1.Comparison of Kant s Agnosticism and Hume s Agnosticism;康德与休谟的不可知论之比较
2.Quantum mechanics has nothing to do with idealism and agnosticism, but it emphasizes logic substantial evidence, making researches into the microcosmic particles behavior through the abstract science and idealization.量子力学与唯心主义认识论和不可知论毫无联系。
3.Although late in the term agnosticism,but with agnosticism thinking of the ancient philosopher has never been interrupted.不可知论(Agnosticism)一词,是由英国博物学家赫胥黎于1869年首次提出的。

1.Relating to or being an agnostic.不可知论不可知论者的或与之有关的
2.An Analysis on the Inevitability of Contradictions between Cognoscism and Agnosticism in Locke s Philosophy;洛克哲学可知论与不可知论矛盾的必然性
3.So I am an agnostic. In my opinion, agnosticism (in the sense that God either exists or non-exists) is the most robust position to take.所以我是不可知论者。我认为不可知论﹙神存在或不存在义﹚最坚稳。
4.An agnostic is a doubter.不可知论者即是怀疑论者。
5.Philosophical Reflections on Untranslatability: Discussion on Untranslatability or Agnosticism;不可译性的哲理思辩——对《不可译论还是不可知论》一文的商榷
6.Agnostic: A person who believes that nothing can be known about God or life after death.不可知论:指相信上帝、神、回等现象是不可被认知的。
7.The New Undersand and Scynificance About the Relationship of Skepticism And agnoticism;对怀疑论与不可知论关系的新认识及其意义
8.I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men is sure of.我是个不可知论者;我不假装知道许多无知的人以为知道的一清二楚的东西。
9.Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds.天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。
10.The belief that there can be no proof either that God exists or that God does not exist.不可知论认为无法证明上帝存在与否的信仰
11.An Analysis of the Agnosticism in the Epistemological Premise of Fasificationism;析证伪主义认识前提中的不可知论色彩
12.J.Locke s Agnostic Factors and Anti-Metaphysics Tendency;洛克的不可知论因素及反形而上学倾向
13.And now agnosticism is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism.不可知论者通常介于有神论与无神论之间的那部分人。
14.In the western world, an agnostic is one who doubts or disbelieves the main tenets of the Christian faith.在西方世界,不可知论者就是怀疑或不信基督教基本教义的人。
15.I wonder if I could hand in the paper tomorrow?我不知道我是不是可以在明天交论文?
16.Discussion on Knowability of Things and Non-exhaustiveness of Cognition of Things;论事物的可知属性与对其认识的不可穷尽性
17.On Inseparable Relationship Between Theory and Practice of Translation --The End of NATONATO:"no action, talk only" on Translation;非知者不能行,非行者不能知——译界“空谈理论”之风可以休矣
18.Really? I didn't know.真的?我可不知道。

4)Debate on the Agnosticism不可知论辨正
5)Re-thinking Agnosticsm重思不可知论
6)knowability theory可知论
1.Paradox between knowability theory and dialectical materialism;可知论与唯物辩证法的悖论
2.Jin s epistemological stand alternates between knowability theory and scepticism. 金岳霖先生的认识论与现代西方认识论有着深刻的内在渊源;与现代西方认识论一样,金先生认为,既成的"各种自然科学知识"是认识论研究的根本出发点,认识论的本质是哲学怀疑论,认识论关注的是知识结果的"逻辑结构"或知识的"理";金先生的认识论立场在可知论和怀疑论之间摇摆。
