1.There may be micro-channels in depositional end of grain flow on a slope;斜坡颗粒流沉积末端可以存在微型沟道
2.The design of slope hot airflow electricity generating system;斜坡式热气流发电试验模型的设计

1.A downward slope, as of a hill.斜坡下倾的斜坡,如山坡
2.A downward inclination or slope.倾斜向下的倾斜或斜坡
3.The degree of such a slope.斜度这种斜坡的度数
4.advisory letter [slope maintenance]劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕
5.An incline, especially of a road;a slope.坡度,特指道路,斜坡
6.a roof having sloping ends as well as sloping sides.既有斜坡屋面又有斜坡屋头的屋顶。
7.A shelter or shed having a roof with a single slope or pitch.斜坡房屋一遮蔽物或小棚,有一斜坡或斜形屋顶
8.ramp for making such jumps供滑雪跳跃的斜坡.
9.slope recataloguing exercise重新记录斜坡的工作
10.Standing Committee on Slope Safety斜坡安全常务委员会
11.Slope Safety Section [Water Supplies Department]斜坡安全组〔水务署〕
12.surface colour treatment [slope]在斜坡的护面髹上颜色
13.engineer inspection [slope maintenance]工程师检查〔斜坡维修〕
14.railway end-loading ramp铁路端式装车斜坡
15.homogeneous compaction of fill slope填土斜坡的均等压实度
16.Slope Safety Division [Civil Engineering Department]斜坡安全部〔土木工程署〕
17.initial screening of slopes为斜坡进行初步筛选
18.urge a pony into a canter, up a slope驱策小马慢跑、 上斜坡

1.Study of Endoscopic Anatomy of Endonasal Transsphenoidal Approach to the Clivus;经鼻蝶入路至斜坡区的内镜解剖学研究
2.Diagnosis of clivus chordomas using MRI;斜坡脊索瘤的MRI诊断
3.Treatment of invagination with clivus-dens axis type in base of skull;斜坡-齿状突型颅底陷入的治疗
1.Performance comparison between the ramp injectors with different structures in supersonic combustion不同结构超声速燃烧斜坡喷注器性能对比研究
2.Effect of swept structure on ramp injectors in supersonic combustion后掠结构对超声速燃烧斜坡喷注器性能的影响
3.Analysis of deformation stress feature and influential factors about road-dike on ramp in mountainous region expressway山区公路斜坡填筑路堤应力形变特征及影响因素分析
4)An inclined surface;a slope.斜面;斜坡
5)toe of a slope斜坡脚;坡脚
