语篇意义,textual meaning
1)textual meaning语篇意义

1.Discourse Analysis Based Meaning Construction以话语分析理论为依据建构语篇意义
2.The Textual Significance of Shi in Sun-Tzu: The Art of War and Its Translation;《孙子兵法》中“势”的语篇意义及英译
3.A Study on the Discourse Implications of “with + Complex Structure”;“with+复合结构”的语篇意义探析
4.The Construction of Interpersonal and Textual Meanings by Code-switching in Projected Message;投射信息中语码转换的人际与语篇意义构建
5.An Analysis of Discourse Coherence in the Area of Textual Meaning从谋篇意义的角度分析语篇连贯(英文)
6.The Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning of Personal Pronouns System in English Texts;英语语篇人称代词系统人际意义分析
7.Potential for Realizing the Interpersonal Meaning in Target Language;语篇的人际意义与译入语的容纳空间
8.Semantic and Discourse Analysis--On the Parallel Significance of “Temo Sentence”;语义与语篇分析——关于表示并列意义的「テモ文」
9.Interpersonal and Attitudinal Meanings of the Scientific Report Text;科技报告语篇中人际情感与态度意义
10.Possible World, Mental Spaces and Meaning Construction of Texts;可能世界、心理空间与语篇的意义建构
11.Argumentation of logical meaning of "be" in text;论“be”动词在语篇中的逻辑意义
12.A Study of Interpersonal Meaning of Hedges in English Academic Discourses;英语学术语篇模糊限制语的人际意义研究
13.Interpersonal Meaning of Mood System in English Public Service Advertising Texts英语公益广告语篇中语气系统的人际意义
14.Interpersonal Meaning Analysis and Application Research on College Spoken English Discourse大学英语口语语篇的人际意义分析及应用研究
15.Three Levels in Text-teaching;篇章教学的三个层次——谈篇章语用学对篇章教学的现实意义
16.Cognitive Context and Its Meaning Construct in Written Communication;认知语境及其在语篇交际中的意义建构
17.A Tentative Functional Approach to Interpersonal Meanings in ECST Discourse;普通科技英语语篇中人际意义的功能分析
18.Conceptual Blending and Meaning Construction in English Advertising Discourse;广告英语语篇中的意义建构与概念合成

textual meanings语篇意义
1.This paper,based on the framework of the three metafunctions and projection in systemic-functional grammar as well as the related analytical principles of code-switching,aims to explore the interpersonal meanings and textual meanings of code-switching in projected message.投射信息可以通过语码转换手段建构人际意义与语篇意义
3)explicitation of textual meaning语篇意义显化
1.As a result,explicitation of textual meaning is quite apparent in Chinese-English conference interpreting.语篇意义显化是指译者明示源语文本语句之间的隐含关系,或使用显性衔接替代隐性衔接。
4)discourse semantics语篇语义
5)discourse awareness语篇意识
1.Students often adopt word-for-word translation method and produce many awkward Chinese-style English and English-style Chinese in their translation practice, which results from a lack of discourse awareness among college students.由于缺乏语篇意识,学生在翻译练习中经常逐词对译,出现汉化英语和洋化中文现象。
2.And in translation activities, the use of metadiscourse embodies the discourse awareness of the translator, which helps the translator convey the thought of the original text faithfully and smoothly while conforming to the nature of the target language.在翻译活动中,译文中的元语篇使用状况体现着译者的语篇意识,这有助于译者忠实、通顺地传达原文思想内容并构建符合目的语语篇特点的译文。
6)textual awareness语篇意识
1.Beginning with a brief introduction of some basic theoretic knowledge about text, this paper, by making a theoretical analysis of some translation examples, discusses the importance of the translator s textual awareness in both comprehension and representation of the translation process.本文从介绍语篇知识入手 ,并运用语篇知识对学生的翻译实例进行分析和探讨 ,从翻译的理解和表达两方面说明了语篇意识对于做好翻译的作用及其必要性。
2.To breach the ethnocentrism,cultural narcissism and imperialism of the West,to introduce the Chinese classics to the dominant culture and to make the East and the West co-exist and be mutually beneficial to each other in the development of a harmonious world,translators should have cultural awareness on the one hand and textual awareness on the other.要真正破除跨文化交流过程中西方的种族中心主义、文化自恋主义和文化帝国主义,继承和发扬中华文化精华,实现东西方文化的共存共生与和谐发展,典籍英译者必须把宏观的、战略性的"文化意识"与微观的、策略性的"语篇意识"融合起来,重视语篇的信息模式、逻辑结构、思维方式、文体特点以及语篇功能,采用"异化"策略向强势文化推广汉语文化,更好地参与世界话语建构。
