等值翻译,equivalent translation
1)equivalent translation等值翻译
1.With the guidance of equivalent translation theory,through devices such as literal translation,transliteration,free translation and creative translation,it is possible to ensure that the translated names of English and Chinese films can produce equivalent effects on target audience.以西方等值翻译理论为指导,运用直译、音译、意译等多种手段,能使汉英电影译名在译入语观众中产生同原语观众中相似的效果。
2.This paper analyzes three cultural factors that influence the equivalent translation, and draws the conclusion that equivalence is in a relative sense.等值翻译是翻译的最高目标,但由于原语和译语文化的差异会影响翻译的等值性。
3.With the guidance of equivalent translation theory,through devices such as literal translation,transliteration,free translation,it is possible to ensure that the translated English and Chinese film titles can produce equivalent effects on target audience.以西方等值翻译理论为指导,运用直译、音译、意译等多种手段,能够很好地保证汉英电影译名在译入语观众中产生和在原语观众中相似的效果。

1.Equivalent Translation of CULTURE and “WENHUA”;CULTURE与“文化”的等值翻译
2.On the Limitation of the Equivalent Translation Theory in the Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry;等值翻译理论在汉诗英译中的局限性
3.Text,Culture,Translator-On the Relativity of Translation Equivalence;文本·文化·译者——浅谈等值翻译的相对性
4.Equivalence Translation of the Subconscious and Implied Ideas of a Tang Poem;古诗英译比较——谈模糊语境的等值翻译
5.Frame Theory and Equivalence Translation Translation from the Perspectives of Cognitive Linguistics;框架理论与等值翻译——认知语言学视角下的翻译
6.The Translation of Public Speeches from the Theory of Equal Value Translation等值翻译论视角下的公共演讲词翻译研究
7.Musical Restrictions and Lyrics Shifts: Functional Equivalence Lost and Regained;功能等值翻译:音乐制约下的歌词转化
8.Equivalence translation is one of the topics disputed about the translation theories.等值翻译是翻译理论界长期以来争论不休的话题之一。
9.On definition of undertranslation and overtranslation in terms of non-equivalence;非等值:欠额翻译与超额翻译定义刍议
10.Non-equivalent words in the E-C translation of law and their translation strategies;英汉法律翻译中的无等值物词汇及翻译对策
11.Application of Nida's Theory of Equivalence to Business Translation奈达的翻译等值理论在商务英语翻译中的应用
12.Equivalence Principles of Bilingual Dictionary Translation;双语词典翻译的等值原则——兼谈双语词典翻译与文学翻译的区别
13.Redundancy Equivalence in Translation;从信息论的角度看翻译中的冗余等值
14.On Equivalence of Movie Dialogue Translation;论影视对白翻译的等值策略及其补充
15.A Study on Equivalence in the Translation Theories of the Linguistic Group in Soviet Union;苏联翻译理论语言学派等值思想探微
16.On Equivalent Treatment of Cultural Differences in Advertising Language Translation;广告语言翻译中文化差异的等值处理
17.The Relations between Translation and Culture;对话语境与真实等值——论翻译与文化
18.On the Limitation of "Faithfulness "and "Equivalency "in Literary Translation;论“忠实”和“等值”在文学翻译中的局限

