趣味教学,Interesting teaching
1)Interesting teaching趣味教学
1.Interesting teaching by taking advantage of pleasure in class is a practical and effective way to concentrate students attention and improve teaching effect in class.趣味教学,寓教于乐,是吸引学生注意力、提高课堂教学效果的行之有效的方法。
2.Therefore,the"interesting teaching"of English surfaced.教育学者和教师在实际教学实践中都十分注重学生的兴趣培养,"英语趣味教学"应运而生,不少老师都在思索如何既提高学生的学习成绩,又把英语课上活、上生动。

1.Interesting Teaching Increases Students Interests Quality-Oriented Education Reflects Features of Vocational Education;趣味教学提高学生兴趣 素质教育体现职教特色
2.Interesting Teaching, Arousing the Vocational College Students Interest in English Study;趣味教学激发高职学生学习英语的兴趣
3.Probe on"Interest Teaching"of Wushu Routines in Ordingary Colleges;普通高校武术套路“趣味教学”法浅探
4.Application of Pleasure Teaching in the Teaching of English Reading at Secondary Vocational School;趣味教学在职高生英语阅读教学中的运用
5.Original Flavor and Interest in Classroom Physics Teaching;物理课堂教学的“本味”与“趣味”
6.Improving the Effect of Meteorology Classroom Teaching by Increasing Students Interest;增加趣味性 提高气象学课堂教学效果
7.A Probe into the Interesting Mode of Linguistics Teaching探索趣味性英语语言学课堂教学模式
8.Teaching English Pronunciation Using Phonetic Cards;趣味语音牌英语语音教学法实证研究
9.Teaching English Vocabulary in Interesting Ways;英语词汇教学的趣味方法初探(英文)
10.Cultivation of students’Interest through Interesting Experiments In Chemical Teaching;在化学教学中通过趣味性实验培养学生学习兴趣
11.Research on the teaching designs of interesting chemistry demonstration experiment for middle schools中学趣味化学演示实验的教学设计探究
12.Instructional design for increasing the intrusiveness of soft-volleyball course for primary and middle school students;中小学生软式排球趣味性教学方法设计
13.Interest:the Most Basic Principle of Effective English Teaching Activities;趣味性:有效英语课堂教学活动的最基本原则
14.Discussion on the Integration of Interest Elements into Professional English Grammatical Teaching;论专业英语语法教学中趣味性因素的注入
15.Discussion on Interesting Games Developing Basic Skills in College Soccer Teaching and Training;试论足球教学基本功与趣味性有机结合
16.The Role and Status of the Principle of Interest in Teaching Chinese to Foreign Students;趣味性原则在对外汉语教学中的作用和地位
17.On the Utilization of Interesting forms in the Russian Language Teaching;语言训练的趣味形式及其在俄语教学中的应用
18.The Applicability,Interests and Simplicity--Thinking of the Harmonic Teaching In Higher Teachers College;实用性 趣味性 简易性——对高师和声教学的思考

interesting teaching method趣味教学法
1.Started from operations research teaching practice,the article discusses the application of interesting teaching methods in operations research teaching and some problems that should be noticed in applying interesting teaching methods by cultivating and improving students planning and managing ability,application ability and operation ability.文章从运筹学教学实践出发,针对培养和提高学生的运筹思维能力、实际应用能力、实际操作能力三个方面,讨论了趣味教学法在运筹学教学中的应用和运用趣味教学法需要注意的几个问题。
3)interesting teaching-method趣味课堂教学
4)interesting teaching art趣味教学艺术
5)intersting teaching method趣味英语教学法
6)principle of interest趣味性教学原则
