1.Approach on Construction of Everglade Garden in Xining;西宁湿地公园的建设探讨
2.Content of Air-borne Microbes Above Xining, Qinghai Lake and Geermu in Qinghai Provence;西宁 青海湖 格尔木的空气微生物含量
3.Study on the Mineral Elements of Rhubarb Cultivated in Xining of Qinghai;青海西宁种植大黄中矿物质元素研究

1.Lanzhou-Xining-Yinchuan Urban Corridor and China s Western Development;兰州—西宁—银川城市带与西部开发
2.Xinhua News Agency, Xining, December 21st, by wire新华社西宁十二月二十一日电
3.On the Military Defense and Political Control over Xining Guarding Post In Ming Dynasty明朝西宁卫的军事戍防与政治管控
4.Ai yo yo, I've been in the streets of Xining Town.哎哟哟,西宁城街里我去过
5.The Aged Atrial Fibrillation in Xining area-clinical analysis of 580 cases西宁地区老年心房颤动580例临床分析
6.Status Quo and Development Countermeasures on Forestry of Unpublic Ownership In Xining西宁市非公有制林业现状与发展对策
8.Fang Yannian was born in Xining city, Qinghai province in 1946.方延年,一九四六年生于青海省西宁市。
9.I'd rather see a western.我宁可看西部片。?
10.Guangxi Nanning Sucrose Esters Factory广西南宁市蔗糖酯厂
11."Since beauty is honoured all over the Empire, How could Xi Shi remain humbly at home? --"艳色天下重, 西施宁久微?
12.A Historical Retrospect on Ningbo s Opening-up to the West and the Formation of the Ningbo Gang;西方开埠宁波的历史回顾和宁波帮的形成
13.A Review of Leninist Theory of Political Parties by "Western Leninology;评“西方列宁学”关于列宁政党学说的观点
14.I feel too emotional to swallow anything.心里不安宁,什么东西也咽不下。
15.I' d rather go hungry than eat that !我宁可挨饿也不吃那种东西!
16.Ningbo Atlantic Ocean Health Bath Tool Co., Ltd.宁波大西洋卫浴有限公司
17.Ningbo IDC International Trading Co., Ltd.宁波艾迪西国际贸易有限公司
18.the Ningxia Hui autonomous Region, Guangdong Province, the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Fujian Province and Jiangsu Province.宁夏和广东、广西、云南、福建、江苏等地。

1.Source analysis of TSP in urban atmosphere of Xining;西宁市市区环境空气中总悬浮颗粒物来源解析
2.Talk about development of tourism industry in Xining;对西宁市旅游业发展的思考
3.Elementary Analysis for Xining`s Tour Image Orientation;西宁市旅游形象定位初探
3)Xining Dahuang (rheum tanguticum maxim.ex balf.)西宁大黄
1.Standard Xining Dahuang (rheum tanguticum maxim.采用红外光谱法并结合二维相关光谱 (two dimensionalcorrelationspectroscopy)分析技术 ,对药用西宁大黄和伪品华北大黄进行了无损快速鉴别研究。
4)Huaning Company西昌华宁
5)Xining City西宁市
1.Completion of Xining City Soil Erosion Monitoring Based on GIS;基于地理信息系统的西宁市土壤侵蚀监测的实现
2.On the Current Situation,Problems and Strategies of Criminal Investigation Force and Its Essential in Xining City;西宁市刑侦队伍和基础工作现状、问题及对策
3.The Thinking on the Sustained Development of Xining City;对西宁市可持续发展的思考
6)Xining region西宁地区
1.Preliminary analyze nature superiority of Propagation gladiolus variety ball in Xining region;浅谈西宁地区繁殖唐菖蒲种球的自然优势
2.This article discusses the operation parameters and cleaning effect of VFEA craft' s cycle circuit in Xining region.对文泡间电酸洗净化工艺在西宁地区的循环回路、工艺参数及净化效率进行了探讨。
3.Objective To explore the mental health status of college students in the Xining region.目的探讨西宁地区大学生心理健康状况及相关因素。

西宁  清代卫、府名。北宋崇宁三年(1104),改鄯州为西宁州,取西陲安宁之意。也有人认为系先零、西纳音译。元代仍称西宁州。明洪武六年(1373)正月改置西宁卫。十九年筑卫城。清初因之未改。清雍正二年(1724)平定和硕特部蒙古贵族罗卜藏丹津叛乱后,改西宁卫为西宁府,属甘肃省,并置西宁、碾伯(今青海乐都)二县,府治西宁县。又置大通卫,筑永安、白塔、大通三营堡,隶于西宁府。以后陆续增置改隶,到道光九年(1829)西宁府辖西宁、碾伯、大通三县和循化、贵德、巴燕戎格(今青海化隆)、丹噶尔(今青海湟源)四厅。雍正三年清廷设钦差办理青海蒙古番子事务大臣衙门,驻甘肃西宁,管辖青海地区,简称西宁办事大臣。民国初年改称青海办事长官。1914年裁府,改为西宁道。1915年裁办事长官,改设蒙番宣慰使,由甘边宁海镇守使兼任,仍驻西宁。1929年青海建省,以西宁为省会。