1.Variation of evaporation capacity and influence factors in Hebei Province between 1963-2003;河北省近40年蒸发皿蒸发量变化特征及影响因素初探
2.Relationships between Evaporation of Arable Mollisol and Soil Moisture and Meteorological Factors in Northeast China东北农田黑土蒸发量与土壤水分及气象因子的关系

1.equivalent evaporation等量蒸发;等效蒸发量;当量蒸发量;蒸发当量
2.boiler capacity锅炉容量,锅炉蒸发量
3.boiler maximum continuous rating锅炉最大持续蒸发量
4.testing method for evaporation loss of lubricating grease润滑脂蒸发量测定方法
5.The Variation and Causes of Small Pan Evaporation over the Past 45 Years in China;近45a来我国蒸发皿蒸发量的变化及原因分析
6.Analysis of pan evaporation trend and its impact factors in Guizhou Province贵州蒸发皿蒸发量变化趋势及影响因素分析
7.Research on the Relationship of Water Evaporations Between Two Different Evaporators不同蒸发器水面蒸发量相互关系分析研究
8.Changing Trend of Pan Evaporation and Its Cause over the Past 50 Years in China近50年中国蒸发皿蒸发量变化趋势及原因
9.fuel evaporation rate燃料产汽率(蒸发量与燃料耗量之比)
10.Variation of Precipitation and Evaporation in Haikou City in recent 50 years近50a海口市降水量与蒸发量变化
11.Comparative study of crop evapotranspiration measured by Bowen ratio and lysimeter波文比仪与蒸渗仪测定作物蒸发蒸腾量对比
12.cumulative evapotranspiration and precipitation蒸发蒸腾的积累及降水量
13.evaporative film calorimetric enthalpy probe蒸发膜量热焓探测器
14.Experimental Study on the Measuring Method of Crop Evapotranspiration Using Lysimeter and Bowen-Ratio Energy Balance System;波文比和蒸渗仪测量作物蒸发蒸腾量的试验研究
15.Quality Evaluation and Evaporation Characteristics in the Process of Concentrating Pineapple Juice;菠萝汁蒸发浓缩过程中的质量评估及蒸发特性
16.The Effect of High Evaporation Temperature in Evaporator on Milk Powder Quality蒸发器蒸发温度过高对奶粉质量的影响
17.Study on Wheat Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Crop Evapotranspiration;小麦调亏灌溉及蒸发蒸腾量的试验研究
18.Experimental Study on Crop Deficit Irrigation and Crop Evapotranspiration作物非充分灌溉及蒸发蒸腾量的试验研究

Evaporation Capacity蒸发量
1.Parameter method used to measure evaporation capacity of marine supercharged boilers;参数法确定舰船增压锅炉的蒸发量
2.According to the data coming from56sampling stations,characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution and inter-annual change of the evaporation capacity(observed by evaporation pan of type E-601)in Yunnan Province are analyzed and researched.根据56个蒸发站E-601型蒸发器的蒸发观测资料,分析了云南省蒸发量的时空分布规律及年际变化特点。
3.Based on the evaporation capacity data of Shangqiu weather station from 1961 to 2000,the variation tendency and impact factors of the evaporation capacity were analyzed.利用商丘1961-2000年小型蒸发皿蒸发量资料,分析了商丘蒸发量的变化趋势及引起蒸发量变化的因子,结果表明,商丘年、季和月蒸发量均存在明显的下降趋势,影响蒸发量变化的因子主要有风速、日照、相对湿度、水汽压等。
3)amount of evaporation蒸发量
1.Analysis of spatiotemporal distribution and tendency of amount of evaporation in Anhui Province;安徽省蒸发量时空分布及变化趋势分析
1.Experimental study on application of evapotranspirometers to reference crop evapotranspiration estimates;利用蒸发计估测参考作物蒸发蒸腾量的试验研究
2.Experimental study on evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of rice under controlled irrigation;控制灌溉条件下水稻蒸发蒸腾量及作物系数试验研究
3.Calculation of crop evapotranspiration in greenhouse;温室大棚内作物蒸发蒸腾量计算
1.Based on the meteorological data, the evapotranspiration of wheat has been estimated by using FAO-17 Penman revised equation and Penman-Monteith equation method respectively in Xinxiang, Henan province. 利用FAO-17Penman修正公式及Penman Monteith公式对豫北地区冬小麦的蒸腾蒸发量进行了计算,并与试验实测结果进行对比分析,结果表明:由于两种方法选用了不同的空气动力学项和辐射项公式,造成计算结果有一定的差异,但从整个小麦生育期来看,这两种方法总体上误差不超过10%;两种方法对豫北地区冬小麦的蒸散量的计算结果,其总体变化趋势与实际较吻合,在各生育期内,绝对误差不超过18mm,全生育期不超过40mm,估计相对误差在10%内,两种方法比较,Penman Monteith公式更适合当地情况。
2.Of all components of water balance in farmlands, evapotranspiration, capillary rise from a water table and deep percolation are difficult to determine.在农田水分平衡中,较难测定的要素有农田蒸腾蒸发量、地下水毛细上升量和土壤水渗漏量。
6)year of vaporize mete年蒸发量

蒸发量蒸发量evaporation amount  旧ng(evaPoration amount)一定时段内从一定的表面积的纯净水(冰)面上可能逸出的水汽量。通常所指的蒸发量实际上是指水汽分子从燕发面逸出的通量与水汽分子返回蒸发面的通量之差,即蒸发面净逸出的水汽通量。地面气象观测项目中的*.蒸发量”指的是将水置于特定容器(即蒸发器)中这样一种特殊情况下所测得的蒸发。气象上通常用所燕发的水层深度来表示蒸发量的大小,以毫米为单位。 (林哗)