1.The deformation partition on the collapsed accumulation body by fractal theory;崩塌堆积体变形分形分区研究
2.The Climatic Characteristics Analysis And Objective Partition Of Precipitation In Flood Season In Guangxi;广西汛期降水气候特征分析及客观分区

1.subzone [water control zone]分区〔水质管制区〕
2.regional and subregional advisory services区域和分区域咨询服务
3.harbour subzone [water control zone]海港分区〔水质管制区〕
4.Channel Subzone [water control zone]海峡分区〔水质管制区〕
5.buffer subzone [water control zone]缓冲分区〔水质管制区〕
6.Partitions cannot be merged because the source partition is the same as the target partition.由于源分区和目标分区相同,所以无法合并分区
7.Primary Research on the Regional Tectonic Stability of Suqian-Nanjing Area宿迁—南京地区区域构造稳定性分区
8.Not divided into zones.不分区的不分地带的
9.A portion of a partitioned data set.分区数据集的一部分。
10.Marks the current basic partition as active.将当前基本分区标记为活动的分区
11.Partitions cannot be merged because the source partition does not exist由于源分区不存在,所以无法合并分区
12.Cannot update partitioning column '%.*ls' on partitioned view '%.*ls'.无法更新分区视图 ''%3!'' 上的分区列 ''%1!''。
13."Remove partition as active partition"将磁盘分区作为活动磁盘分区删除
14.Cannot merge partitions. One of the partitions has no data.无法合并分区。其中一个分区无数据。
15.The scenic area is made up of lakes, rolling fields and hillsides.景苑区分为湖区、平原区、山区三部分。
16.flow separation region水流分离区气流分离区
17.Urban-Rural Regional Planning & Analysis区域规化与区域分析
18.Basically there are there patts to the plant;the supply area, the assembly area and the dispatch area.厂区基本上分为三部分:供货区、组装区和发货区。

1.Ecological function zoning in Liaoning Province.;辽宁省生态功能分区研究
2.Research into functional mixing and zoning of medieval European cities;中世纪欧洲城市的功能混合与分区研究
3.Risk zoning and assessment of loose earth landslides along the bank of the Chongqing Resservoir;重庆库区松散土体滑坡危险性评价——万州区天城实验小学滑坡危险性分区评价
1.Computing method of divisional ecological and environmental water requirement for river channel and its application to the Yellow River Basin;河道生态环境分区需水量的计算方法与实例分析
2.Division of Palm Regarding Total Palmar Digital Nerve and Total Palmar Digital Artery;手掌分区与指掌侧总神经和指掌侧总动脉
3.Evaluation on composition and division of cropland value in Fujian based on GIS;基于GIS技术的福建省耕地价值构成与分区评价
1.The regionalization and distribution types of the bryophytes in China;中国苔藓植物的地理分区及分布类型
2.Study on the regionalization of freeze-thaw zones in China and the erosion characteristics我国冻融区划分与分区侵蚀特征研究
3.This paper describes a new method for waterway regionalization in generating waterway DEM,which realizes seamless connection of regions and enhances the speed of generating waterway DEM.针对航道的带状区域特征,提出了建立航道数字高程模型的一种分区技术,首先对航道进行分区,各分区再生成DEM,最后对各分区DEM进行无缝连接,提高了航道数字高程模型的建立速度。
1.Study on Subarea Bearing Capacity of Foundation in Loess District;黄土地区地基承载力分区的研究
2.On function subarea of tourism environment of scenic and historic area of Zhongshan in Nanjing;南京钟山风景名胜区旅游环境功能分区研究
3.Preliminary study on subarea of soil nutrients at the county level in karst mountainous region;喀斯特山区县级尺度土壤养分分区初探
1.Genetic algorithms to optimize the uneven subregional water supply in water supply system in irrigated areas;灌区非均匀给水系统中分区给水优化的遗传算法
2.The first scheme is that the operations of 10 bottom outlets were used in interval,and,the seeond ,in subregion regulation.研究了两种调度方案,即10个底孔间隔开启方案和分区调度方案。

分区分区  即对整体或某一器官的进一步区分。这便于诊断和鉴别诊断。临床用体有标志将某一区域再分成若干区,如*腹部分区,胃的分区等。