1.Relationship between variability of blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy with essential hypertension;原发性高血压血压变异性与左室肥厚的相关性探讨
2.Quantitative Model of Dietary Exposure Assessment and Analysis for the Variability and Uncertainty;膳食暴露定量评估模型及其变异性和不确定性研究
3.Clinical Application of Heart Rate Variability(HRV) Short-Term Analysis on Children s Myocarditis;心率变异性短程分析法在小儿心肌炎诊断中的价值

1.Association Analysis of Variability in Blood Pressure and Heart Rate;血压变异性和心率变异性的关联分析
2.average comparable variance平均可比较的变异性
3.Preliminary Study on Space Variability of Water-Salt and Robust Variogram;水盐空间变异性与稳健变异函数的初步研究
4.Diversity of HRV and BPV under different conditions不同状态下心率、血压变异性的变化
5.Study on Non-linear Dynamics Analysis for Heart Rate Variability;心率变异性非线性动力学分析的研究
6.The Research of Heart Rate Variability in Children with Viral Myocarditis;病毒性心肌炎患儿心率变异性的研究
7.The taking on of the gender role of the opposite sex.变性扮演异性的角色
8.deep-dyeing variant深染性变异体《化纤》
9.The strain singularity shifted toward 1/??应变奇异性向1/?⑵0移。
10.anisotropic (sheet) stee(变压器用)各向异性钢片
11.Additive variance was higher than dominance variance, which indicates quantitative inheritance.加性的变异高于显性的变异,表明是数量遗传。
12.Variation coefficients of rice difference quality traits have great disparity.不同品质性状的变异系数差异悬殊。
13.The Association of C2528G Polymorphism of the PPAR Alpha Gene with Dyslipidemia;PPARαC2528G基因变异与血脂异常的相关性
14.The Association of -75bp/+83bp Polymorphism of the ApoA_1 Gene with DyslipidemiaApoA_1基因-75bp/+83bp变异与血脂异常的相关性
15.Noun-Related Changed Vowels and Their Age Variation in Jiaozuo Urban Speech;焦作城区话名词性变韵及其年龄变异
16.Analysis of Mutation Characterization of Trichoderma Mutant T1010木霉突变体T1010变异特性分析
17.Aeroallergen Specific IgE in Serum of Patients with Allergic Rhinitis变应性鼻炎吸入性变应原特异性IgE检测分析
18.Continuous variation (quantitative variation; multifactorial inheritance) A form of variation in which the characters show continuous variation within a certain range of values.连续变异:变异的一种类型,其性状在一定的范围内是连续变化的。

1.Variation of Seed Protein in Wheat Grain after Introducing DNA from Pea Flower;导入外源DNA小麦蛋白质变异性的研究
2.Distribution of Alkaloid Contents Among Plants and Variation Analysis for Different Varieties of Burley Tobacco白肋烟不同品种生物碱含量株间分布与变异性分析
3.The research results show that a direct and obvious relationship does not exist between homogeneity and the absolute value of the indices of asphalt pavement performance,but exists between homogeneity and the variation of the.研究结果表明,沥青混合料均匀性与路用性能指标的绝对数值间没有直接明显的相关性,而与路用性能指标的变异性有关,均匀性较差的沥青混合料,路用性能指标的变异性较大;均匀性较好的沥青混合料,路用性能指标的变异性稍小。
1.The dynamic factor (load factor) and the variance of the equi static load are studied for the antiblast design of composite lining structure by means of the SDOF simplification.数值结果表明,土中压缩波升压时间的不确定性,不仅与结构埋深和土参数的变异性有关,而且与土参数的均值有关,等效静载的不确定性,依赖于作用于结构上的动载变异性和结构自振频率变异性,而动载不确定性对等效静载变异性影响最
2.However,it is this variance that makes it poetic and distinguished from other styles.诗歌语言是一种变异性的艺术语言。
1.The characteristic field and velocity field of plane stress problem for the orthotropic materials are studied by the R.Hill屈服准则研究了正变异性材料平面应力问题的应力场及速度场,得到了应力场与速度场的特征线处处重合的结果。
5)character variation性状变异
1.8cm in Sp1; flag-leaf area and spike weight increased 25% and 16%; there was various of character variation in Sp2 , the character of larger- spike was stable in Sp3 progeny.经高空气球搭载的谷子个体及群体存在性状变异。
6)Trait variation性状变异
