1.The Long Distance Monitor and Control System of Injection Machine Basing on the Ethernet;基于以太网的注塑机远程监控系统
2.Study of welding machine connects to Ethernet based on embedded gateway;基于嵌入式网关的电焊机以太网接入方法研究
3.Application of Industrial Ethernet and Profibus DP to Alloy Steel Casting Machine;ProfibusDP网及工业以太网在合金钢连铸机中的应用

1.Gigabit Ethernet (2)千兆位以太网(2)
2.Gigabit Ethernet (1)千兆位以太网(1)
3.Switched vs. fast Ethernet交换式以太网与快速以太网
4.Wireless Ethernet Technology Lectures(3) Wireless Ethernet Network Element Equipment(Ⅱ)无线以太网技术讲座(3) 无线以太网网元设备(二)
5.Ethernet file transfer protocol以太网文件传送协议
6.fibre optic Ethernet transceiver光纤以太网收发信机
7.Ethernet Interface Node (EIN)以太网接口节点 (EIN)
8.And gigabit Ethernet lies ahead, too.千兆位以太网也已出现。
9.Research on the Technology of Ethernet Access to SUPANET;以太网接入SUPANET技术研究
10.Ethernet Interface Design Based on TMS320F206 Digital Signal Process System;TMS320F206 DSP的以太网接口设计
11.Embedded LAN simulation controlled by ENC28J60 based on Proteus 7.1Proteus7.1以太网动态仿真研究
12.The Technology of Gigabit Ethernet and the Implementation of Gigabit Ethernet Switcher千兆以太网技术及千兆以太网交换机的实现
13.Wireless Ethernet Technology Lectures(4) Wireless Ethernet Network Topology Architecture无线以太网技术讲座(4) 无线以太网拓扑结构
14.Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Fast Ethernet Upgrading千兆位以太网技术与快速以太网的升级
15.Today's Ethernet networks -- particularly on the backbone -- use switched rather than shared Ethernet.今天的以太网——特别是主干网,采用交换式而不是共享式以太网
16.An Application of kilomega Ethernet Technology in the MAN Con Struction千兆以太网在城域网建设中的应用
17.Ethernet, of course, dominates the LAN.当然,以太网支配着局域网。
18.Fast Ethernet Configuration and Performance快速以太网配置技术与网络性能分析

ethernet network以太网
1.It uses Ethernet network to conmmunicate between the PLC and the industrial control computer.该控制系统采用工业控制计算机作为上位机,可编程控制器(P L C)为基本控制级,P L C和工控机之间采取以太网通讯。
2.An inertial navigation simulation system which uses 1553B buses, 429 buses and Ethernet network is designed.介绍一种采用 1553B 总线、429 总线和以太网三种接口的惯导仿真系统设计与实现的方法。
3.The system builds a hardware platform on the FPGA,and realizes the control of smart home system u- sing ethernet network,it also describes an overview of the architecture and software framework,and it designs the desktop software which works on the client.系统在FPGA上搭建硬件平台,利用以太网实现对家居系统的远程智能控制,给出软件设计的主要流程以及部分设计要点,并编写了客户端的桌面控制软件,最后,对实验系统进行了测试和验证。
1.After researching of the system architecture of integration the enterprise message network with the field bus and the integration technology of the Ethernet and field bus,this paper mentions several interconnecting strategies between the field bus networks and Ethemet,thereby it shows the possibility of the interconnection between the field bus networks via Ethern.在现代工业企业中实现底层控制网络与企业信息网络之间的信息交换是一种发展趋势,在研究了现场总线与工业企业信息网络集成的系统结构及以太网和现场总线系统的集成技术的基础上,给出了几种现场总线与以太网结合的解决方案;从而使现场总线通过以太网进行互联成为可能,实现了现代化的工业企业网络一体化控制。
2.Through the transplant of uCosll,the translation between CAN protocol and Ethemet protocol has been successfully fulfilled.在设计中充分考虑到LPC2292所具备的这种优点,通过移植实时操作系统uCosll,完成从CAN总线到以太网的协议转换。
4)ether net以太网
1.Application of Ether Net Serial Port Modules In Oil-Field Monitor and Controlling;以太网串口模块在油田生产监控中的应用
2.Intranet System Designed for Iron Works Using Ether Net Technology;用以太网技术设计的炼铁厂高炉局域网控制系统
3.Based on the analysis of the technical characteristics of communication network and the real-time demand of communication, the paper indicates the proper position where field bus and ether net are adaptable in substation integrated automation system and points out that all suppliers applying the standard communication pro.介绍城市轨道交通变电所综合自动化系统的结构,在分析通信网络技术特征和通信实时性要求的基础上,阐述现场总线和以太网在变电所综合自动化中适用的层次;提出在变电站自动化系统中,提高站内通信网的通信开放性的最佳途径是所有厂家都采用标准的通信协议。
1.Development of free-space optical communication system based on internet transmission;电接口以太网传输大气激光通信系统的研制
2.According to the specialities of offshore drilling rig,such as high risk and difficulty in management,a novel remote diagnostic system based on internet technology is presented.针对海洋平台的风险性高、管理难度大等特殊性,提出了一种基于以太网技术的柴油发电机组远程诊断系统。
3.In the end, an example of the Embedded Internet application is introduced for connecting the MCU with the Internet through Ethernet.分析了基于单片机的单芯片以太网连接方案,介绍了MC9S12NE64型单片机的特点,给出了基于MC9S12NE64的以太网络接口的软硬件实现。
6)ethernet DNC以太网DNC
