听力练习,listening practice
1)listening practice听力练习

1.Methods of Self-practice in Listening Comprehension of Interval,Chord and Melody;对音程、和弦、旋律听力练习的方法
2.My Opinions on Practicing Listening Comprehension;《大学英语》(非专业)听力练习之我见
3.Features of English News and It's Listening Strategies浅析英语新闻特点及其听力练习技巧
4.Today we'll have listening practice. After that we'll sum up the uses of the definite article.今天做听力练习。然后总结定冠词的用法。
5.Investigation and Designing of Listening Exercise in Elementary Chinese Listening Textbooks;对外汉语初级阶段听力练习考察与设计
6.The Cognitive Load Theory and the Design of English Listening Materials;认知负荷理论与英语听力练习材料的设计
7.Keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials.在作听力练习时,力求保持放松,自然和稳定的心态.
8.We learn by listening.我们以听力训练法学习。
9.The keys to some exercises and Scripts to the listening materials are also available.附部分练习参考答案及听力文本。
10.Brief Introduction to Training in Listening Comprehension Strategies in Higher Vocational Education试议高职英语听力理解学习策略训练
11.Application of Listening Strategy Training in the Listening Comprehension Class in the Senior Middle School;听力学习策略训练在普通高中英语听力教学中的运用
12.Motivated Training of College English Listening Strategies;学习动机助推式大学英语听力策略训练
13.The Effect of Strategy Training on Students Listening Comprehension in a Rural Chinese Middle School;学习策略训练对中学生英语听力理解的影响
14.A Study on Improving Listening Comprehension Through Strategy-based Instruction in High Schools;基于学习策略训练的高中英语听力教学研究
15.Study of Listening Strategies for Non-English Majors;非英语专业学生英语听力学习策略训练研究
16.A Probe on Non-English Majors English Listening Strategy Training;非英语专业学生英语听力学习策略训练初探
17.On Application of the Autonemons Learning in the English News Listening Comprehension Training;自主学习在英语新闻听力训练中的运用
18.An Empirical Study on Listening Strategy Training in Senior Middle School高中英语听力学习策略训练的实证研究

aural learning听力练习
1.For beginners of college English,there are two promlems in their aural learning:first they expect too much before listenning;second,they choose meterials blindly while practising.大学英语初学者在听力练习中普遍存在两个误区:总体期望值过高和选材缺乏针对性。
3)and the predictions are that it will grow rapidly over the next few years.四、听力综合练习
4)dictation practice听写练习
1.Theoretically, dictation practice is a useful teaching and learning device.近年来国内外关于听写练习的研究也有不少,但是有实证研究表明经过一段时间的听写练习,实验组和控制组在语言能力各方面(听力、语法、写作和听写)没有显著差别(Jafarpur& Yamini,1993);也有实证研究证明听写练习能够有效地提高听力能力(Takeuchi,1997;Yang,2003);还有实证研究表明实验组与控制组在词汇和语法方面没有显著差异(Yang,2003)。
5)Listening strategy training听力学习策略训练
1.The Individual Difference of Listening Strategy Training听力学习策略训练的性别差异
2.Promoted by the study of the second language acquisition and learning strategies, listening strategy training has been carrying out systematically from the 1990s.作为一种新兴的教学模式,听力学习策略训练在提高学习者的听力水平和策略使用意识等方面的价值已日渐为人们所认识。
6)audio-visual practice视听练习法

听力听力  指人听觉器官感受声音的能力。