论学习过程中学生心理自由及其教学促进
12.The uninhibited use of free-body diagrams is of utmost importance to students of continuum mechanics.自由地使用自由体图对于学习连续介质的学生来讲是最重要的事。
13.In effect most study will be carried out by the student independently outside of class time.事实上,大部分学习是在课下由学生自己完成的。
14.Research into the Autonomous Learning Abilities of Country High School Students;农村中学生物理自由学习能力的培养研究
15.Investigation and Analysis on Training Students' Self-regulation at the Free Throw of Basketball篮球自由投篮练习中培养学生自我调节能力的调查与分析
16.we learned it in school and have grown up hearing of freedom, justice and human rights.我们在学校里学习它,一直听着自由、正义和人权的教诲长大成人。
17.You miss out on learning your individual lessons by distracting yourself with feelings of bitterness and resentment.由于愤世懊恼情绪的干扰,你可能错过学习自己该学的课程。
18.Discussion on English Autonomous Learning of College Students Based on New College English Curriculum Requirements由新“课程要求”看大学生英语学习自主性能力的培养

Freedom of learning学习自由
1.Freedom of learning is quite rational and reasonable in higher education due to the essential nature of higher education, the mental and physiological conditions of college students and the great significance of itself.高等教育的本质特征和大学生的身心特点以及学习自由的重大意义 ,决定了学习自由在高等教育领域的合理性。
2.Freedom of learning, whose content involves all the teaching-related matters, is a freedom within university and the subject of the rights is students.学习自由主要是大学内部实行的一种自由,它以学生为权利主体,内容涉及与教学有关的各项事宜。
3.The article first gives a brief account of the definition of freedom of learning and its development both in and out of China;then it finds out the existing problems and causes through a detailed analysis on the current situation of freedom of learning in English teaching.本文简要阐述了学习自由的含义及其思想在中外的发展状况,并通过对我国英语专业教学中学习自由度的现状分析,指出了现存的问题及其根源,认为现阶段我国英语专业本科生不能充分享有学习自由权,师生观念、人才培养模式和教育体制不适应新的时代需求,学习自由实现形式单一,自由度有限。
3)freedom of study学习自由
1.The freedom of study as an important part of the academic freedom has been mature comparatively in the higher education of the developed countries and is being the general idea of the higher school in our country too.学习自由是高等学校学术自由思想的重要组成部分,在西方发达国家的高等教育领域已发展得较为成熟,也正逐步成为我国大学的重要办学理念。
2.The freedom of study includes both the external freedom and internal freedom of study.学习自由包括学习的外部自由和内部自由。
4)study freedom学习自由
1.Since the thought of study freedom has produced in Berlin University in the beginning the 19th century,it has been an important theme of the higher education theory and practice study.学习自由思想自19世纪初在柏林大学产生以来,一直是高等教育理论与实践研究的重要主题。
2.The significance of thought freedom,teaching freedom and study freedom is elaborated from the orientation of China\'s college education in the new century.从新世纪中国的大学教育走向出发,阐述了思想自由、教学自由和学习自由的现实意义,分析了思想自由、教学自由和学习自由的边界问题,认为新时期中国化的大学理念应是中国传统哲学思想与西方大学精神相结合的产物。
5)free study自由学习
6)intersubject free learning科际自由学习
1.Japanese education pays close attention to students’ character edvelopment from the point of intersubject,and summarizes an operational educational mode-intersubject free learning.日本教育从跨学科的视野关注学生的个性发展,总结出了具有可操作性的个性化教育范式——科际自由学习。

自由回忆学习自由回忆学习free-recall learning 自由回忆学习(free一reeal]jearning)联想学习研究中一种重要的言语学习范型。E.A.柯克帕特里克对记忆进行实验研究时采用了此法。其步骤:先逐一地把一系列单词或实物呈现在被试面前(有时也可通过听觉进行),然后让被试以任何顺序写下所记住的项目。实验可以是个别的,也可以是集体的。实验结果表明:(1)被试回忆的顺序有一定规律性,最后呈现的项目常常是最先回忆起来,其次回忆的是最先呈现的项目,最后回忆的是系列的中间部分。(2)保存的百分数也因上述的顺序而不同,最后呈现的项目保存量最大,最先呈现的项目保存量居其次,前者叫近因效应,后者叫首因效应。(3)被试倾向把同类项目放在起回忆。(4)不能回忆起来的材料可以再认。 (刘志华撰戚立夫审)