equivalence translation等值翻译
1.The equivalence translation of cultural words in A Dream of Red Mansions are greatly influenced bycultural divergence.翻译的根本目的是促进不同文化间的相互交流,文化中的重叠现象构成了翻译的可行性和可能性,而文化差异则构成了等值翻译中的一条难以逾越的鸿沟,《红楼梦》中大量富含特定文化内涵的词语由于“文化空缺”和“文化冲突”现象的存在,在翻译中往往处于不完全等值的状态,翻译等值常常只能是相对而言。
2.On the basis of equivalence translation theory, this thesis suggests it s not that a linguistic problem, but that a cultural "grafting" and then dissects cultural divergence factors which have influence upon equivalence translation and focuses on the differences of English-Chinese cultural thinking divergence as well as the specific reflection on linguistic expressions.依据等值翻译理论,提出等值翻译不仅仅是语言问题,而是一种文化“嫁接”,并 剖析影响等值翻译的文化差异,比较英汉文化思维差异及其在语言表达上的具体体现。
3)translation equivalence等值翻译
1.As a theory, translation equivalence puts much emphasis on the equivalent effectin expressing both source language and target language, which is to meet the needs of language itself.等值翻译理论强调译文和原文在表达上应达到等值效果 ,符合语言本身的要求。
2.For a very long time, translation equivalence is the focus of discussion in circle of the science of translation at home and abroad.从等值翻译概念指导下的翻译实践对社交世界、心理世界和物理世界的良好顺应三个方面,支持了等值翻译论题在实际翻译操作中的价值,从而得以从现有的符号学理论支撑以外,对等值翻。
4)translation equivalence翻译等值
1.Based on the theory of translation equivalence,this paper analyzes the caption Chinese translation in the film "Legal Blonde I",points out the insufficiency in terms of semantic equivalence,functional equivalence and cultural equivalence,and comes up with improved translation so as to arouse more concern about caption translation.利用翻译等值理论对电影《律政俏佳人I》汉译字幕进行分析,指出其在语义等值、功能等值和文化等值等方面的不足,并提出更好的翻译,旨在引起更多的学者对字幕翻译的关注。
2.The concept of translation equivalence(TE) has long been an essential issue in translation theory and practice.翻译的复杂性决定翻译等值的相对性。
3.This paper summarizes the study on translation equivalence at abroad.翻译等值问题一直是现代翻译学中的重要议题,西方语言学翻译派对等值理论进行了系统的研究,极大地促进了翻译研究的发展,但国内外围绕它进行的讨论也始终没有停止过。
1.As one of the main conceptions of translation,the theory of equivalence in translation has been questioned since it was put forward.作为翻译理论的核心问题之一,翻译等值自被提出之日起其可操作性就倍受质疑,但多数人仍认为应将等值作为翻译最高标准指导翻译工作的进行。
2.Translation equivalence remains one of the basic concepts in the study of translating, and it is the ultimate aim of translating as well.翻译等值是翻译研究的核心概念之一,也是翻译活动的最终目标。
3.After a brief review of previous study on translation process, this paper attaches special attention on exploration of prototypical translation process, after which many other issues of translation studies, such as translation strategy, translation equivalence and translatability, are examined in a new way.以翻译方法中对归化和异化的争论为例,原型翻译过程中对翻译方法的选择,是以最佳样例为标准的,归化与异化是统一的;翻译等值就是原文原型与译文原型对等,具体体现于原文与译文原型最佳样例的关系中;判断可译性的关键在于是否有接近原作及译作原型的样例,而且不同层面的可译性取决于是否存在接近于该层面原型的最佳样例。
6)equivalence in translation翻译等值论
1.The thesis analyzes the two English versions of Deng Xiaoping s speech during his visit to South China in 1992 from the points of stylistics,and introduces the theory of stylistic equivalence in translation to compare the features of the two English versions.本文从文体学角度分析了《邓小平1992年南巡谈话》的两个英译本,并引入文体学的翻译等值论,就这两个文本的特点进行详细的分析比较,以期对我们今后的翻译工作有所借鉴和参考。

等值面构造技术等值面构造技术iso-surfaces construction techniques  dengzhimiQn gouZao」ishu等值面构造技术(150。su代aCes co.因truction吐民bulques)三维空间数据场显示的一种重要方法。这种方法可以利用现有的、由硬件实现的画面绘制功能构造比较清晰的三维空间数据场中的等值面图象,其图形生成及变换速度较快。因而被广泛地应用于科学及工程计算结果数据的显示中。 在三维空间数据场中构造等值面的方法很多,比较典型的是移动立方体方法。这一方法首先假定函数值在三维空间中均匀地分布在由立方体组成的三维网络的顶点上,并假定函数值沿立方体棱边作线性变化。当给定待求等值面的数值以后,首先需要判断等值面将与哪些立方体相交,当某一立方体八个顶点处的函数值均大于或均小于等值面的值时,则等值面将不与该立方体相交;否则,等值面将与该立方体相交。再根据函数值沿立方体梭边作线性变化的假设,求出等值面与立方体棱边的交点。将这些交点按一定规则连接起来,就可得到一系列的多边形或三角形。这就是待求等值面的近似表示。再利用计算机圈形学中传统的画面绘制技术,就可以得到待求等值面的真实感图形了。这里要特别强调的是,在连接各交点时,要采用消除歧义性的算法,以保证连接的正确性。为了提高用多边形或三角形表示等值面的精确程度也可以采用移动四面体方法,它是移动立方体方法的扩展。