语境效果,Contextual Effect
1)Contextual Effect语境效果
1.The optimal translation is produced on the basis of the greatest contextual effect and the least processing effo.最佳译文的选择要考虑语境效果和译文读者付出的处理努力程度,当语境效果达到最大值,而处理努力程度达到最小值时,译文才是最佳的。
2.Discourse markers can help hearer construct the expect context,minimize the effort cost in the utterance interpretation,and obtain contextual effect.从认知语用观点出发,交际的过程也就是语境构建的过程,话语标记语在语境构建中起着明示导向与限制制约的作用,一方面明示认知假设,对语境构建具有提示功能;另一方面限制语境假设的选择,对语境构建具有制约作用,从而帮助听话人构建说话人所期待的认知语境,减少听话人在话语理解时花费的努力,获得说话人期待的语境效果
3.According to Sperber and Wilson′s Relevance Theory, contextual effect plays an important part in translation.为了研究语境效果对附加含义翻译的启示,应用Sperber和W ilson提出的关联理论,从语境效果出发,释解其与翻译的关系,并探讨其对交际中附加义翻译的启示,认为要准确翻译附加义,首先要理解正确,这不仅要求考虑语言的语义结构,还要考虑诸如知识结构、语言使用者、交际场合、文化背景等产生附加义的非语言因素,在处理带有附加义的话语时,应尽量从多个方面考虑,以使目的语读者所提取的假设、所产生的语境效果能与作者所期待的一致。

1.Kinesics: Manifestness of Intentions and Inference of Contextual Effect;体态语:意图的显映与语境效果的推理
2.Hold Context Effects and explore A New Way to Foreign Language Teaching;把握语境效果 探索外语教学的新途径
3.On Acquisition of the Contextual Effects from Ostension浅析口头交际中的明示与语境效果的获得
4.Processing effort and contextual effect are two utmost important indicators of relevance.处理努力和语境效果是衡量关联性强弱的两个主要因素。
5.In Research of the Unitive Effect of Law and Community under Our Harmonious Environment;和谐语境下法律效果和社会效果统一的探究
6.Applying Communicative Context Adaptability to Analyze Pragmatic Effect of Taboos;交际语境顺应视野下的禁忌语语用效果分析
7.An Analysis of Cognitive Environment and Communicative Efficiency of English;英语课堂话语的认知语境与交际效果分析
8.On Aesthetic Effect of “Roughness” in Water Margin;论《水浒》语境中“粗卤”的美学效果
9.Exploring Linguistic Environment and Its Impact on English Learning for Science & Engineering Students in Vocational Colleges;语言环境与高职理工学生英语学习效果的探索
10.Survey on context and coherence;浅谈语境与连贯——试论《老友记》语言的幽默效果
11.On the Effect of Increasing Input of Oral Language Materials in Class;课堂环境中加大口语语言输入的效果研究
12.Approaches to Improving Chinese Teaching in the Non-Chinese-L1 Teaching Context;如何提高非汉语环境下汉语教学的效果
13.An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of the Synchronous Bilingual-EFL Teaching“双语—外语”同步环境下的教学效果实验研究
14.The linguistic context directly influences the effect of rhetorical communication.对语境的正确认知直接影响着修辞交际的效果。
15.Research on the Effect of Foreigners Learning Chinese Adverb "Jiu" Based on Multimedia Technology;多媒体环境下对外汉语副词“就”的教学效果研究
16.A Study on Multimedia Network-based Education and Study Strategies and Results in English Reading;多媒体网络环境下英语阅读学习的效果与策略
17.A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategy Training Under the Context of Mini-Passage and Its Effect;微型短文语境词汇学习策略培训与效果研究
18.Analysis on the effects of college English self-learning against the background of net environment;网络环境下大学英语自主学习的效果分析

contextual effects语境效果
1.This paper attempts to employ the rel-evance theory to analyze a specific reading text so as to find out how to achieve contextual effects of a text.本文旨在运用关联理论,以具体语篇为文本,分析如何获得语篇语境效果
2.To get enough contextual effects is necessary for correct understanding of discourse.要获得足够的语境效果才能正确理解话语。
3.In classroom communicative settings, the speakers use the pragmatic strategies to manifest their communicative intentions and the hearers infer from this manifestation to achieve the optimal contextual effects.本文从认知语用学的角度,结合英语课堂交际活动的特点分析了最佳关联性在课堂交际活动中的运用,并进一步提出说话者要达到明示就要使用语用策略,听话者运用认知语用推理获得最佳语境效果,由此提高学习者的语用策略能力和交际能力,为英语口语教学提供一些启示。
3)context effect语境效果
4)cognitive effects语境效果
1.She also makes it clear in this essay the interrelationships among relevant information,relevant expressive behavior,contextual effects,and cognitive effects.本文试图澄清关联理论中常常引起误解和争议的几个重要概念:关联、认知效果、语境效果
5)desired contextual effect最佳语境效果
6)Inference of Contextual Effect语境效果的推理
1.Kinesics: Manifestness of Intentions and Inference of Contextual Effect;体态语:意图的显映与语境效果的推理
