纪实翻译,documentary translation
1)documentary translation纪实翻译
1.On the basis of skopos theory,this paper analyzes the translation method of Chinese two-part allegorical sayings according to the documentary translation and instrumental translation.以目的论为理论基础,根据目的理论下的纪实翻译和工具翻译,分析了汉语歇后语的翻译方法。
2)translation practice翻译实践
1.Reconsideration on Translation Theory——also on the relationship between translation theory and translation practice;翻译理论的再认识——兼论翻译理论与翻译实践的关系
2.Then,the author points out that translation unit is not the unique criteria of the translation text even though it plays a very important role in translation practice.因此,译者在翻译实践中不能一味地追求小句的对应,而应采取具体情况具体分析的原则。

1.Explanatory Translation in the C-E Translation解释性翻译在汉英翻译实践中的应用
2.From the Chinese Standard of Modern Times to Probe into Translation Practice;从中国的近现代翻译标准看翻译实践
3.Cultural Malposition and English Translation of Chinese Dishes中国菜名英译的文化错位与翻译实践
4.Translation Examined Through the Adaptation Theory and Its Implications for Translation Practice;顺应论对翻译的探讨及对翻译实践的启示
5.The Influence of Textual Coherence on Translation Practice and Strategies in E-C Translation;英汉翻译中语篇连贯对翻译实践及策略的影响
6.The Practical Value of New Development in Translation Theory Studies;翻译理论的新发展对翻译实践的指导作用
7.Ideology and Literary Translation--A Brief Discussion on LIANG Qi-chao s Translation Practice;意识形态与文学翻译——论梁启超的翻译实践
8.The End Justifies the Means--New Insights of Functionalist Approaches into Translation Practice;目的决定方法——功能翻译理论对翻译实践的启示
9.Translation theory and practice from the perspective of readers response theory;论读者反应在翻译理论和翻译实践中的意义
10.Discussion on the Dialectical Relation Between Theory and Practices of Translation;翻译理论与翻译实践的辩证关系问题探讨
11.Ideological Manipulation of Translation--A Study on Lu Xun s Translation Theories and Practice;意识形态对翻译的操控——鲁迅翻译思想及翻译实践研究
12.On the Unity of Translators Views & Practice;翻译观与翻译实践应是统一的——兼谈翻译研究不宜偏谈理论
13.Reconsideration on Translation Theory--also on the relationship between translation theory and translation practice;翻译理论的再认识——兼论翻译理论与翻译实践的关系
14.You Must Also Read Dong Qiao's Translations--Dong Qiao's Translation Viewpoints and Practice你也一定要看董桥的翻译——董桥的翻译观及翻译实践
15.From Translation Practice to Translation Theory --An Analysis of Two English Versions for A Chinese Legal Document;从翻译实践到翻译理论——对一个法规文件的两个英译本的评析
16.Discourse Analysis Through Functional Grammar and Its Implications to Translaton Practice;功能语篇分析及其对翻译实践的启示
17.A Study of the Translation of Tang Poems: Translation Theory, Techniques and Practice;唐诗翻译研究:翻译理论、技巧、实践
18.Review: Becoming A Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation;《培养译者:翻译理论与实践导论》评介

translation practice翻译实践
1.Reconsideration on Translation Theory——also on the relationship between translation theory and translation practice;翻译理论的再认识——兼论翻译理论与翻译实践的关系
2.Then,the author points out that translation unit is not the unique criteria of the translation text even though it plays a very important role in translation practice.因此,译者在翻译实践中不能一味地追求小句的对应,而应采取具体情况具体分析的原则。
3)practical translation实用翻译
1.Nowadays,practical translation booms with the economic development and social progress in China.随着我国的经济发展和社会进步,实用翻译任务面广量大。
4)actual translation实在翻译
1.The thesis deals with the alienation of surface translation and actual translation.本文提出现象翻译与实在翻译的分离问题。
5)pragmatic translation实用翻译
1.The paper states the important role of Skopostheorie in pragmatic translation,addressing the topic that the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose(Skopos) of the overall translational action.诺德(Christiane Nord)等学者提出的目的功能论为指导,认为在实用翻译中,首要考虑的是译文的预期功能,由此确定翻译策略,不仅要忠实地译出原文内容,并且要保证其在译语环境中存在意义,作出正确的表达,达到交际的目的。
6)faithful translation忠实翻译
