非语言代码,non-verbal codes
1)non-verbal codes非语言代码
1.This paper presents a brief introduction of the function of non-verbal codes in classroom English teaching and makes an analysis of the connotative difference between non-verbal codes and verbal codes.非语言代码是一种非文字语言交际手段,是交际者运用身体的自然特征和本能向对方输送信息、表达思想、传递文化的语言代码之外的一切表现形式。
2.Based on analysis of relationship between non-verbal codes and culture,cultural translation resulting from cultural differences between English and Chinese non-verbal codes is explored,and translation methods such as cultural transplantation and explanation are proposed correspondingly to solve the problem.非语言代码和语言代码共同传达源语语言意义和文化信息。
3.Cultural differences between English and Chinese non-verbal codes become an important reason of miscultranslation.非语言代码和语言代码共同传达语言意义和文化信息。

1.The Application of Non-verbal Codes in Classroom English Teaching;非语言代码在英语课堂教学中的应用
2.Cultural features and functions of nonverbal codes in intercultural communication;非语言代码的文化特征与跨文化交际功能 Valid Language Codes7.1.1 有效语言代码 Default Language Codes7.1.2 缺省语言代码
5.convert code into ordinary language.把代码转换成普通语言。
6.Principles and Paradigms of Creating New Code of Non-language Advertising Symbols in Image Times;图像主因时代非语言广告符号的创新编码原则和范式
7.The Rule of “Dual Code System” in Language and Discourse Teaching;语言的“双重代码系统”规则和语篇教学
8.This default language code will be applied to any description values that are provided with no language code.缺省语言代码将被应用到任何未指明语言代码的description值上。
9.Low-level language: In computer programming, a language closely related to the machine-code of the computer.低阶层语言:在电脑语言中,和机器代码有密切关系的语言。
10.convert ordinary language into code.把普通的语言转换成代码。
11.Edit your Individual VIRT language code script编辑你的个人 VIRT 语言代码脚本
12.Code deviation usually occurs in speech communication.言语交际中往往伴随着代码偏离现象。
13.Researches into Easy Language in Operating Efficiency and Code Quantity;易语言程序的运行效率与代码量研究
14.Asymmetric Language Switching Costs in Second Language Learners第二语言学习者语码转换消耗的非对称性研究
15.A Study on the Post-'80 Generation's Attitude Towards Chinese-English Code-Mixing80后一代对英汉语码混合的语言态度研究
16.But you could build a code for the whole language.这样,你可建立起代表整个语言系统的一种代码。
17.Object code(Object language): Machine code, as translated from a source program.目标代码(目标语言):由主程式编译而成的机器代码。
18.A machine language where the code of the complement of a digit is the complement of the code of the digit.一种机器语言,其中数字补数的代码为该数字代码的补数。

linguistic codes言语代码
1.In the present study, the boundary paradigm was used to investigate the role of different linguistic codes in parafoveal processin.本研究采用呈现随眼动变化技术中的边界范式,探讨在中文句子阅读中不同言语代码在副中央窝加工中的作用,并考察其存在的发展特征。
3)speech code语言代码
4)code language代码语言
1.This paper analyzes the code language and its characteristics in document retrieval based on network environment.研究了文献检索语言中代码语言及其在信息检索中的特性。
5)language code page语言代码页
6)language[英]['l??ɡw?d?][美]['l??gw?d?]①代码 ②语言,术语
