1.Analysis and discussion of sludge disposal and treatment of sewage treatment plants in China;中国城市污水处理厂污泥处理、处置问题探讨分析
2.Research on the disposal of chloride waste from the sponge titanium production;海绵钛生产工艺中氯化物废渣的处置研究
3.Talking about Recycling Use and Disposal Methods of Sludge;浅谈污泥处置方式及资源化利用

1.legal [illegal] proceedings合法 [不法] 处置
2."Disposition"above includes disposal.上面的处置包括处理掉
3.The power or liberty to control, direct, or dispose.支配权,处置权,处置的自由
4.free or available for use or disposition.随意使用、处置或者可以使用、处置
5.Radiation Dose Analysis for Radioactive Waste Disposal at Northwest Repository西北处置场废物处置的辐射剂量分析
6.controlled disposal of radioactive effluents放射性排出物检查处置
7.operational plan [waste disposal]操作计划书〔废物处置
8.application for a waste disposal licence申请领取废物处置牌照
9.voidable disposition of property可使无效的产权处置
10.catchment of sewage disposal works污水处置设施引水区
11.liquid waste disposal and treatment液体废物的弃置和处理
12.exhaust after-treatment device废气后处理净化装置
13.processor memory management unit处理机存储器管理装置
14.microprocessor controlled air-conditioner微处理机控制空调装置
15.The enemy are in a strong position.敌人处于很有利的位置。
16.digital processing and control unit数字处理与控制装置
17.Set fan shroud aside.将风扇罩置于它处。
18.An elevated place or position.高处升高的地点或位置

1.Municipal Domestic Waste Treatment Status in Pingdingshang City;平顶山市城市生活垃圾处置现状
2.Solid Waste Treatment Long Term Programme of Baoshan District of Shanghai City;上海市宝山区固体废弃物处置规划
3.Discussing on the Collection,Transportation and Treatment of Medical Waste in Fuzhou City;福州市医疗废物收运与处理处置探讨
1.Contribution of genetic polymorphisms of the CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and MDR1 genes to cyclosporine disposition;CYP3A4,CYP3A5和MDR1基因多态性对环孢素处置的影响
2.Disposition of Used Reactor Vessel Head;反应堆压力容器旧顶盖处置
3.The Disposition Research of Non-performing Assets in Our Commercial Banks;我国商业银行的不良资产处置研究
1.Jeopardy and Emergency Handle of Chemical Weapons Abandoned by Japanese Army in China;日本遗弃在华化学武器的危害与应急处置
2.Talk About the Tactics Method to Handle Rebellion Riot Incident;论处置暴乱骚乱事件的战术方法
3.At present, there exists problem of ineffective commanding and improper methods and so on among the law-enforcement staff when they handle such events.目前执法人员,在处置此类事件时存在指挥不灵、方法不当等问题,因此应从加强指挥、提高处置能力和战术水平等环节入手降低各类大型突发事件的发生。
1.Handling and Management of Solid Wastes in Petrochemical Industry;石油化工固体废物的处置与管理
2.Handling of Abrupt Public Health Events in School and Prevention of Student Community Hysteria;学校突发事件处置与学生群发性癔病预防
3.Classification and Handling of Non-conformance Item of Nuclear Class Equipments during Manufacture Phase;核级设备制造阶段不符合项的分类及处置
1.At last, the multi-element disposed programming conceiving is put forward on the basis of the principle of harmless, decreased and resource.在总结国内外城市污泥处理与处置技术发展趋势的基础上,结合天津市的实际情况,根据无害化、减量化和资源化的原则,提出城市污泥处理与处置的多途径发展设想,为制定城市污泥处理规划提供参考依据。
2.Once sludge couldn't be disposed well, it could pollute environment again.随着污泥量的增长,污泥的处置变得日益重要,处置得不好就会对环境造成再一次污染。
3.Take up the pertinent countermeasure for different kinds of the colony incidents, dispose in time, control the situation, implement the strategy agilely on the correct occasions.针对不同类型的群体性事件,采取针对性对策,及时处置, 控制势态,把握时机,灵活施策。
