阅读与写作,reading and writing
1)reading and writing阅读与写作
1.Recent researches on the processes of and the relationships between reading and writing show that reading and writing are skills that complement and enhance each other.近年来 ,认知心理学家、语言学家、教育家及阅读与写作课的专家们通过理论研究和实践分析后认为 ,阅读与写作是两项相对独立但又相互依赖、相辅相成的技能。
2.The results reveal that most students often make use of dictionaries in their studies and that they use different dictionaries during the in- /outside-class reading and writing activities.通过一份调查问卷,文章考察了我国一所高校英语专业二年级本科生词典运用习惯、态度以及课内外阅读与写作不同词典的使用情况,结果发现,大部分学生经常使用词典,从词典载体和语言种类看,学生在课内外阅读和写作中所用词典类别都有显著意义的差别:阅读时比写作时用词典多,课外比课内多;电脑/在线词典多在课外用,掌上电子词典则课内用得多;大部分学生习惯用双解词典,少用英英词典。

1.Modern Middle School Student (Reading & Writing)现代中学生(阅读与写作
2.Reading and Writing in English for Science and Technology ?科技英语阅读与写作
3.Processes of Reeding and Writing阅读与写作历程研究
4.Reading and Writing of Legal Literature法律文章的阅读与写作
5.How to Construct Connections between the Instructions of Reading and Writing for English Majors in China s Colleges;综合阅读与写作 实现教学上的读写连接
6.On the Function of Models in English Composition Instruction Discussed in the Light of Reading Writing Relationships;从阅读与写作的关系看写作教学中的范文教学
7.A Correlational Study of EFL Reading and Writing;EFL阅读与写作能力的相关性分析
8.A Study of Classroom Teaching Mode under the Guidance of Reading and Writing Schema;阅读与写作图式的课堂教学模式研究
9.The Positive Effects of Scientific Teaching of Chinese Characters upon Reading and Writing科学的识字教学对阅读与写作的促进作用
10.Relationship between Reading and Writing Processes from a Metacognitive Perspective;元认知视角下英语阅读与写作过程的关系
11.Learners Autonomous Learning on English Reading and Writing in General High School;普通高中英语阅读与写作自主学习探索
12.To Train the Student s Ability to Imagine in the Reading and Writing Education;阅读与写作教学中对学生想象能力的培育
13.Writing While Reading and Improvement of Reading and Writing Ability;英语阅读式写作教学与阅读写作能力的提高
14.The co-operation and sharing-out of writing with the Article study and Reading;写作学和文章学、阅读学的分工与合作
15.This test has three sections: vocabulary, reading, and writing.本测验包含三部分:字汇,阅读,与写作。
16.A Study of the Influence of the Post-80s Generation s Writing on Current Junior Students Reading Aesthetic;“80后”写作与中学生阅读审美取向研究
17.Reading and Appreciation: the Rudimental Trip to Writing in Different Styles;阅读与欣赏:各类文体写作的入门之旅
18.Improve Writing Skills by Reading--on the promoting effect of reading to writing;以读促写——阅读对英语写作的促进作用

reading and innovative composition阅读与创新写作
3)reading and writing(2)阅读与写作(2)
4)reading and writing阅读写作
5)relationship between reading and writing阅读与写作的关系
6)writing while reading"并进式"英语阅读与写作

第三条道路写作1999年“知识分子写作”和“民间写作”之间的矛盾在在平谷县的盘峰诗会上爆发,他们之间的对立使得相当一批数量的诗人转向其他的中立立场,第三条道路写作概念因此提了出来。1999年12月莫非、树才和谯达摩等在提出了第三条道路写作的诗歌概念之后,出版了《九人诗选》。他们认为,诗歌创作需要一种新的理论来指导个人的写作实践,建立起自由的多元的创作活动,推动中国现代诗歌的发展。2002年《第三条道路》诗报创刊,标志着第三条道路写作进入一个新的阶段。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库中国诗歌史[编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。